Do you support Cousin marriage?

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John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Sometimes I wonder if I'm really somali? Kulaha cousin marriage is our dhaqan. Maybe if you consider someone you shares the same 5th awoowe with you your cousin, otherwise the only first cousin marriage I've ever seen were ones with a disabled wife who's cousin was forced into the marriage for ajar.

Wallahi my family would disown me if I even considered getting married to my first cousin or even second cousin. Wa ceeb!

I knew the cadcads and Madows have these traditions as they're heavily influenced by arab dhaqan, but I truely never knew some somalis encouraged this as well. :ehh:

Do I support it? Individual cases, well it's none of my business. As a cultural practice? It depends, heavily mixed ethnic groups it can be ok, but for xenophobic ethnic groups, that's suicide. Even Ashkenazi Jews have several inheritable diseases as a result of their 'close knit community'. I had a friend who lived on a cul de sac filled with only them and she was telling me that almost none of the small children had 20/20 vision, and several other strange things. It just ain't healthy for society.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Cousin marriage especially of the daughter of the paternal uncle is a HUGE mistake. It will lower the potential IQ of the prospective child by quite a lot. We already have problems in our society importing cousin marriage would make us even more stupid. Cousin marriage is a sure way of making sure your society's average IQ keeps going down.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
I think most ppl want to avoid the stigma "ma qof kaloo waayey markuu inadeerkii ku qabanayo"

And actually a lot of parents would love their kids to marry their nieces/nephews, it's called qaraabo kiil and they prefer keeping it in the family for lack of a better way of putting it

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
I think most ppl want to avoid the stigma "ma qof kaloo waayey markuu inadeerkii ku qabanayo"

And actually a lot of parents would love their kids to marry their nieces/nephews, it's called qaraabo kiil and they prefer keeping it in the family for lack of a better way of putting it

Is this a reer baadiyo nomadic custom? Like brothers and sisters pairing off their children? Also I thought qaraabo kiil means just that qaraabo. You wouldn't call your first cousin qaraabo though, usually I only hear qaraabo used to refer to distant relatives but tbf my somali isn't that great.

You learn something new. :ehh:
@nucleus your people are smart and ilbax I wish mine were I feel sad whenever I see my inaader who's mentally challenged and all because his parents are cousins poor kid he had to pay the price of their stupidity


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Soomaalidu badankoodu waxay guursadaan inaabtika. Ilmo adeerka iyo Habarwadaaga way ka ceeb. My grandparents were first inaabti cousins and my mum and her siblings turn out to be fine. Some of my cousins are the product of inaabti marriage aswell and non of them turn out to be mentally challenged or autistic. Dad wada wax bartay weeyaan probably have more higher IQ than your average Faraxs and xalimos.
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closer to god we africans
There has been studies where marrying 1st, 2nd and even 3rd cousins were found to be risky.

Lemme guess, u are product of such a marriage soo ma'aha?
majority of somali marriages are within 4 generations related
Sometimes I wonder if I'm really somali? Kulaha cousin marriage is our dhaqan. Maybe if you consider someone you shares the same 5th awoowe with you your cousin, otherwise the only first cousin marriage I've ever seen were ones with a disabled wife who's cousin was forced into the marriage for ajar.

Wallahi my family would disown me if I even considered getting married to my first cousin or even second cousin. Wa ceeb!

I knew the cadcads and Madows have these traditions as they're heavily influenced by arab dhaqan, but I truely never knew some somalis encouraged this as well. :ehh:

Do I support it? Individual cases, well it's none of my business. As a cultural practice? It depends, heavily mixed ethnic groups it can be ok, but for xenophobic ethnic groups, that's suicide. Even Ashkenazi Jews have several inheritable diseases as a result of their 'close knit community'. I had a friend who lived on a cul de sac filled with only them and she was telling me that almost none of the small children had 20/20 vision, and several other strange things. It just ain't healthy for society.
sometimes i wonder if ure somali 2 or just a sheegad

first cousin marriage amongst somalis is not rampant but it is common (wax weyn ma aha) nd 2nd and 3rd cousin marriage is rampant

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
majority of somali marriages are within 4 generations related

sometimes i wonder if ure somali 2 or just a sheegad

first cousin marriage amongst somalis is not rampant but it is common (wax weyn ma aha) nd 2nd and 3rd cousin marriage is rampant

Wallahi I can't even relate to most people on this forum. I suppose my family just have a different culture.

Even my grandparents didn't approve of that.



closer to god we africans
Wallahi I can't even relate to most people on this forum. I suppose my family just have a different culture.

Even my grandparents didn't approve of that.

wats funny is uve internalized eugenicist beliefs to the point of calling ur own ppl disgusting

ure basically a nazi:francis:


Im Am Barkhad now
My dhulbahante cuzzins tho whooo damn let me get in there baby


One of em got her kintir sliced off doe :francis:

I was there :dwill:


I am indifferent about it. I don't judge people who marry their first cousin/second cousins,
but personally I wouldn't, plenty of fish in the sea.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
wats funny is uve internalized eugenicist beliefs to the point of calling ur own ppl disgusting

ure basically a nazi:francis:

Second of all it not my culture, and I never called anyone disgusting. It's unacceptable where I'm from.

And your stats are probably based on the type of somalis you know, I've never heard even second cousins getting married for it to be rampant.
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