The alchemist
The truth is triggering to unruly white liberal women such as yourself. We agreed that you would put me on ignore so we could tone down your obsession for both our sakes.The most dumbest and misogynistic waffle I’ve read in a long time. It’s nearly as bad as you going on about how good looking you were last time after you went on your repulsive woman hating rant about all the scarifies of Somali men of old not even remembering that it’s Somali women who birthed these men and would be working alongside them in a Nomadic society.
A woman disapproves of loser behavior of weed and video games and ‘she’s evil’. You have no idea how women work, just your nasty ego at play. Obviously in the past, he wasn’t doing it all the time since he was working. How would constant video games or weed be an issue when someone is actually doing something with their lives? Most women would not have issues with an occasional game here or there.
FYI: There is another post of the same user sniffing coke as well. I suppose a woman being against that makes her ‘evil’ as well. As for his wife, she works and she contributes health care insurance in which he has made clear he needs. So if you’re going to accuse her of using him, so is he.
The depths of woman hatred knows no bounds with these morons on this forum. Always writing the most biased woman hating jibberish.
The fact that you went to uncheck my posts; it tells me you hate-read my every comment. Which would have been flattering if you were not weird and mental. That kind of impulsivity is worrying. Do I have to file a formal restraining order on your ass?