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Nationalism is a social construct, created by the Europeans. During the rule of the Uthman Empire (Ottoman), from Turkey all the way to East Africa was one country. No visa was required. No competition between the Muslims. People were equal. The fall of the Uthman Empire, resulted in the estabilishment of countries like "Turkey", "Syria", "Jordan", "Sudan", "Egypt", "Somalia", "Yemen", "Iraq", "Libya", "Kuwait", etc. Notice that..all of these "countries" I mentioned did not exist as a "country" during the Muslim empires of Uthman, Abbasid, and Ummayads.

So, f*ck Nationalism.
f*ck you!


Meticulously calculated...........
Wrong Somalia was not part of ottoman same Ethiopia only Sudan and Eritrea were under the ottoman. Learn your history Somalis too proud to submit any colonial power. Ottoman respected us in return and stood by our side.
yea somalia was allied with the ottomans never ruled by them.
Some people enjoy slaving and being part of something, no body will respect you when you trade your nationality and freedom. Read about ottoman treatment to Arab. The ottoman time the ruler used to be only Turkish and all power positions just for them. You will second degree citizen in your own country.
No point in arguing any longer with these atheists and mushrikoun. This site is overrun subhanallah and is basically another reddit. For the few true Ahl al Qibla or muslimeen that remain on here whose numbers are small I wish you the best in life and would advise you dearly to get away from this site lest it affects your iman. As for the mushrikoun know that Somalia and her people will never bend to your secularism and kufr ever again. You can all come on here having your orgies about a secular and atheist Somalia but that will always be a fantasy. I never lived among a large Somali community but if these views are representative of the young diaspora at large then it is no surprise at all Somalis are the losers of the world and will continue to be in this humiliated state until they return to the haqq. Im out. All I ask now is @AbdiJohnson and @Duchess refute the lies and slanders of these heretics once and for all.
1. No one wants Somalia to be a secular state.
2. We are majority Muslims here but that doesn't mean we are too stupid to realize the misuse of Islam by the Arabs.
3. If being a true Muslim means worshiping the Arabs and putting their interest before our own then we don't want it but this isn't Islam fortunately for us.
4. You have no right to call us Muslims mushrikiin. Ask for forgiveness.
No point in arguing any longer with these atheists and mushrikoun. This site is overrun subhanallah and is basically another reddit. For the few true Ahl al Qibla or muslimeen that remain on here whose numbers are small I wish you the best in life and would advise you dearly to get away from this site lest it affects your iman. As for the mushrikoun know that Somalia and her people will never bend to your secularism and kufr ever again. You can all come on here having your orgies about a secular and atheist Somalia but that will always be a fantasy. I never lived among a large Somali community but if these views are representative of the young diaspora at large then it is no surprise at all Somalis are the losers of the world and will continue to be in this humiliated state until they return to the haqq. Im out. All I ask now is @AbdiJohnson and @Duchess refute the lies and slanders of these heretics once and for all.

you can f*ck right of back to what ever century you came from in a de lorean
I probably know more about Islam than you do so I am not in danger for leaving Islam(inshallah). However, we do need to mention the abuse and the misuse of Islam in the arab world. An example would be the rapist shaikh in SA that raped and beat his 5 year old daughter to death saying he was checking whether she was virgin or not getting a limited time in Jail when he should have had his cut off. He escaped justice because he was famous and rich. In the arab world famous and rich people have absolute impunity to commit all the crimes in the world and the so called sharia law doesn't apply to them but the moment a hungry orphan steals a piece of bread his hand is gone.
You of all people should be the last one to be concerned about a 5 year old girl getting sexually abused, when you're admiring and glorifying Adolf Hitler.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
No point in arguing any longer with these atheists and mushrikoun. This site is overrun subhanallah and is basically another reddit. For the few true Ahl al Qibla or muslimeen that remain on here whose numbers are small I wish you the best in life and would advise you dearly to get away from this site lest it affects your iman. As for the mushrikoun know that Somalia and her people will never bend to your secularism and kufr ever again. You can all come on here having your orgies about a secular and atheist Somalia but that will always be a fantasy. I never lived among a large Somali community but if these views are representative of the young diaspora at large then it is no surprise at all Somalis are the losers of the world and will continue to be in this humiliated state until they return to the haqq. Im out. All I ask now is @AbdiJohnson and @Duchess refute the lies and slanders of these heretics once and for all.

My nigga got more lives than a Hindu

What's next, an anti Somali atheist or does @AbdiJohnson already occupy that niche

I probably know more about Islam than you do so I am not in danger for leaving Islam(inshallah). However, we do need to mention the abuse and the misuse of Islam in the arab world. An example would be the rapist shaikh in SA that raped and beat his 5 year old daughter to death saying he was checking whether she was virgin or not getting a limited time in Jail when he should have had his cut off. He escaped justice because he was famous and rich. In the arab world famous and rich people have absolute impunity to commit all the crimes in the world and the so called sharia law doesn't apply to them but the moment a hungry orphan steals a piece of bread his hand is gone.

Islam is perfect, muslims are not.

If secularism was perfect there wouldn't be people rotting in jails for shit they didn't do... In the end of the day.. Humanity is at major loss.
Wrong Somalia was not part of ottoman same Ethiopia only Sudan and Eritrea were under the ottoman. Learn your history Somalis too proud to submit any colonial power. Ottoman respected us in return and stood by our side.
I'm not here to argue really.


Suicidal men adore me.
Islam is perfect, muslims are not.

If secularism was perfect there wouldn't be people rotting in jails for shit they didn't do... In the end of the day.. Humanity is at major loss.

You think Sharia laws is gonna stop people from committing crime? :cryinglaughsmiley:
Parts of Northern Somalia was actually under Ottoman rule, places like Zeylac. It was not a submission, but rather an understanding that the Ottomans were Muslim and were there to lend a hand to protect Muslims wherever they were.

For 2 years only !!!!


Suicidal men adore me.
:notsureif:kaale horta, diinta miyaad yara necbantahay?:notsureif:

No. But Somalia today is a hell hole that refuses to progress everyone walking around with niqabs and a mosque at every fucking corner. People can be religious, be religious in your homes dont force your religion upon others. Faith is individual.
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