Decline of Wahabism Begins


EritreanPost ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ด๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ฌ |Eritrean news blogger
Its good if it was true but the British MI6 themselves were responsible for spreading Wahabism, they supported Mujahideen under Osama bin laden against soviets

Uk and America backed the Muslim brotherhood in Libya and gulf states like Qatar and Saud own a lot of infrastructure in the UK and are big clients of the western arms industry
Wahhabism/Salafism doesn't have a traditional base to fall back on when hard times come and funding wears thin. When the Saudi state really takes the shift thats when you'll notice the dividends play out. Just take one example. Anyone of you who has the privilege of going Umrah, try and go during the Mawlid. Come to Makkah and Madinah on the Mawlid and see the traditional natives of Hijaz celebrate the Mawlid by giving away free gifts, dates and food. Decades of indoctrination but the native Hijazis here still cling onto their roots. It's going to be a slow but sure death and everyone will go back to their roots.
I went to Umrah, last year around the time of the Mawlid and due to connections went to many local Hijazi mawlid gatherings held in the homes of native Saudi citizens. Very beautiful, the Qasaโ€˜id sung and the vibe was very beautiful. They were native Quraishiโ€™s and even some from the famous Harbi clan who are the laandheereyaal of Madinah, whose families were the Islamic judges and leaders of Madinah. They still have social and economic clout but hide their affinity to Tassawuf and hold their Dhikr and Ilmi gatherings in their homes.

Salafism stronghold is definitely in the Najd, not so much in the Hijaz and Eastern Regions. I also heard Salafis having clout in the South of Mamlaka.

Omar del Sur

ุนู„ู… ุงู„ุณู„ู > ุนู„ู… ุงู„ุฎู„ู
@Omar del Sur thoughts on the mass takfir of mufti sheikh muhammed bin ibrahim?

no, I'm tired of every time there's a Saudi thread some person has to tag me. ppl can read my posts on Venezuela in the global section. notice how they're way more detailed than anything by me on Saudi politics.

they should tag me if they want to do a thread on Latin America, I'm not the Saudi embassy and I'm tired of ppl tagging me every time they do these threads. I have very little anything to do with Saudi Arabia. I used to collect Pokemon cards as a kid but that doesn't mean I'm the Japan embassy. posting some Sheikh Fawzan clips here and there doesn't mean I'm the Saudi spokesman. I don't even like the Saudi gov and I would laugh if MBS got overthrown like I laughed when Sheikh Hasina got removed.


no, I'm tired of every time there's a Saudi thread some person has to tag me. ppl can read my posts on Venezuela in the global section. notice how they're way more detailed than anything by me on Saudi politics.

they should tag me if they want to do a thread on Latin America, I'm not the Saudi embassy and I'm tired of ppl tagging me every time they do these threads. I have very little anything to do with Saudi Arabia. I used to collect Pokemon cards as a kid but that doesn't mean I'm the Japan embassy. posting some Sheikh Fawzan clips here and there doesn't mean I'm the Saudi spokesman. I don't even like the Saudi gov and I would laugh if MBS got overthrown like I laughed when Sheikh Hasina got removed.
you are a defender of salafism on here. so we gonna tag you when we post salafi spiritual forefathers making extreme statements.

Omar del Sur

ุนู„ู… ุงู„ุณู„ู > ุนู„ู… ุงู„ุฎู„ู
you are a defender of salafism on here. so we gonna tag you when we post salafi spiritual forefathers making extreme statements.

first off I am not a salafi. secondly, I am not a salafi.

thirdly, I'd like to mention that I am not a salafi.

I am a Muslim, I believe in Quran and Sunnah and I believe they should be understood as the salaf as salih understood them.

whoever thinks it's ok to interpret Islam in a way that isn't in line with the salaf... that is like being a flat earther. anyone in their right mind knows that we should follow the understanding of the salaf.

none of the salaf I'm aware of had anything to do with the Saudi government. and scholars were talking about following the salaf way before there was any Saudi state.

as for some sort of modern movement, I'm not part of any modern movement.

Omar del Sur

ุนู„ู… ุงู„ุณู„ู > ุนู„ู… ุงู„ุฎู„ู
also all the atheists/sufis/liberals/feminists/etc who periodically make these END OF WAHHABISM triumphalist threads since for like the past seven years... you can say this all you want but if Putin and... whoever the US president is... they could nuke Saudi tomorrow, Saudi could cease to exist and yet people are still going to be doing things like calling mawlid bid'ah, talk about tawheed and not do things like pray to dead sufi saints... that is why I didn't waste my time with this thread before I was tagged

Omar del Sur

ุนู„ู… ุงู„ุณู„ู > ุนู„ู… ุงู„ุฎู„ู
I did not care at all about this thread. but I could die from a heart attack at this very moment (may Allah protect my health). so what? a huge percentage of this forum, possibly the majority- and a huge percentage of your counterparts "back home".... they will still believe (rightfully) that mawlid is bid'ah.... I could be slumped over dead from a heart attack, Saudi could be nuked... those vast percentages will still believe mawlid is bid'ah, some of them will go on to teach others and ideas like "mawlid is bid'ah" are not going anywhere. so people can tag me all they want, they can make a million threads warning about THE SAUDI WAHHABIS... those ideas are not going anywhere.... millions and millions have had their eyes opened that the mawlid celebrations are bid'ah and that praying to dead saints is not Islam... once they've had their eyes opened, you can't just make them unsee what they've seen... Saudi has done its job and we don't actually need Saudi anymore

Omar del Sur

ุนู„ู… ุงู„ุณู„ู > ุนู„ู… ุงู„ุฎู„ู
I was summoned and here I am and I want to add a bit more. people need to stop conflating Salafiyyah with Saudi Arabia.

even if you hate salafiyyah- shouldn't you from a strategic standpoint "know your enemy"?

salafiyyah was the spirit and Saudi was the vessel. it had other vessels before and it will have other vessels after. it's amazing to me how this vast coalition stands in front of little old me... liberals, white US politicians in suits with serious expressions sounding very stern, feminists angry about whatever they're angry about at the moment, sufis... even Modi and the BJP ("Sufism is a force for peace", it was something like that Modi said I think)... all these random forces including ones we've never even heard of.... I saw this right-wing Salvador Abascal politician... he is like Tommy Robinson of Spain... he was going on a campaign specifically against Salafi masajid... why don't the Modis and Salvador Abascals go after the sufis?

anyways, it's amazing to me how this vast ginormous coalition stands with their torches and pitchforks gathered against WAHHABISM... THE WAHHABIS... SALAFIS.... it is just hilarious to me... Salafis are just not that powerful... it's just some ordinary brothers, humble ordinary Muslims... and the forces of the world gather against them.... and these ordinary brothers win! I can smell the fear from the mighty coalition. the Saudi gov itself can join in against the salafis, I think it has- but I believe salafiyyah is just gaining in strength... what can you do against ideas like "mawlid is bid'ah"... "don't pray to dead saints"... it's just the truth... if Allah and the truth are on your side, the superpowers of the world are helpless against you Allahu Akbar
Thatโ€™s like saying, Hamas converted to Twelver Shiโ€™ism and Palestinians will be majority Shia in 20 years lol. The only puppet of Iran is Hezbollah, not Houthis or Hamas who are allies of convenience.
I made mistake when I wrote they follow Shia twelver ( theyโ€™ve still been heavily influenced but them through the seminar centres in Iran city of QOm). The Houthi leadership traditionally followed the Jarudi school of Zaidism, which is said to be closer to Shia Twelverism than traditional Zaydis. Theyโ€™ve long ago fallen out with the traditional Zaydi Uelma.

Their alliance with Iran is not one of convenience, for the top brass of their leadership studied in Iran.
The Houthis believe in the concept of Wilayatul Al Faaqih which is central pillar of Shia revolutionary movements. Furthemore, they also have an extreme interpretation of the imam/ruler being from lineage of the Hashmites. Houthis model of revolution and even their slogan is burrowed from Iran.

You canโ€™t really compare them to Hamas, a Sunni movement. There are videos of the Houthi leader insulting the Sahaba.


I went to Umrah, last year around the time of the Mawlid and due to connections went to many local Hijazi mawlid gatherings held in the homes of native Saudi citizens. Very beautiful, the Qasaโ€˜id sung and the vibe was very beautiful. They were native Quraishiโ€™s and even some from the famous Harbi clan who are the laandheereyaal of Madinah, whose families were the Islamic judges and leaders of Madinah. They still have social and economic clout but hide their affinity to Tassawuf and hold their Dhikr and Ilmi gatherings in their homes.

Salafism stronghold is definitely in the Najd, not so much in the Hijaz and Eastern Regions. I also heard Salafis having clout in the South of Mamlaka.

The Harbi, Muzainah, Juhainah who are the bedouin tribes and the local Ansaris of Madinah and the tribes of Tihamah are all solidly Sufi and have little inclination towards Wahhabism. I also was a guest of honour during their Mawlid festivals. Most people abroad would think they're Salafis but these are the natives of Hijaz. The Wahhabi stronghold is only one place called Qaseem in Najd. They make up the religious establishment of the country although they're powers are fading at rapid speed.
The UK is home to a number of insane radical extremists who support terrorist organisations because they were educated in Wahabi Madrasas funded by the Saudis under Pakistanis. Now they will no longer receive funding from Saudi Arabia and They will eventually fall apart. Saudi Arabia was the world's largest financier of Wahabism. With its Petrodollar, MBS intends to eradicate Wahabism from his nation and all of its vassals abroad.
View attachment 339682
You think Sunnah is spread by giving money to islamic institutions ?? whatever they do they won't extinguish the light of Islam :)


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Wahhabism/Salafism doesn't have a traditional base to fall back on when hard times come and funding wears thin. When the Saudi state really takes the shift thats when you'll notice the dividends play out. Just take one example. Anyone of you who has the privilege of going Umrah, try and go during the Mawlid. Come to Makkah and Madinah on the Mawlid and see the traditional natives of Hijaz celebrate the Mawlid by giving away free gifts, dates and food. Decades of indoctrination but the native Hijazis here still cling onto their roots. It's going to be a slow but sure death and everyone will go back to their roots.
I was summoned and here I am and I want to add a bit more. people need to stop conflating Salafiyyah with Saudi Arabia.

even if you hate salafiyyah- shouldn't you from a strategic standpoint "know your enemy"?

salafiyyah was the spirit and Saudi was the vessel. it had other vessels before and it will have other vessels after. it's amazing to me how this vast coalition stands in front of little old me... liberals, white US politicians in suits with serious expressions sounding very stern, feminists angry about whatever they're angry about at the moment, sufis... even Modi and the BJP ("Sufism is a force for peace", it was something like that Modi said I think)... all these random forces including ones we've never even heard of.... I saw this right-wing Salvador Abascal politician... he is like Tommy Robinson of Spain... he was going on a campaign specifically against Salafi masajid... why don't the Modis and Salvador Abascals go after the sufis?

anyways, it's amazing to me how this vast ginormous coalition stands with their torches and pitchforks gathered against WAHHABISM... THE WAHHABIS... SALAFIS.... it is just hilarious to me... Salafis are just not that powerful... it's just some ordinary brothers, humble ordinary Muslims... and the forces of the world gather against them.... and these ordinary brothers win! I can smell the fear from the mighty coalition. the Saudi gov itself can join in against the salafis, I think it has- but I believe salafiyyah is just gaining in strength... what can you do against ideas like "mawlid is bid'ah"... "don't pray to dead saints"... it's just the truth... if Allah and the truth are on your side, the superpowers of the world are helpless against you Allahu Akbar
I think youโ€™re over reacting. I canโ€™t speak for others but I have no problem with Salafis for being Salafis. I have plenty of friends and family who adhere to that way of approaching Islam. I also see no problem learning with them or praying behind them. But the extreme of you, are usually the ones who seek power to persecute others and convince your following to cut off other Muslims who might differ with you and at worse kill those who disagree with you. Iโ€™m not engaging in generalizing all of you, but once you guys get in power, you guys have a huge track record of persecuting people.
I made mistake when I wrote they follow Shia twelver ( theyโ€™ve still been heavily influenced but them through the seminar centres in Iran city of QOm). The Houthi leadership traditionally followed the Jarudi school of Zaidism, which is said to be closer to Shia Twelverism than traditional Zaydis. Theyโ€™ve long ago fallen out with the traditional Zaydi Uelma.

Their alliance with Iran is not one of convenience, for the top brass of their leadership studied in Iran.
The Houthis believe in the concept of Wilayatul Al Faaqih which is central pillar of Shia revolutionary movements. Furthemore, they also have an extreme interpretation of the imam/ruler being from lineage of the Hashmites. Houthis model of revolution and even their slogan is burrowed from Iran.

You canโ€™t really compare them to Hamas, a Sunni movement. There are videos of the Houthi leader insulting the Sahaba.
Houthis are a Zaydi revivalist movement predominantly supported by Hashimate clans or families that felt they're being marginalized in the country ever since the establishment of the republican system that overthrow the Imamate that dominated in the hills of northern Yemen for over thousands of years where they butchered and enslaved northern Yemen mountain tribes in the name of religion but in their Shia theology and ironically they don't see themselves as Yemenis but masters of Yemeni people
Wahhabism/Salafism doesn't have a traditional base to fall back on when hard times come and funding wears thin. When the Saudi state really takes the shift thats when you'll notice the dividends play out. Just take one example. Anyone of you who has the privilege of going Umrah, try and go during the Mawlid. Come to Makkah and Madinah on the Mawlid and see the traditional natives of Hijaz celebrate the Mawlid by giving away free gifts, dates and food. Decades of indoctrination but the native Hijazis here still cling onto their roots. It's going to be a slow but sure death and everyone will go back to their roots.
Mawlid is bid'ah created by shia fatimides and majority of Hejaz alhamdulilah are on the minhaj of Salaf as Saleh
Houthis are Muslim still, theyโ€™re not liberals. Despite my dislike for Salafism, donโ€™t conflate Islam with Salafism.

The Houthis are Zaidi Shias, and arenโ€™t like Twelvers but more similar to Sunnis. When they had their own Zaidi state that controlled most of Yemen in the pre colonial age, they actually made Shawkani, a Salafi scholar contemporary to ibn abdul wahabb, their leading number one Mufti and Imam of the entire Shia kingdom.
Lmao Houthis main representative in the Yemeni dialogue council in 2013 advocated Yemen to become a secular state where religion has no say in politics

And now since they came in power they restored the sectarian discriminatory Zaydi Imamate policies that existed before the proclamation of the Republican state

Here's Houthi previous leader attacking the sahabas

Houthi preacher dog cursing us for following the Sahaba

Houthi official going after the companion Abu Hurairah

Compilation of Houthis cursing figures of Islam

Seems like you have no knowledge of what Houthis are or what Hadawiyah Zaydi shia are
Good, Wahabism is poison and takfirism. They have done immense damage to the yourh who now insult Sufi scholars in Somalia and mock their age old teachings. Thank God Central Somalis rejected Wahabism and kept the traditions alive.
Takfirism in deviant sects is like drinking a water except for ahlu sunnah wa ja'ma aka As Salaf us Saleh where there's conditions of judgment of kufr to someone coming from the Sunnah and the Quran and if the person meets those conditions then the kufr will apply to them unless they repent from it and that's only when the person is aware of their actions for ignorant person when the hujjah is applied to them they can't go back to their previous beliefs.

