Diversity of Somali hair

Yea I’m tired of the 3c/4a erasure that some somalis do. We don’t all have loose curls that hang down

I can have a legit Afro easily. And my aabo had a nice looking Afro back in his younger years

When I moisturize my hair it just looks like a curly afro like this
That’s not an afro
Yea I’m tired of the 3c/4a erasure that some somalis do. We don’t all have loose curls that hang down

I can have a legit Afro easily. And my aabo had a nice looking Afro back in his younger years

When I moisturize my hair it just looks like a curly afro like this
That a wig
I like type 3 the best which is the most common hair type among Somalis. Type 4 and 2 are nice too but they are uncommon
Who mentioned 4c hair? & why would I be projecting
You clearly said ''most Somalis have j a r e e r hair'' which is definitely not true, so wouldn't that be projecting? Anything other than 4c and maybe even 4b ain't even ''j a r e e r'' hair anyway.


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Why is jareeer being redefined in this thread. You guys do know that 4a and 4b is more common in madow groups then 4c right 😂
Why is jareeer being redefined in this thread. You guys do know that 4a and 4b is more common in madow groups then 4c right 😂
Ive been arguing this point but @Laiis doesnt want to listen. I personally think Somali hair type stops at furthest at 3a. After 3a its deemed Madow.