Do you agree with Daniel or Sheik Yasin?

Do you agree with Daniel or Sheik Yasin ?

  • Daniel.

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Sheik Yasin.

    Votes: 13 81.3%

  • Total voters
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So many bitter men in the comment section, the youtuber is also so bitter.

I actually barked with laughter when the youtuber said, "She is going to be perpetually dissatisfied. She will be perpetually disgruntled not doing anything" (3:45min)
The Lion King Lol GIF

Men actually deluded themselves into thinking we are happy to serve them, and become disgruntled when not doing anything? :faysalwtf:Why would we be disgruntled not doing anything? :umwhat:We were doing NOTHING before we married them! :wtfdis:

In fact we are more happy and less stressed not doing anything. More time for self care, health care, beauty routines, ibbadah for allah, hobbies, and even energy/ appetite for intercourse. That statement made me howl with laughter wallahi! I can't stop laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of his statement! These men want you to be at their beck and call and stressed your hair out. F*cking leeches!


The ironic thing is that when you look at Islam - free from cultural influences- the sheik is absolutely correct! :sass2:
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Here is the original Sheik's video. The youtuber wants it to make it seem like it is a recent feminism issue. This video was done 13 years ago.
That YouTuber’s sister was actually violently murdered by a man and I don’t think the family faced justice. You would think this man would show more compassion towards women but here he is encouraging gender wars and the comments section is lapping it up.
I really don't understand why daniel is so bent on making his channel some 4chan-esque boys club. It's taking a really big hit on his credibility
@Yaraye It isn’t a feminist issue and that’s what makes DH downright insidious. This is a view that spans more than 1200 yrs and is the view of in fact the vast majority of Islamic scholars. Let’s delve into it:

The Shiekh’s opinion is in fact the opinion of all 3 madhabs with Hanafi scholars being a bit different. Shafi, Hanbali and Maliki believe a wife doesn’t have to cook and clean with Hanbalis going as far as saying a woman can charge her husband to breastfeed. The Hanafis are different in a sense that they believe that a poor or lower middle class woman has to cook whilst an upper class woman must be given a maid.

Here is the Shafi opinion:


Modern Salafis and minority of classical scholars on the other hand like Ibn Qayyim bel that she does have to cook and clean but even they acknowledge it cannot be legally enforced since nearly all the Madhabs believe that a man can’t force his wife to cook and clean:


Note: Even Islamqa makes it clear that the vast majority of scholars throughout Islamic history believed a woman doesn’t have to cook and clean.

Now let’s assess my issues with DH and this topic in general.

1. For me it’s the hypocrisy. If a woman attacked Islamic speakers and scholars on things that nearly all 4 madhabs agreed upon and even Salafi scholars who do believe a woman should cook and clean say that husband’s should see it as not obligatory but women attacked a concept that was near enough mostly agreed upon, we would be told that were Murtad and deviants. But men are allowed to question things that make them uncomfortable to such an extent that DH is attacking an Islamic speaker for something nearly ALL Madhabs agree upon.

2. If we look across the globe, women always cook and clean, even in 50/50 relationships women do most of the cooking and cleaning. Even in relationships in which the wife is the breadwinner, women do most of the cooking and cleaning even in the West. Here are the studies:


3. My question is, if the vast majority of Islamic scholars believe a woman doesn’t have to cook and clean, but the vast majority of women do indeed still cook and clean and even Western working women are in fact doing the majority of it in their relationships, why are men like DH with a platform trying to radicalize men into getting angry over something that is a non issue? I want the men on this forum to think back to their families and marriages around them? How often do you see a marriage in which a wife doesn’t do anything? Women can’t or don’t have the luxury to behave that way, especially not normal middle class women.

4. I can’t help but feel DH must be some sort of agent. Also, the hypocrisy of many Muslim men is clear to see. It’s okay for DH to attack a well established and common belief within the deen if it means attacking women but the moment Muslim women question beliefs that are entrenched in Madhabs then it’s an issue? Can people see what I’m talking about?

Now @Kane , this is a question I pose to you:

1. What makes DH different to feminists who attack certain aspects of classical opinions that doesn’t gel well with their sensibilities?

2. Why would DH lie and say that the Shiekh is influenced by modern views of feminism, when in fact the Sheikh’s view was in fact the majority view in the Medieval period?
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My opinion is irrelevant on this matter but I disagree with how the brother was being in this clip. I get he doesn’t like “compassionate imams” but reading the room is key when conveying an important message.
Does anyone know where DH studied and who his teachers are? He has a lot of opinions on religious matters but what are his qualifications to be speaking on these issues??
My opinion is irrelevant on this matter but I disagree with how the brother was being in this clip. I get he doesn’t like “compassionate imams” but reading the room is key when conveying an important message.

One of the first things you learn when seeking knowledge is having good akhlaaq. There is a certain level of etiquette and mannerisms expected from the student of knowledge and this is noticeably missing in a lot of these Muslim YouTuber personalities.


A Laandheere always pays his debts
Daniel, along with a few others, are at the heart of the Muslim Tomassian movement. They venerate Tate, essentially their hero and do anything & everything to normalise RP philosophy within Da'wah. I know DH very well, and when you observe what he accepts and what he turns a blind eye towards, you realise its not based on enjoining good and forbidding evil but upon RP and/or Madkhalism - That's really his only two points that he has made a YT career off. Which is sad because he was previously one of the best debaters and producers of content against liberalism as a philosophy, he undeniably had some good before.
Does anyone know where DH studied and who his teachers are? He has a lot of opinions on religious matters but what are his qualifications to be speaking on these issues??
My biggest gripe with him is that whilst having an opinion that a wife does have to cook and clean is a valid opinion since Salafi scholars and a minority of classical scholars believed that a woman should, how can he claim a Sheikh following a majority opinion with 3/4 Madhabs believing a woman doesn’t have to cook a compassionate stance?

If a woman was to question something that most scholars believed to be true, they would be labeled a deviant? Why does he get the privilege to attack something that’s entrenched in marital fiqh and insinuate it’s feminism when it’s a view that was common as early as 1300 yrs ago?

I’m noticing a trend in modern redpill Dawah, they attack feminists for trying to change the deen whilst they will literally go after Sheikhs for reiterating stuff that’s been around for centuries.

If he was to kindly say hey, not cooking whilst your husband is out working for you and you’re at home the whole day is morally wrong, that’s understandable but that’s not even a common thing that happens and there is way to get that message across than attacking Sheikhs who are saying things that have been said in actual madhabs.


Men work outside women work inside. How hard Is this for mf to understand. People who make problems out of this and debate this shit are low iq plebs who can't think for themselves.


Men work outside women work inside. How hard Is this for mf to understand. People who make problems out of this and debate this shit are low iq plebs who can't think for themselves.
Also, you a rich nigga? 99.9% of women wouldn't want to push themselves in order to make sure they make as much as you, no they'd relax. Also, if you marry a do called independent woman, but you don't like that shit, don't come online and cry like a lil bitc& about strong independent women. Otherwise find yourself a feminine women, not a wannabe feminist.
My biggest gripe with him is that whilst having an opinion that a wife does have to cook and clean is a valid opinion since Salafi scholars and a minority of classical scholars believed that a woman should, how can he claim a Sheikh following a majority opinion with 3/4 Madhabs believing a woman doesn’t have to cook a compassionate stance?

If a woman was to question something that most scholars believed to be true, they would be labeled a deviant? Why does he get the privilege to attack something that’s entrenched in marital fiqh and insinuate it’s feminism when it’s a view that was common as early as 1300 yrs ago?

I’m noticing a trend in modern redpill Dawah, they attack feminists for trying to change the deen whilst they will literally go after Sheikhs for reiterating stuff that’s been around for centuries.

If he was to kindly say hey, not cooking whilst your husband is out working for you and you’re at home the whole day is morally wrong, that’s understandable but that’s not even a common thing that happens and there is way to get that message across than attacking Sheikhs who are saying things that have been said in actual madhabs.

It's cherry picking. Is he disagreeing because the evidences and arguments that those scholars put forth are weak or because he simply doesn't like the ruling? Even though there are different opinions among scholars we can't just pick and choose the ones that we like and find more palatable. Is he following a madhab? A scholar? Where is he getting his fiqh from? Very important questions.
Now @Kane , this is a question I pose to you:

1. What makes DH different to feminists who attack certain aspects of classical opinions that doesn’t gel well with their sensibilities?
Feminists not only attack opinions but Actually hadiths, when they go against their solipsism.

Where as DH is using his cultures norms to influence Islamic law, both are wrong but one is much worse than the other.
2. Why would DH lie and say that the Shiekh is influenced by modern views of feminism, when in fact the Sheikh’s view was in fact the majority view in the Medieval period?

Because in this context he is view Islam through cultural lenses, which is wrong.
I used to listen to Khalid Yasin back in the day, I can't believe he is 78 now, time flies.

I like Yasir Qadhi who seems more considerate and moderate.

The man gives me Malcolm X vibes, but what I like about him is how unapologetic he is about Islam.

