Disintegration of Ethiopia

Yeah I've been see this guy around recently. I don't know how credible he is since it seems like he's a very partisan figure. But one thing for sure it's been 2 years since the tigray war ended. But the situation in ethiopia hasn't improved at all. It's actually in some ways in a worse position then it was right after the war ended. Probaly the biggest thing is that the core regions are unstable and even addis abba people feel the desperation and ethnic resentment. Imagine how much worse it must be far away from the capital.

I'm still unsure about collapse . But expect something to happen since the next election is 2025. Thats when we're gonna see shit really hit the fan.

To me that video for the first time presents a state politician stating the true reality on the ground. If you look at Ethiopian state leaders in general they don't even mention or acknowledge it much , its like with their famine denialism.

This kinda acts as a semi-confirmation.
Yeah I've been see this guy around recently. I don't know how credible he is since it seems like he's a very partisan figure. But one thing for sure it's been 2 years since the tigray war ended. But the situation in ethiopia hasn't improved at all. It's actually in some ways in a worse position then it was right after the war ended. Probaly the biggest thing is that the core regions are unstable and even addis abba people feel the desperation and ethnic resentment. Imagine how much worse it must be far away from the capital.

I'm still unsure about collapse . But expect something to happen since the next election is 2025. Thats when we're gonna see shit really hit the fan.
I hope the cawaan riggs/delays the election and continues to mess up the country


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
You forgot the variable that if ethiopia collapses it could cause the worlds largest refugee crisis resulting in millions exiting the country to safer countries, and I doubt ethiopia will allow for a peaceful breakup only way it will happen is through war and even then the west wont allow it to happen, essentailly ethiopia is kept on life support indefinitely by the west and I dont see them cutting that off soon.
Ethiopians love their country hence it doesn’t completely collapse and someone else just takes over. Somalis have clowns and illiterate cab drivers in charge who are only there to loot and steal. That is why Ethiopia can get away with this.

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Yes, and he foments violence from there against Somalis
Crazy I remember him saying crazy stuff about Somalis. This guy is a genocidal fanatic and seems to be at an ok relationship with the Somali community in MN.

He needs to go to DC/Atlanta where he can coexist with his fellow Ethiopians
Crazy I remember him saying crazy stuff about Somalis. This guy is a genocidal fanatic and seems to be at an ok relationship with the Somali community in MN.

He needs to go to DC/Atlanta where he can coexist with his fellow Ethiopians
Those are amhara in DC they won’t put up with it like Somalis do. The majority of Somalis his people murdered aren’t the ones in MN so I think people are more willing to turn a blind eye.
Oh an another thing is that will likely see an eritrea-ethiopia war next year. The fact that ethiopia state media has started ramping up anti-isais propganda to the point of call him a dictator and an illegitimate leader which abiy hasn't done before.

There's also the fact that assab like that one video said is incredible close to ethiopias border and asmara is on the opposite side of the country. Plus there is only one road connecting assab to the rest of eritrea and ethiopia could just blockade that road.
The dictator narrative doesn't work since Isais has not once ever denied Ethiopia sea access. Its damage control from them and a desperate attempt to demonize opposition.

@Idilinaa pic related is how many Ethiopians feel about Eritrea and the Horn in general. We are dealing with entitled, self victimizing megalomaniacal neighbors who prefer instability and chaos over peaceful coeexistence. Normally I wouldn't care what random people online think but this is literally the exact thought process of Ethiopia's leaders.



♚Sargon of Adal♚
The dictator narrative doesn't work since Isais has not once ever denied Ethiopia sea access. Its damage control from them and a desperate attempt to demonize opposition.

@Idilinaa pic related is how many Ethiopians feel about Eritrea and the Horn in general. We are dealing with entitled, self victimizing megalomaniacal neighbors who prefer instability and chaos over peaceful coeexistence. Normally I wouldn't care what random people online think but this is literally the exact thought process of Ethiopia's leaders.

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They never had a coast, I hope Eriteria kicks them out as usual.
They never had a coast, I hope Eriteria kicks them out as usual.
Before I knew how close assab was to addis i didn't think he'd invade. But its basically the same distance from addis to zeila. And the region assab is in is sparsely populated with only one road connecting it to eritea. Plus the road from adiss to assab touches only the edges of thee amahata and tigray region. Considering how ambitious and greedy abiy is there's no way he won't try to take assab.
I mean look at this . I hope he doesn't but it's such a perfect target that I refuse to belive he can resist the temptation to invade

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">It&#39;s in Eritrea&#39;s best interest to fully transfer Asseb back to Ethiopia; and then negotiate for the partial ownership of Massawa. <a href="https://t.co/YrwQjOg5fa">pic.twitter.com/YrwQjOg5fa</a></p>&mdash; ግሩም የማነ (@YemaneGirum) <a href="">December 23, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Before I knew how close assab was to addis i didn't think he'd invade. But its basically the same distance from addis to zeila. And the region assab is in is sparsely populated with only one road connecting it to eritea. Plus the road from adiss to assab touches only the edges of thee amahata and tigray region. Considering how ambitious and greedy abiy is there's no way he won't try to take assab.
It's crazy they claim Aksum even though The Aksumite Empire was centered in what is now northern Ethiopia and Eritrea, with its capital, Aksum, located in present-day Tigray Region of Ethiopia. It also controlled territories along the Red Sea coast, including parts of modern Eritrea. Thus, much of Aksum’s maritime history is tied to regions that are no longer part of Ethiopia following Eritrea’s independence in 1993.

I mean look at this . I hope he doesn't but it's such a perfect target that I refuse to belive he can resist the temptation to invade

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">It&#39;s in Eritrea&#39;s best interest to fully transfer Asseb back to Ethiopia; and then negotiate for the partial ownership of Massawa. <a href="https://t.co/YrwQjOg5fa">pic.twitter.com/YrwQjOg5fa</a></p>&mdash; ግሩም የማነ (@YemaneGirum) <a href="">December 23, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Eriteria has army of 300,000, while Ethiopia has a similar number but several insurgencies internally, it will spell the end of Ethiopia if they tried.
It's crazy they claim Aksum even though The Aksumite Empire was centered in what is now northern Ethiopia and Eritrea, with its capital, Aksum, located in present-day Tigray Region of Ethiopia. It also controlled territories along the Red Sea coast, including parts of modern Eritrea. Thus, much of Aksum’s maritime history is tied to regions that are no longer part of Ethiopia following Eritrea’s independence in 1993.

Eriteria has army of 300,000, while Ethiopia has a similar number but several insurgencies internally, it will spell the end of Ethiopia if they tried.
I think it could for sure. But he'll definitely still try. I use to think he really did want zeila (he probably still does) but I think his main goal is assab. It's only 5 miles from the ethiopian border. You could literally cross the border and drive there in 15 mins.
It's crazy they claim Aksum even though The Aksumite Empire was centered in what is now northern Ethiopia and Eritrea, with its capital, Aksum, located in present-day Tigray Region of Ethiopia. It also controlled territories along the Red Sea coast, including parts of modern Eritrea. Thus, much of Aksum’s maritime history is tied to regions that are no longer part of Ethiopia following Eritrea’s independence in 1993.

Eriteria has army of 300,000, while Ethiopia has a similar number but several insurgencies internally, it will spell the end of Ethiopia if they tried.
There were zero Christian amharas until 1300. They were eating grass in the mountains like the monkeys they have until the Agews uplifted them into sentience
Ethiopians love their country hence it doesn’t completely collapse and someone else just takes over. Somalis have clowns and illiterate cab drivers in charge who are only there to loot and steal. That is why Ethiopia can get away with this.

It hasn't completely collapsed because no one has tried topple and remove the government from the outside. Everything else just happens from within the country of Ethiopia. It is no different from the regime change that happened in Somalia during 1969 and the same thing that took place in multiple other countries around the world. When people remove the government from within it goes on.

Whereas with Somalia you had Ethiopia and their alilies isreal US etc funding/arming, organize insurgencies to topple the Government, then continued to arm/fund warlord proxies that emerged out of them against the people and then slap arms embargo and economics sanctions to cripple the country and then invade it. Of course it's going to collapse. They created the same conditions in the middle east as well.

It says nothing about our lack of love for our country. Somalis love their country so much that they fought off Mossad/Ethiopian/US backed warlords and volunteered n mass to lay their lives down to fight an invasion.

Somali politicians in office are not cab drivers either most of them are highly educated, i mean even HSM people complain about was a career educator and founded East Africa's Nr. 1 university, so much for being illiterate.

Ethiopian leaders are even bigger clowns , they watch their people live in misery and starve to death but pretend nothing is happening. They also loot their own people of their meager resources to excerbate the issues in their country, like a feudal overlord stealing from peasants.

Ethiopia's history of famine denial​

Most of Tigray has been sealed off from the world since then. Aid agencies are beginning to send their staff back in, and what they describe is disturbing: hospitals ransacked, people living in fear unable to obtain food or money, deaths from hunger and treatable illnesses.
Some Tigrayans who are able to make phone calls tell of massive looting, burning of crops, and literally millions of people beyond the reach of humanitarian aid.
The Ethiopian government insists that these reports are exaggerated at best, and that it has the humanitarian crisis under control. It says that only 2.5 million people are in need and says it can reach almost all of them.
It asks the European Union - its biggest donor - not to be distracted by the "transient challenge" of emergency aid to Tigray, and to continue its generous development aid to the country.
However, there is a history of Ethiopian governments hiding their famines.
In 1973, Jonathan Dimbleby's film The Unknown Famine exposed mass starvation, hidden from the world by Emperor Haile Selassie. About 200,000 people died in the famine.
The emperor's callous indifference brought Ethiopians on to the streets to protest and he was overthrown the next year.
In 1984, Tigray and the next-door province of Wollo were the epicentre of another famine, this time caused by a combination of drought and war, that led to between 600,000 and one million deaths.
The Ethiopian government at the time denied the existence of that famine until it was exposed by a BBC film crew, led by Michael Buerk and Mohamed Amin. That news report moved pop star Bob Geldof to record Do They Know It's Christmas? and provoke a global outpouring of charity.
That famine discredited the military government of Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam at home and abroad. Ethiopians hated being seen as beggars by the rest of the world.
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