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Japanese men and women reverting to Islam. Some are crying as they recite the Shahada.

@Barni , good riddance. As you leave the fold of Islam, we gain the likes of the girls in this video.
It's not thank to Arabs though they converted due to their interactions and contact with SEA muslims living there your pov don't matter whatsoever

I bet if they had an influx of salafshits they'd be on the hate bandwagon
It's not thank to Arabs though they converted due to their interactions and contact with SEA muslims living there your pov don't matter whatsoever

I bet if they had an influx of salafshits they'd be on the hate bandwagon
I don't know what "Salafshits" is, but excuse me while I learn few Japanese words to welcome our new brothers and sisters of Islam from Japan.
Who cares. I'm going back to preach about secularism feminism and democracy. They will have to deal. There's nothing they can do about it.
^That, unfortunately, is also not true. They can choose to oppose you. But in all likelihood no one would listen, so inaction would be favorable to them since if they did opposed you it would make it seem like you were almost credible. And if they ever did oppose you, from seeing how you're inflamed with me talking to you, you'd just be labeled a crazy lady who hates the men of god...Which would again set you and your message back a great deal. If i were you i'd stick to taking a step back and looking over the details abit better. Cause you're current viewpoints are social suicide in most Somali circles.If you want to make a difference do it from within, and preach something you believe in, but won't cause a divide between people. Allah knows we don't need to be divided any more than we already are.

ironclad urchin

The sheiks and the elders only have that much power because of lack of education. People trust them. I even saw a sheik take money from sick people in Somalia. They will loose their power once people like me start going back home
this has a lot of truth to it actually

a lot of "shiekhs" do questionable, even corrupt, things with zero consequences because theyre so revered by the people and no one dares call them out on it. majority dont even see it as being wrong and that's the real fucked up thing about it all.
^That, unfortunately, is also not true. They can choose to oppose you. But in all likelihood no one would listen, so inaction would be favorable to them since if they did opposed you it would make it seem like you were almost credible. And if they ever did oppose you, from seeing how you're inflamed with me talking to you, you'd just be labeled a crazy lady who hates the men of god...Which would again set you and your message back a great deal. If i were you i'd stick to taking a step back and looking over the details abit better. Cause you're current viewpoints are social suicide in most Somali circles.If you want to make a difference due it from within, and preach something you believe in, but won't cause a divide between people. Allah knows we don't need to be divided any more than we already are.
I don't think she has the mental capacity to fully comprehend what you wrote.
I don't think she has the mental capacity to fully comprehend what you wrote.
^Hey, i like you're siding with me, but let's be nice to each other. Her viewpoints are her own, and her and @ironclad urchin are correct in how sheikhs and other respected members of the somali community get away with waaaay too much. We need to reign them in, but we'll have to do it kindly, and side by side with our people. I believe most everyone here is educated, which is why i see such diversity in your thoughts, and because of that sometimes we get carried away. So let's all just relax and be friends. I love that your so passionate Barni, we definitely need more people with your type of passion around.
^Hey, i like you're siding with me, but let's be nice to each other. Her viewpoints are her own, and her and @ironclad urchin are correct in how sheikhs and other respected members of the somali community get away with waaaay too much. We need to reign them in, but we'll have to do it kindly, and side by side with our people. I believe most everyone here is educated, which is why i see such diversity in your thoughts, and because of that sometimes we get carried away. So let's all just relax and be friends. I love that your so passionate Barni, we definitely need more people with your type of passion around.
I am not insulting her, just saying that she might not have the faculty to understand what you wrote. I agree, I don't doubt that there are many people out there that use the Deen for their own self-interest. I don't doubt that there are "Shiekhs" out there that could be mistreating people. Muslims are not perfect, but Islam is perfect. Barni has every right to leave Islam if she wants. She can criticize Islam if she wants, that's her right. I could careless really. She has her opinions and I have my opinions.
Diplomacy with a country that will eventually see to your subjugation and extermination??? You do realize the Zionist agenda is to see the end of all Muslims dont you??? That is probably far too outside of your capabilities to see the 'big picture' and understand the guiding ideology of a nation before actually taking them as awliyah. Furthermore there is no such thing as the state of Israel. No Muslim with iman in their hearts can ever acknowledge the atheist usurpers as rulers of historically Muslim lands. And my master is Allah ta'alah while your master appears to be the zionists. Lastly Allah ta'alah tells us explicitly in the Quran

O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people. (5:51)

End of discussion. Now if you want to go live with your Zionist masters and be their black slave go on ahead. They might be so generous in giving you a khat stipend for being their little propaganda puppet assuming that isnt already the case. The Somali people are a Muslim people who dont want to hear any of the heresies you are spewing all over this topic.
None of my posts were ad-hominem. I was responding only in defense of myself to mushrikoun and zanadiqa who have been attacking me nonstop for the past hour. Ad-hominem would be me starting the personal attacks in response to a logical and consistent post that merits a debate.

Somalia is in no condition to benefit from my skills and knowledge for the foreseeable future sadly. If Somalia was a stable Islamic country with infrastructure and industry then that would my ideal home.

The Ummah is not perfect. I never claimed it was. This is exactly why we are in the humiliated condition that we are in. Nationalism which divided the Muslims and made us easy pickings to the western colonialists. But your twisted logic is not going over my head. Just because someone else is a sinner that does not follow the deen does not give me a license to do so.

But why are you watching my ummah so hard??? Your Ummah has collapsed all around the world and only seem to officially exist in Cuba. Why dont you work on reviving your own kacaan allies and fulfilling the greater failed marxist agenda than worrying about a nation that has nothing to do with you???

Atheism does not equal Marxism just as belief in one God doesn't mean your a Muslim. Somalia should first undergo a wide scale non-religious education programme with one of the main aims being to raise the literacy rates. But what Somalia are we talking about when the country is as fractured as it is.
Islam is perfect, muslims are not.

If secularism was perfect there wouldn't be people rotting in jails for shit they didn't do... In the end of the day.. Humanity is at major loss.

If Islam is supposedly perfect and it's adherents aren't then surely common sense dictates that Islam (more specifically Sharia) will never be implemented properly by these imperfect Muslims. So why bother trying to implement it in the first place?
If Islam is supposedly perfect and it's adherents aren't then surely common sense dictates that Islam (more specifically Sharia) will never be implemented properly by these imperfect Muslims. So why bother trying to implement it in the first place?
People come and go.
Islam is an inheritance, some make the best of it, others dont.
Time changes and trees shed their leaves.
Sooner or later there will be those that is worthy of the honour that's Islam.

Islam is here to stay, deal with it.
Never thought I'd see such a large assemblance of Somali murtadeen. :uCkf6mf: A number of people on this forum need to refine their 'aqeedah; while some even possess 'aqeedah that puts one beyond the pale of Islam.

"O you who have believed, whoever of you should revert from his religion – Allah will bring forth [in place of them] a people He will love and who will love Him [who are] humble toward the believers, powerful against the disbelievers; they strive in the cause of Allah and do not fear the blame of a critic. That is the favor of Allah; He bestows it upon whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing."

(al-Maidah 5:54)
This forum is infested with irrational fucktards. Somalis can trade with Israel and have diplomatic relations with them without taking them as allies; "friendship" is not necessarily a prerequisite. Why would you take a nation who are your open enemies as "friends"? I'm telling you for sure that the friendship and affection will not be mutual. Israel have screwed over many European secular States, what makes you think they wouldn't treat Somalis (who are a Muslim majority and African people) any worse? This sounds like some slave-master relationship :lol:; where the slave is constantly trying to please his master while his master despises him. Have some dignity damn it.

@metamorphosis you are a man of very low intelligence lol. Do you disregard the Shariah law only because there are some Muslims who are not implementing it correctly? Will you become a kafir too if some Arabs became kuffar? Some Arabs are not following Islam as it should be followed, so why should we follow Islam (that's what you're basically saying) right?
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