DEVASTATING: Youtuber asks people on the street “which African country has the most handsome men”. Geeljires were ignored (xaliimos here happy)

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They need to focus on something useful , instead , this is quite laughable I don't understand why western oriented people are so keen onto looks when they'll wrinkle very soon expiring like milk.
At this point, if we continue on this self destructive path. I can guarantee that we will loose more braincells , our society will get dumber and more stupid , I mean we are witnessing an epidemic here , among the Geeljires ,the xaliimoids like @Viscount spewing garbage , to say that Somali men having shrinking jawlines and weak chins due to mouth breathing is the most retarded comment I've ever read.

@Angelina , you are right about us being skinny , very slender and thin but you got one thing wrong , we have muscles , I'm not talking about the city dwellers , the nomads and rural Somalis are skinny with muscles it has an advantage we can endure the harsh climate , walk long distances without stopping, we are faster and can throw spears at predatorous animals without flinching compared to the city dwelling Somalis they have poor diets and probably have Calool and bidaar at an early stage unfortunately we ruralist are getting exposed to them , I was born into a nomadic lifestyle until moving to a Madow country where these short muscular people cant run for shit without breathing difficulties.


A similar video was done about African women like who are the most beautiful African women and none mentioned Somali women nor any other East African country that's because Somalis are considered non-Africans by the uneducated masses and Somalis don't need to seek validation from non-Somalis like who cares. Too much ignorant generalization going on in this thread. There are good looking people, average looking people, and ugly looking people in every group, simple.


jUst keeping it REAL homie
Looks like Nigerian, Ghanaian and Angolan men are the most desired. To be far though most Somalis left the Netherlands to move to the UK and other countries more than a decade ago. :whoa:
Also there Somalis diaspora population isn’t much compared to madow ones
there are more Nigerians (300k) than Somalis(120k) in the uk and that’s just one Madow nationality , if we were to look at it as a cushite and bantu thing, there are millions of bantu origin madows and only a few thousand cushite origin madows in the west

We tend to forget how small the Somali diaspora is. Why do we act like Somalis are in the millions??

is it Cuz of the online presence we have?
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They need to focus on something useful , instead , this is quite laughable I don't understand why western oriented people are so keen onto looks when they'll wrinkle very soon expiring like milk.
At this point, if we continue on this self destructive path. I can guarantee that we will loose more braincells , our society will get dumber and more stupid , I mean we are witnessing an epidemic here , among the Geeljires ,the xaliimoids like @Viscount spewing garbage , to say that Somali men having shrinking jawlines and weak chins due to mouth breathing is the most retarded comment I've ever read.

@Angelina , you are right about us being skinny , very slender and thin but you got one thing wrong , we have muscles , I'm not talking about the city dwellers , the nomads and rural Somalis are skinny with muscles it has an advantage we can endure the harsh climate , walk long distances without stopping, we are faster and can throw spears at predatorous animals without flinching compared to the city dwelling Somalis they have poor diets and probably have Calool and bidaar at an early stage unfortunately we ruralist are getting exposed to them , I was born into a nomadic lifestyle until moving to a Madow country where these short muscular people cant run for shit without breathing difficulties.
africans focus on useless things. is looks a priority if you don't have running water?


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
i don't get how as nomads we didn't evolve to be mascular. shouldn't that be only for agricultural people like indians? why the f*ck did we get skinny skeletal structure and west africans didn't?? and we have huge milk consumption we should have made as giants like scandinavians

For one, both sides of our ancient ancestry were mostly composed of people who were adapted to really hot climes where it is beneficial to be "long" and "lean" built. You see this all over with desert adapted animals like the Saluki dog, the camel or the native cattle of Arabia. Helps you cool in the heat. If you look at native North-Africans, Dinkas, Bedouins and so forth when they're not eating a fattening modern type diet they generally have such builds and are well adapted for hot environments.

For two, pastoralism isn't as nourishing as people might think. If you are eating dairy 90% of the time and meat is something on rare occasions like it would be with some historical nomadic cultures then you would not have a full nutrient profile. Raw dairy from old animal breeds is a nutritious and lovely thing but it still lacks various nutrients like taurine, creatine, heme-iron and so forth which is why vegetarians (not just vegans) have been shown to still be deficient in some nutrients and turn up with some health issues if they're not diligent.

All that being said, Somalis have plenty of capacity to balloon up fairly easily with good foods and some time in the gym and are fairly above average in terms of height on a global scale when they don't grow up malnourished.


Golan Heights belong to Syria
They have not seen me. Somali men are very handsome. I look in the mirror for over 30 minutes daily and sometimes I have been late to work.
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