Do you support Cousin marriage?

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I grew up with my first and second cousins. I consider them my brothers. 2 of my first cousins actually grew up in the same house as me. They're my brothers. I find it weird when cousins marry each other. I know it's not haram but it's still weird. In my case I would find it as incest.

Can we also be honest, I've seen 2 people who were cousins and their children turned out alright, they actually turned out to be very smart and beautiful. Cadaan folks exaggerate and say cousin marriage result to disable kids. If that were the case most Somalis would be disabled.

Do you support cousin marriage? Why and why not?



Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
A bit of both I wouldnt wanna marry my cousin since I grew up with them and the thought of marrying my cousin is just weird and nasty to me

But id say if your struggling to get married than marry your cousin


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
It's sort of a new post civil war phenomenon.

No wonder we havr so many we have so many autistic kids.
I dunno why Somalis marry their cousins. I grew up with most of my cousins, even though we are from different Qabiils its really ackward and ceeb.
It's a normal thing but my half-siblings have genetic diseases that resulted in this. You may not have OBVIOUS symptoms when you are marrying a blood relative but when you look at the fucking list of genetic diseases that can make a child live on multiple pills for the rest of their life (my personal experience...) yea... I don't support it, don't make your kids hate you.
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