do you think this will become a thing?

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
His not ur real brother so I am assuming his
MJ - and since when were u nice too anyone
One here? I haven’t been gone from this
Site this long :farmajoyaab:

I don’t look like this girl :mahubowtf:

Allow me - you’re both ugly hobbits
Abaayo macaan sweery my sinshineis beerka iyo laabka ba iga jirta i loof you nooh together for ever ma garatey we loof forever


@Factz we will remove our make up once you stop using your hair growth hormones, you shave your beard which hides your narrow chin, you come clean about your medical degree :ulyin:and you stop using steroids...that way we can get real authentic in here

Steroids are illegal and haram so nice try. I have blessed genetics alhamdulillah so you slandering me doesn't mean shit. What the f*ck is hair growth hormones? My dad got bidaar at his late 40's so I'm going to end up just like him. As for my manly chin, it's nowhere near narrow, let me tell you how it looks like. It's similar to Omari Hardwick.

Now then, quit using excessive makeup to decieve men you ratched catfish. :trumpsmirk:
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Steroids are illegal and haram so nice try. I have blessed genetics alhamdulillah so you slandering me doesn't mean shit. What the f*ck is hair growth hormones? My dad got bidaar at his late 40's so I'm going to end up just like him.

Now then, quit using excessive makeup to decieve men you ratched catfish. :trumpsmirk:

She wants u man straighten her up!!


She wants u man straighten her up!!

Saxiix I’m more into you.

Even if you are a 40 year old freshy labourer...I don’t mind. At least you don’t lie about what you are

I’ve even heard you’re from the midgan tribe, but I want to break the stigma by getting with you.

What do you say walal? This will be your only opportunity at female I’ll be expecting a knock in the DMs even if you wanna deny this opportunity in public *wink *wink*:trumpsmirk:
Saxiix I’m more into you.

Even if you are a 40 year old freshy labourer...I don’t mind. At least you don’t lie about what you are

I’ve even heard you’re from the ****** tribe, but I want to break the stigma by getting with you.

What do you say walal? This will be your only opportunity at female I’ll be expecting a knock in the DMs even if you wanna deny this opportunity in public *wink *wink*:trumpsmirk:

40-20 and I'm a dhul still interested will u become a housewife for me!!
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