Do you know any half somalis?

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There r a lot in my immediate and extended family. The rarest mix I've seen was half-Chinese half Somali.


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
I have half Somali siblings. Also have half Somali, quarter white, quarter black neice and nephews.
I know some But one that standed out was This half norwegian/Somali

"Cali Nielsen"

Know a guy justify like that buy with different Somali first name and different Norwegian surname :dead: He was adopted though

Alot of the half Somalis with white surnames have pretty white first names too, or atleast very white-friendly first names


I have Arabic blood in me and i've met quite few somali men who married white women and best part is their children end up knowing their religion and culture. Somali women who marry outside are rare and they don't get ratings.


tfw no habesha gf
I have Arabic blood in me and i've met quite few somali men who married white women and best part is their children end up knowing their religion and culture. Somali women who marry outside are rare and they don't get ratings.
Aren't you that guy from the Ethiopian forum?
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