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Suicidal men adore me.

But let's think about this. What has any of the Arab league countries done for Somalia more than give us aid whenever we lick their asses and fund terrorism in Somalia? An Alliance with a country like Israel would send a clear message. We don't f*ck with them nor their religious views on the world. Somalia was never a wahhabist country, we were always a sufi or just plain sunni nation. Plus Ethiopia is very close with Israel and we can get their stance to shift that would just be great.


Israelis are very self centered, they don't even care for mama USA who made them what will we get out of this relationship?


Suicidal men adore me.
Israelis are very self centered, they don't even care for mama USA who made them what will we get out of this relationship?

We could use an alliance to get them to shift their stance on Ethiopia and have them lean more towards us. Most of all this would be about a statement to the arab league specifically nations like Qatar and Saudi Arabia who constantly fund terrorism. It would be a geopolitical game. Unlike Egypt we would not be forced to befriend them but naturally seek out a relationship, this would lead to them freaking out and getting angry due to how close we are to them. It would more than likely make them warily.

We would have to get our shit together. I would love to see a Somalia that takes a firm stance against these countries.


I got boomer connections
Somalia long time ago cut ties with Israel & don't even recognize Israel as a legal nation. All because of the strong influence the Arab nation's have over Somalia and of course"lumping religion and ,politics.Thus, muslim over gaal, stupid logic. Considering the muslim countries haven't done much for Somalia excluding Turkey.


Suicidal men adore me.
Somalia long time ago cut ties with Israel & don't even recognize Israel as a legal nation. All because of the strong influence the Arab nation's have over Somalia and of course"lumping religion and ,politics.Thus, muslim over gaal, stupid logic. Considering the muslim countries haven't done much for Somalia excluding Turkey.

I agree. We need to recognize them. Countries like SA,Qatar and Kuwait relay on the fact that they can influence and control us. A relationship with Israel would be a big f*ck u. Plus what has Israel done to us? Al shabab get's funded by gulf states.

I agree. We could unite and work against the carabs that are funding terrorism in our soil.

I completely disagree. Somalia is Greater Somalia already, where not conquering lands, but are stretched out of our lands. This Danyeer is comparing our great nation to Israel, where's Palestine, completely wiped off the map. Also no, what arabs are financing terroism, it's Gabre, Hassan, Farah.


Citizen of Southwest State
Israelis are very self centered, they don't even care for mama USA who made them what will we get out of this relationship?
Israel provides the most assistance to African countries in the sense that they teach them how to be self-reliant through proper agricultural techniques, technology, security, etc. Kenya is thriving through its relationship with Israel. Every Arab country has relations with Israel, whether they be outright in the case of Egypt or Jordan, or secretive in the case of all of the Gulf nations.

Jewish organizations provide mentorship and scholarship programs to Somalis in the United States and Canada as well as giving them employment opportunities. Not only do the Palestinians you cry for not give a f*ck about you, they call you 3abeed and consider you subhuman, while their Lebanese brothers are even worse.

There is absolutely no reason why Somalis should hate Israel or the Jewish people. Keep worshipping Arab massa.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I would rather see Somalia make a deal with the devil himself before that happens.

Israel is the devil so screw it!!!!!


I got boomer connections
I agree. We need to recognize them. Countries like SA,Qatar and Kuwait relay on the fact that they can influence and control us. A relationship with Israel would be a big f*ck u. Plus what has Israel done to us? Al shabab get's funded by gulf states.

Yes we are not Arabs. Our foreign policy should not be dictated by what arabs face or who is occupying whose land. All we need to do is look for friends and self interest.
Israel provides the most assistance to African countries in the sense that they teach them how to be self-reliant through proper agricultural techniques, technology, security, etc. Kenya is thriving through its relationship with Israel. Every Arab country has relations with Israel, whether they be outright in the case of Egypt or Jordan, or secretive in the case of all of the Gulf nations.

Jewish organizations provide mentorship and scholarship programs to Somalis in the United States and Canada as well as giving them employment opportunities. Not only do the Palestinians you cry for not give a f*ck about you, they call you 3abeed and consider you subhuman, while their Lebanese brothers are even worse.

There is absolutely no reason why Somalis should hate Israel or the Jewish people. Keep worshipping Arab massa.

Orthodox Jewish people, are against the state of Israel.
It's about politics and priorities not that we are righteous. Somalis would seek the devil alliance if it benefits them but reality is most of our economy and begging rituals rellys on Arabs.


I got boomer connections
Israel provides the most assistance to African countries in the sense that they teach them how to be self-reliant through proper agricultural techniques, technology, security, etc. Kenya is thriving through its relationship with Israel. Every Arab country has relations with Israel, whether they be outright in the case of Egypt or Jordan, or secretive in the case of all of the Gulf nations.

Jewish organizations provide mentorship and scholarship programs to Somalis in the United States and Canada as well as giving them employment opportunities. Not only do the Palestinians you cry for not give a f*ck about you, they call you 3abeed and consider you subhuman, while their Lebanese brothers are even worse.

There is absolutely no reason why Somalis should hate Israel or the Jewish people. Keep worshipping Arab massa.

Well said.
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