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Israel provides the most assistance to African countries in the sense that they teach them how to be self-reliant through proper agricultural techniques, technology, security, etc. Kenya is thriving through its relationship with Israel. Every Arab country has relations with Israel, whether they be outright in the case of Egypt or Jordan, or secretive in the case of all of the Gulf nations.

Jewish organizations provide mentorship and scholarship programs to Somalis in the United States and Canada as well as giving them employment opportunities. Not only do the Palestinians you cry for not give a f*ck about you, they call you 3abeed and consider you subhuman, while their Lebanese brothers are even worse.

There is absolutely no reason why Somalis should hate Israel or the Jewish people. Keep worshipping Arab massa.

Thats some very strong khat you have been chewing to spew all that. Why dont you go to Israel and try living among your Israeli brothers and report back here then??? Jews are the most politically savvy people and you have obviously fallen for their smokes and mirrors. Theres nothing Jews hate more than a black skinned African and would a million times choose to live with an Arab gentile than a legitimate African jew.
There is this virus among Countries mainly in Africa, that foreign investment will build a country, which is a complete bullshit agenda. How did the Ajuuran Empire flourish, how did the ports of Mogadishu flourish 500 years ago. A country builds itself and certainly not on a individuals money. All the government needs to do is, hire port managers, fund the construction of multiple ports, through revenues made from future/current oil exports etc.


Citizen of Southwest State
Thats some very strong khat you have been chewing to spew all that. Why dont you go to Israel and try living among your Israeli brothers and report back here then??? Jews are the most politically savvy people and you have obviously fallen for their smokes and mirrors. Theres nothing Jews hate more than a black skinned African and would a million times choose to live with an Arab gentile than a legitimate African jew.
Who said anything about living in Israel?:draketf:

We're discussing diplomatic relations between nations.

It's to see you here caping for your masters, "Sufiyan." :siilaanyolaugh:
Nice avatar as well.:siilaanyolaugh:
It would be beneficial. A platonic relationship between the two nations would definitely benefit Somalia. Regardless of the differences in religion. Why should we align ourselves with arabs when they don't help their own arab brothers out. Somalis have this mindset of having a leash on them when it comes with arabs.
It would be beneficial. A platonic relationship between the two nations would definitely benefit Somalia. Regardless of the differences between religion. Why should we align ourselves with arabs when they don't help their own arab brothers out. Somalis have this mindset of having a leash on them when it comes with arabs.

How do Somali leaders align with arabs, when Turkish delegates and Ethiopian delegates have to be present before the two Somali leaders (of wherever) can meet.
How do Somali leaders align with arabs, when Turkish delegates and Ethiopian delegates have to be present before the two Somali leaders (of wherever) can meet.
haha i was referring to loyalties. What i meant to say, was that economic transactions and trade between the two countries would be beneficial. The idea should not be unfathomable.
Who said anything about living in Israel?:draketf:

We're discussing diplomatic relations between nations.

It's to see you here caping for your masters, "Sufiyan." :siilaanyolaugh:
Nice avatar as well.:siilaanyolaugh:

Diplomacy with a country that will eventually see to your subjugation and extermination??? You do realize the Zionist agenda is to see the end of all Muslims dont you??? That is probably far too outside of your capabilities to see the 'big picture' and understand the guiding ideology of a nation before actually taking them as awliyah. Furthermore there is no such thing as the state of Israel. No Muslim with iman in their hearts can ever acknowledge the atheist usurpers as rulers of historically Muslim lands. And my master is Allah ta'alah while your master appears to be the zionists. Lastly Allah ta'alah tells us explicitly in the Quran

O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people. (5:51)

End of discussion. Now if you want to go live with your Zionist masters and be their black slave go on ahead. They might be so generous in giving you a khat stipend for being their little propaganda puppet assuming that isnt already the case. The Somali people are a Muslim people who dont want to hear any of the heresies you are spewing all over this topic.
haha i was referring to loyalties. What i meant to say, was that economic transactions and trade between the two countries would be beneficial. The idea should not be unfathomable.

Bro, I believe Somali leaders need to get a grip, build the country's agricultural sector, Port sector etc. When we secure these sectors and have a huge influence on markets, then exploit our resources which will undoubtedly thrust the GDP per capita, and everyone's standard of living in the country would dramatically change. That's what we need, not hopping from one country to another like a prostitute.


We could use an alliance to get them to shift their stance on Ethiopia and have them lean more towards us. Most of all this would be about a statement to the arab league specifically nations like Qatar and Saudi Arabia who constantly fund terrorism. It would be a geopolitical game. Unlike Egypt we would not be forced to befriend them but naturally seek out a relationship, this would lead to them freaking out and getting angry due to how close we are to them. It would more than likely make them warily.

We would have to get our shit together. I would love to see a Somalia that takes a firm stance against these countries.

Israel was our friend, one of the first countries countries in the world to recognize us as an independent state but we paid them back by not recognising them, banning Somalis from going there. The issue was South Africa, we supported the end of apartheid there and look at how those Zulu fucks repaid us.

Israel like any country will go where there is opportunity and stability, once Somalia is strong we'll be friends with Israel and Iran again.


Suicidal men adore me.
Diplomacy with a country that will eventually see to your subjugation and extermination??? You do realize the Zionist agenda is to see the end of all Muslims dont you??? That is probably far too outside of your capabilities to see the 'big picture' and understand the guiding ideology of a nation before actually taking them as awliyah. Furthermore there is no such thing as the state of Israel. No Muslim with iman in their hearts can ever acknowledge the atheist usurpers as rulers of historically Muslim lands. And my master is Allah ta'alah while your master appears to be the zionists. Lastly Allah ta'alah tells us explicitly in the Quran

O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people. (5:51)

End of discussion. Now if you want to go live with your Zionist masters and be their black slave go on ahead. They might be so generous in giving you a khat stipend for being their little propaganda puppet assuming that isnt already the case. The Somali people are a Muslim people who dont want to hear any of the heresies you are spewing all over this topic.

You do realize that Somalia will have to become secular in the future to be able to function. No one wants Sharia laws no one wants sheiks telling people how to live.


Suicidal men adore me.
Bro, I believe Somali leaders need to get a grip, build the country's agricultural sector, Port sector etc. When we secure these sectors and have a huge influence on markets, then exploit our resources which will undoubtedly thrust the GDP per capita, and everyone's standard of living in the country would dramatically change. That's what we need, not hopping from one country to another like a prostitute.

Yeah but due to federalization and other factors that will be hard. We need a strong central government. We need to focus on the things you mentioned but also refinery there's where all the true money is. Grow, refine and export.
Israel was our friend, one of the first countries countries in the world to recognize us as an independent state but we paid them back by not recognising them, banning Somalis from going there. The issue was South Africa, we supported the end of apartheid there and look at how those Zulu fucks repaid us.

Israel like any country will go where there is opportunity and stability, once Somalia is strong we'll be friends with Israel and Iran again.

Listen to Hadith he said. Israel existed since 1948, you dumb prick, what do you mean recognised Somalia.


Citizen of Southwest State
Diplomacy with a country that will eventually see to your subjugation and extermination??? You do realize the Zionist agenda is to see the end of all Muslims dont you??? That is probably far too outside of your capabilities to see the 'big picture' and understand the guiding ideology of a nation before actually taking them as awliyah. Furthermore there is no such thing as the state of Israel. No Muslim with iman in their hearts can ever acknowledge the atheist usurpers as rulers of historically Muslim lands. And my master is Allah ta'alah while your master appears to be the zionists. Lastly Allah ta'alah tells us explicitly in the Quran

O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people. (5:51)

End of discussion. Now if you want to go live with your Zionist masters and be their black slave go on ahead. They might be so generous in giving you a khat stipend for being their little propaganda puppet assuming that isnt already the case. The Somali people are a Muslim people who dont want to hear any of the heresies you are spewing all over this topic.
And here I was waiting for an actual rebuttal that was logically sound. Instead, just more religious BS sprinkled with a few newly-learned Arabic words.:mjkkk:

Shukran akh...shukran...
You do realize that Somalia will have to become secular in the future to be able to function. No one wants Sharia laws no one wants sheiks telling people how to live.

All Muslims by definition want Shariah law. Somalis overwhelmingly want Shariah. While your secularism has been nothing but a resounding and epic failure in Somalia for the past 40 years and resulted in the implosion of the state and complete anarchy up until the present day. While Somalis have lived with the Shariah peacefully for countless centuries. It seems you dont exactly understand what secularism is and what it was created to solve and are just parroting the nonsense you hear from the media and reddit. Theres a reason secularism has been a catastrophic failure outside the west and its few vassal states.


Suicidal men adore me.
All Muslims by definition want Shariah law. Somalis overwhelmingly want Shariah. While your secularism has been nothing but a resounding and epic failure in Somalia for the past 40 years and resulted in the implosion of the state and complete anarchy up until the present day. While Somalis have lived with the Shariah peacefully for countless centuries. It seems you dont exactly understand what secularism is and what it was created to solve and are just parroting the nonsense you hear from the media and reddit. Theres a reason secularism has been a catastrophic failure outside the west and its few vassal states.

You're an idiot. Culture failed Somalia. No one wants sharia laws.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Somalis were following shariah


We were stoning adulterers


Amputating limbs


Punishing murderers


Geeljires definitely weren't rustling camels for the past millennium


Our women were definitely wearing tents and were whipped for wearing guntiinos


My nigga writing historical fantasy novels



As much as I hate the qashin arabs and would wish for that to happen we can't our economy life line is the arabs unless the country goes from herding to something else we're kissing there feet
separate religion from Politics I dont even know why Somalis are involved in Houthi war Saudi Arabia using suninimo to get to the guilable leaders we have now
Israel would benefit us but Somalis are too high on Islam to even work with Israel

disgraceful utterly shameful display
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