DEVASTATING: Youtuber asks people on the street “which African country has the most handsome men”. Geeljires were ignored (xaliimos here happy)

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You need people like me
Where do you live ? I find it very hard to believe that any group of young men, let alone Somalis, are mostly fat and out of shape.

Most young Somali men I know irl, play basketball and soccer with an intensity, and they're usually fit.
Have none of your friends ever played sports before?

In London. Being sport fit doesn't make you attractive lol you need to hit the gym. Wide lats/broad shoulders/abs etc. A lot of gyms now have 16/17 year old Somali boys which is great. On social media you'll see women talk about 'slim hench' which is probably the ideal body type. I started going to the gym at 19 and at 22 it has definitely increased the number of women who flirt or are generally interested.
A lot of you people on this thread have mental issues, lack self esteem or are larping as Somalis

I've seen this forum get hate a lot for being extreme on other platforms like twitter, but I thought they were exaggerating, but people like @Timo Madow and proud @incogkneegrow @Mozart are kind of proving the claims.

Like this entire thread is a projected narrative. Nobody mentioned Somalis in the video laakin the post is titled "Geeljires were ignored (xaliimos here happy)" to get attention. My days.
quit eating rice and pasta and drinking tea with 10 cups of sugar every single day or embrace looking like a xaliimo minus the naaso.

I don't, but I find it's man like you that usually project their feelings onto others.This is the catch 22 I keep talking about, you're either soft or cope and act like it's not directed and joining in.

Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement
I've seen this forum get hate a lot for being extreme on other platforms like twitter, but I thought they were exaggerating, but people like @Timo Madow and proud @incogkneegrow @Mozart are kind of proving the claims.

Like this entire thread is a projected narrative. Nobody mentioned Somalis in the video laakin the post is titled "Geeljires were ignored (xaliimos here happy)" to get attention. My days.
:mjlol: How am I proving mali hater's claims? For telling the truth? Nobody is going to be naturally built if you're adapted to a desert climate they would die of thirst/starvation. You need to consume more water & food when you're built.
you'll see women talk about 'slim hench' which is probably the ideal body type. I started going to the gym at 19 and at 22 it has definitely increased the number of women who flirt or are generally interested.

Why do you feel the need to mention that? Lol, this is the coping I'm talking about.

In America, the social ranking among youth is that the jocks and athletes are up top and get most of the clout. So, we're competing and comparing ourselves through athletics and our build.

The only way you can bypass this, is by either moving like you're a rapper or trying to fit in with the ciyaal suuq drug dealers to get your clout.
I don't, but I find it's man like you that usually project their feelings onto others.This is the catch 22 I keep talking about, you're either soft or cope and act like it's not directed and joining in.
it's no secret faaraxs look like chicks.
accept it, change it, or try and spin it with your magic. lmao
:mjlol: How am I proving mali hater's claims? For telling the truth? Nobody is going to be naturally built if you're adapted to a desert climate they would die of thirst/starvation. You need to consume more water & food when you're built.

What? So if you live in a desert, you're not "built?". So what about Arabs, they can't be "built" too and the only ones that are built are living in jungles? What about South East Asians, their climate and environment is jungles, are they built? This is the dumb type of stuff that comes out when you generalize people.

This is some pseudo-scientific eugenics type claim. Lol

Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement
What? So if you live in a desert, you're not "built?". So what about Arabs, they can't be "built" too and the only ones that are built are living in jungles? What about South East Asians, their climate and environment is jungles, are they built? This is the dumb type of stuff that comes out when you generalize people.

This is some pseudo-scientific eugenics type claim. Lol
No, I said naturally built, not that you can't gain muscle because of genetic adaption to a desert climate.

The same applies to Arabians too. The environment does play a role there's no denying that & there's no issue with it whatsoever.
Abayo macaan stop the cap the Somali population in the Netherlands is still large enough to be noticed. :dead:

it's a combination of poor diet, low social status, the mouth breathers, and overall laziness to workout that causes Somali men to be unattractive in most cases. Most of us have no idea how to take care of ourselves. Height doesn't mean shit if you're ugly as f*ck in every other department.

I'm being serious their was a massive exodus in the 2000's anyone from Europe will tell you this. A third of Somalis moved to the UK. Their population is very small today compared to before.


Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement
How can you use it for FKD when its not clan related ? :umwhat:
The zoo's are evolving, the days of fighting over who's Arabian baby daddy has the most adoption count are slowly being left behind us.

Now, it is diaspora karbashing that takes up our time! :ohhhdamn: wllhi dutch man's are finished when I catch them lacking.
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Recon Expert

cranking 90s 🥶
I've been checking different communities and see how it is, and I know that's not just us that get jokes. It's a very common theme on twitter that women of ethncities make fun of their own men, I've seen it with Albanians ( , ), Sudanese ( , ), South East Asians ( ,
, Arabs ( )

but the thing that makes us different is that they all have decent countries to go back to, we have almost nothing. So, we're down here and down there.
What do you call a decent country? Because South Asia, Middle East and Albania are also shit regions with low wages and poor services.

Also you should avoid engaging in these types of topics if you get depressed easily cuz i've never heard of an East Asian going back to China or Japan because they made fun of his penis size.
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Not all of us are fat asses sweet pea kkkkkk . Somali girls usually don’t have any muscle mass which is a good thing for women. Only a gay dude would want a chick who can rival his biceps :russ:

Lol, God has blessed us Somali girls. But you do need a bit of Muscle mass, it stops you from being skinny fat.

Somali girls do have muscle, everyone does, just not as much as West African girls.
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