Decline of Wahabism Begins


Amaan Duule
He already jailed the most prominent Wahabi scholars and nothing ever happened
He jailed scholars that were already outside the Saudi religious establishment. This is something that Saudi kings have always done. @ me once he starts hosting pride parades.

In my college there are alot of rich saudi foreign exchange students. NONE of them pray lol or come to jummah prayers.
Yes, the lifestyles of spoiled rich kids are totally representative of the lifestyles of the average Saudi population. :comeon:

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
He jailed scholars that were already outside the Saudi religious establishment. This is something that Saudi kings have always done. @ me once he starts hosting pride parades.

Yes, the lifestyles of spoiled rich kids are totally representative of the lifestyles of the average Saudi population. :comeon:
Nigga the show is over pack your shit and move to Sufism lol


My friend in Canada told me few years ago Saudi are geared towards this approach because theyr saliid is soon empty. And he havent missed.

The well is soon dry, even tho they are OPEC and are the literal oil cartel, they definetly over played their hand. Ofcourse ARAMCO wont disclose the actual oil reserves.
Nahh, they got like another 60-70 years left :faysalwtf:


Iran was never a hardline sharia run Islamic country like Saudi Arabia though, that’s a completely different situation. They had a democratic government. The Shah was also Muslim.
No that’s not true, Iran is no different to Saudi Arabia they’re a Shia run Shariah country, just more competent. The Shah was a dictator and actually banned Hijab.


That's why I was betting on the Houthis to beat those Wahabi scum, but the war in Gaza prevented it from happening because the Houthis were preparing to battle the Saudis and take control of the Hejaz region, which is home to the two holy mosques. However, their plan was derailed by the unexpected conflict in Gaza.
Houthis are Muslim still, they’re not liberals. Despite my dislike for Salafism, don’t conflate Islam with Salafism.

The Houthis are Zaidi Shias, and aren’t like Twelvers but more similar to Sunnis. When they had their own Zaidi state that controlled most of Yemen in the pre colonial age, they actually made Shawkani, a Salafi scholar contemporary to ibn abdul wahabb, their leading number one Mufti and Imam of the entire Shia kingdom.

Internet Nomad

Its not fair that they poisoned other nations with their radical ideology and get to change their own culture on a whim after leaving multiple nations in turnmoil in their past.

I want a refund.


Wahhabism/Salafism doesn't have a traditional base to fall back on when hard times come and funding wears thin. When the Saudi state really takes the shift thats when you'll notice the dividends play out. Just take one example. Anyone of you who has the privilege of going Umrah, try and go during the Mawlid. Come to Makkah and Madinah on the Mawlid and see the traditional natives of Hijaz celebrate the Mawlid by giving away free gifts, dates and food. Decades of indoctrination but the native Hijazis here still cling onto their roots. It's going to be a slow but sure death and everyone will go back to their roots.
Houthis are Muslim still, they’re not liberals. Despite my dislike for Salafism, don’t conflate Islam with Salafism.

The Houthis are Zaidi Shias, and aren’t like Twelvers but more similar to Sunnis. When they had their own Zaidi state that controlled most of Yemen in the pre colonial age, they actually made Shawkani, a Salafi scholar contemporary to ibn abdul wahabb, their leading number one Mufti and Imam of the entire Shia kingdom.
The Houthi leadership has banned the Zaidi school in some areas of control and they’re even killed some of their scholars. The leader of the Houthis converted to Twelver Shia during his studies in Iran and that is what the majority of them are on. In 20 years time, large swathes of Yemen will be 12 Shia majority allied to Iran unless they’re defeated.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Good, Wahabism is poison and takfirism. They have done immense damage to the yourh who now insult Sufi scholars in Somalia and mock their age old teachings. Thank God Central Somalis rejected Wahabism and kept the traditions alive.


The Houthi leadership has banned the Zaidi school in some areas of control and they’re even killed some of their scholars. The leader of the Houthis converted to Twelver Shia during his studies in Iran and that is what the majority of them are on. In 20 years time, large swathes of Yemen will be 12 Shia majority allied to Iran unless they’re defeated.
That’s like saying, Hamas converted to Twelver Shi’ism and Palestinians will be majority Shia in 20 years lol. The only puppet of Iran is Hezbollah, not Houthis or Hamas who are allies of convenience.

