Dude Gets Called a “Loser” By His Wife After Retiring Early, Financially Free and Independent! (Yikes!)

The most dumbest and misogynistic waffle I’ve read in a long time. It’s nearly as bad as you going on about how good looking you were last time after you went on your repulsive woman hating rant about all the scarifies of Somali men of old not even remembering that it’s Somali women who birthed these men and would be working alongside them in a Nomadic society.

A woman disapproves of loser behavior of weed and video games and ‘she’s evil’. You have no idea how women work, just your nasty ego at play. Obviously in the past, he wasn’t doing it all the time since he was working. How would constant video games or weed be an issue when someone is actually doing something with their lives? Most women would not have issues with an occasional game here or there.

FYI: There is another post of the same user sniffing coke as well. I suppose a woman being against that makes her ‘evil’ as well. As for his wife, she works and she contributes health care insurance in which he has made clear he needs. So if you’re going to accuse her of using him, so is he.

The depths of woman hatred knows no bounds with these morons on this forum. Always writing the most biased woman hating jibberish.
The truth is triggering to unruly white liberal women such as yourself. We agreed that you would put me on ignore so we could tone down your obsession for both our sakes.

The fact that you went to uncheck my posts; it tells me you hate-read my every comment. Which would have been flattering if you were not weird and mental. That kind of impulsivity is worrying. Do I have to file a formal restraining order on your ass? :mjlol:
The truth is triggering to unruly white liberal women such as yourself. We agreed that you would put me on ignore so we could tone down your obsession for both our sakes.

The fact that you went to uncheck my posts; it tells me you hate-read my every comment. Which would have been flattering if you were not weird and mental. That kind of impulsivity is worrying. Do I have to file a formal restraining order on your ass? :mjlol:
LOOOL, don’t embarrass yourself, what’s next are you going to go about how handsome you are and how women are often obsessed with you 😂. You’re so predictable it’s unbelievable and sad really.

I actually never put you on ignore originally, but I will do now. Your pretentiousness is nauseating and your points on women is so off the mark, it’s funny to witness. As for white, which I’m not I’m clearly Somali, a practicing Muslim woman to boot Alhamdulliah. I’m probably 5x more conservative than you in my day to day life and I’m surrounded by actual conservative Muslimas who will bulk at nonsense you write. You’re more acquainted with gaalo women anyway so stop with the pretense.

I’ve had enough of a former Zani as yourself whose experience is, checks note young white gaalo Scandi women and uses that as a way to come up with your corny takes on women. We’ve had to endure your constant bragging about being with gaalo liberal women and this is the end result: your brain rot takes on women which has now transpired into full blown misogyny. That’s the truth indeed.

I’ve noticed men that have engaged in an abundance of Zina end up being the worst misogynist and take on ideologies about women, it checks out even more when you once wrote an embarrassing essay about how you’re unable to have feelings and are emotionally dead. Very redpillerish indeed. So now it’s, ‘Wow how dare a woman gets mad over weed! Whats next?’

I’ve said what I said. You can go on with your day now. This is my last reply, you can block me if you want. ☺️
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Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
Nigga is financially secure and wants to play a couple games with his friends in his free time.

Unless its a problem where he does nothing besides play video games why tf is she complaining.
You don't defend this type of person if what is being reported is true.

All that money, yet no ambition or greater goals, no purpose in life other then video games and drugs, she has every reason to detest him, in fact I detest him myself.

Imagine all that blessings that Allah has bestowed upon you that 99% of the population never get to experience, and all you want to do is destroy yourself with drugs and waste your time with video games, class A loser.

The women didn't even benefit from his riches, she is still a wage slave, then comes home to this after heavy toil, she has every reason to detest him.

This reminds me of the wealthy Somali odayaals all over the world, instead of deploying their wealth to either acquire more or even better build their communities/nations and by extension their akhira.

Their preference is to 'rest' sit all day in coffee shops, marry multiple women, and the best of them aspires to sit with a kitaab in a Masjid by himself, when Allah gave them the potential to 1000x their impact, reward and legacy.

These are a disgraceful detestable people that should never be defended much less praised.
You don't defend this type of person if what is being reported is true.

All that money, yet no ambition or greater goals, no purpose in life other then video games and drugs, she has every reason to detest him, in fact I detest him myself.

Imagine all that blessings that Allah has bestowed upon you that 99% of the population never get to experience, and all you want to do is destroy yourself with drugs and waste your time with video games, class A loser.
A huge loser.

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The women didn't even benefit from his riches, she is still a wage slave, then comes home to this after heavy toil, she has every reason to detest him.

This reminds me of the wealthy Somali odayaals all over the world, instead of deploying their wealth to either acquire more or even better build their communities/nations and by extension their akhira.

Their preference is to 'rest' sit all day in coffee shops, marry multiple women, and the best of them aspires to sit with a kitaab in a Masjid by himself, when Allah gave them the potential to 1000x their impact, reward and legacy.

These are a disgraceful detestable people that should never be defended much less praised.
No, any woman that complains is a liberal one that is entitled you see. In fact, she is ‘evil’

Never mind that working isn’t actually a choice since he mentions he needs her health insurance.

When the most anti-women man on this forum can actually see what I’m going on about, you have an issue (No offense inquisitive). You do sometimes have a point but I generally disagree with you.
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You need people like me
lmao anytime I see/read anything about a wife being angry about a man gaming I think of this post

I recently bought a PS5. F*cking love it so far. As I was playing FIFA 21.....I had an outrageous thought about my ex-wife.

Throughout my life, I've been a massive gamer. I loved all the PlayStation consoles, I've owned over the years. I've even still got my old ps2 at my parents house.

So when I got married, I bought a ps4 from PC World in Westfield Shepherds Bush, while out shopping with her. Yeah, fair to say, she was not pleased in the slightest. To sorta win her over, I got a blue controller, as she is a Chelsea fan.

As you all know, I work in construction. I work roughly 60 hours a week, with super long commutes to the different sites all over London, that I'm sent to on a daily bases.

When I get home from a hard day at work, and on my Sunday day off, I love nothing more, than to sit back and spend an hour or two playing fifa or cod. But, everytime I would turn the damn thing on, I'd get death stares from her.

FYI: I would make sure I did all my duties in the house, before playing the damn games. In any case, it's not like I wasn't the one paying all the f*cking bills.

She would even deliberately attempt to go to bed in the early evening, to guilt trip me into turning the game off and join her in bed.

Then October 2018 comes around. One of my favourite games was Red Dead Redemption, a great game that was released in 2010. I had been waiting bloody years for the sequel....and October of that year was its release. I bought Red Dead 2 literally on the day of its release. I was gassed.

Literally not a week had gone by, when she forced me to not only stop gaming, but to sell the whole lot altogether.

Her whole reasoning was that *I'm a husband and a soon to be father.....gaming is for kids.....not people nearing 30*

For a while, I thought she had a point and was making sense. So like a good husband, I listened and sold it all to a local Cex store. Got a few bob for it all, so it wasn't all bad.

It doesn't end there. See my ex-wife has a sister. And she married this Iraqi or Persian guy (same people near enough). He was a nice guy, got nothing bad to say. By outward appearance, he seemed like a religious guy, with a great beard to boot.

The amount of arse licking this guy was getting from my ex-wife's family was just ridiculous. Forget Corona Virus.....there is an epidemic of Ajnabi jacel, amongst Somalis.

Now, I'm guilty of a lot of things, one of them being missing my Salahs. This is something we all need to work on. Literally, everytime I'd miss a salah, my ex-wife would go on about how much her sisters husband would pray, and how great his Iman is. That never bothered me anyway, like as if he would get more points than me to janaah, on the basis of him praying more than myself.

For a good year, this guy was unemployed....not that there's nothing wrong with that, people have their reasons. In all that time, my ex-wife would constantly pester me to hook him up with a job....what am I? The fucking Job Centre?

In anycase, I tried multiple times to hook him up with a job in construction, I even gave him what qualifications and courses he would need to take to become a tradesman of his choosing.

I know when someone doesn't want my help, and this guy was not interested. So if he doesn't want to work in construction or as a tradesman, then there's nothing i can do. That was his attitude, I'm no arselicker or beg a friend person. If someone doesn't want my help or wanna listen, they can f*ck right off.

Going back to the thing about the gaming. The whole year this fella was unemployed and didn't want me to hook him up with a job in construction, and the multiple times I'd go and pick up my ex and son from her sister's, he would be sitting there......GAMING....and yet, the whole family would be arselicking him, while making me out to be some villain, because I miss 1 or 2 salahs.......just can't make it up.

Somalis and Ajnabi Jacel, will be the end of us.
Why are gaalo so laangaab? He's a millionaire with no kids forcing his wife to work while he sits playing video games. I would've retired my wives, had 40 kids, continue building up assets for them to inherit, etc.

Keep it a boqol

All Praise Be To Allah In Every Situation!!!
@Keep it a boqol

Why did you leave out the part that he does drugs all day and plays video games?

Also, why is no one commenting on the fact that the wife works and leaves in the morning but if he’s that rich, why isn’t he retiring his wife?

The thing is, men need to understand that no woman is attracted to a man that stays home all day doing drugs and video games.

No man who works will accept for this wife to be at home doing nothing. When women stay home, they actually bare children, cook and clean, but please tell me how this man is benefiting the relationship? He hasn’t retired his wife, she still works, they don’t have kids he is taking care of, and Imagine the wife is still going most of the housework since he’s stoned all day.

Men simultaneously dislike gold diggers but hate it women have expectations outside of them having money. What’s hilarious about this situation is that it’s obvious she isn’t even fully relying on him financially.

So essentially, this woman is working wife who comes home to a retired druggie who can’t even retire her. Yes! What a great arrangement. How dare these modern women be against this. Women are soo ungrateful! 😂

I think the wife called him a loser because he’s no longer a working man, and there’s an underlying critique of his current lifestyle.

We’re not part of their gaal circles, so certain behaviors—like smoking weed all day—might seem unacceptable to us. But in many upper-class communities (assuming they are part of that group), frequent drug and alcohol use is normalized. For example, it’s common for retired individuals to enjoy ‘mom wine’ during the day or sip mimosas throughout the morning and evening.

Secondly, this man clearly has an entrepreneurial spirit. People like him thrive on building something from scratch, putting in years of effort to grow it, and eventually reaping the rewards. The fact that he sold his venture shows he reached his goal and earned his success. However, such individuals often experience burnout after completing their journey, and it’s not uncommon for them to take time to recuperate and rediscover their next passion or purpose.

In the meantime, he’s contributing to the home, being mindful of not engaging in habits like getting high while his wife is at work, and even prioritizing vacations to maintain some balance. It’s clear he’s in a phase of rest and recovery after years of effort.

His wife doesn’t seem to want to stop working, which is completely fine, but it seems unfair to shame him for not being a ‘wage slave’ anymore. He’s simply chosen a different path after escaping the grind. It feels like the critique stems more from the fact that he’s no longer working in a traditional sense, rather than any real failure on his part.
When the most anti-women man on this forum can actually see what I’m going on about, you have an issue (No offense inquisitive). You do sometimes have a point but I generally disagree with you.

This part made me laugh, the difference between us Angelina is that you will see me regularly criticise detestable behaviours of my own gender, in fact far more then I do with the detestable behaviours of females.

The majority of my posts are mostly in the political section, where I am mainly bashing my own gender.

You see that's the difference between us, I have never seen you once be critical of your own gender, never a topic about their relentless insatiable quest for home-wrecking, destruction, shamelessness and divorce.

All of your posts are bashing male's and in support of your own gender, not a single post the other direction unlike me, I am 100x more impartial then you are.

But I don't blame you for this because self-awareness, responsibility and personal accountability are not traits that female's excel in.
This part made me laugh, the difference between us Angelina is that you will see me regularly criticise detestable behaviours of my own gender, in fact far more then I do with the detestable behaviours of females.

The majority of my posts are mostly in the political section, where I am mainly bashing my own gender.

You see that's the difference between us, I have never seen you once be critical of your own gender, never a topic about their relentless insatiable quest for home-wrecking, destruction, shamelessness and divorce.

I think your point of self awareness is funny and here is why especially in the light of the Sharia with regards to divorce laws, lack of legal representation for Muslim women in the West and no state enforced provision leaves Muslim women at a terrible disadvantage and you ONLY fully see this when you move to Muslim country. People like you who talk this way, have probably never lived in a Muslim country with proper courts system and don’t have a comprehensive knowledge of the Sharia. Surprising to someone like you, divorce is easier in a Muslim country for a woman as opposed to a non Muslim society.

Here is a logical breakdown of why: (I want you to carefully and honestly read this with an open mind and leave your prejudice to the side).

1. I can never take divorce points seriously simply because Somalis are Muslim and we hardly have any Sharia courts that will make Khula or fasiq easy. A woman is at the mercy of a man deciding to divorce her.

2. It is men who divorce, women simply ask. It is men that can divorce a woman under 5 seconds. Talaq Talaq Talaq. In the West, Muslim women do not have access to proper Islamic divorce courts and I know far too many Somali women stuck in marriages because their husband won’t give them a Talaq even though the husbands do not financially support them and those men are shameless enough to spurn the whole qabil who have spoken to them. So what is there to keep the men in check? No fear of Qabil, no Islamic courts and the privilege of not having to provide a penny.

4. Kaffir and Muslim men (funnily enough) love to use the data about 70% of women filing for divorce. In the Muslim community, it’s 100% of men doing the leg work since a woman cannot leave the marriage without her husband’s permission. I remember you used that stat once when we debated and I laughed. It’s evident that many Muslim men are in some alternative reality and like to take on the ‘traumas’ of white men. It’s the highest order of victim complex. So brother, where is your self awareness?

5. The lack of Islamic Khula courts and fasq alone shows the power of men and how Muslim women are utterly disadvantaged in the West. A woman’s husband can leave the country and leave her stranded and she’d have to take permission to get a divorce. He can ignore her and leave her in limbo. A muslim wife has no way of freeing herself.

6. In the West, there are 0 legal recourse for Muslim women and even if a man was to batter you black and blue, you won’t be able to divorce unless HE allows it. Khula courts in the West which are a few are corrupted and as a woman you will have to pay to file a case and if you win you need to pay your abuser back your Mehr. We don’t have qadis that will give you a fasq which should be the case in case of abuse and lack of finances.

7. Please explain, what Somali men loose? No Sharia courts to compel them to provide, no toll to force them since half are shameless enough to leave their families for a younger wife without sending a penny? The most the family and qabil can do is talk to him and get him to feel shame. But ultimately, the ball is in his court.

8. Somali men who divorce aren’t saddled with any responsibility post divorce since wives are hardly even child support so many are able to remarry quickly. There are 0 financial penalties which in fact makes it easier for men to give in and divorce. Many of these men weren’t even fully providing whilst married anyway.

9. In Islam, a man that doesn’t provide is to be compelled by the courts like the case in the Gulf if they don’t provide they’re imprisoned.Who is ensuring the rights of a woman to sue her husband or ex husband? Half of Somali men would be chucked into prison if they behaved the way they do in the West in an Islamic society.

10. Reflect on this. I truly believe many man especially Somalis that complains about divorce have some sort of accountability issues. I would understand if Somalis actually registered their marriages and the women filed for alimony. I would understand grievances then. But you’re from a community in which women do no such things, the men even go into benefit scams so that they don’t have to fully pay for housing and the list continues.

11. Muslim men in the West have all the privileges but no Islamic courts to rein them in. To repeat, Somali women do not ask for alimony, do not get child support and are predominantly working class and whilst married weren’t even for the most part fully provided for, Somali men have took on their wives benefits to pay for housing which makes your rants even more shameful.

12. Knowing that all I said is 100% undisputed facts about Islamic marriages and the Sharia it is evident you struggle with accountability.

I look forward to hearing from you and I hope your post is one that deals with logic and looks at realities rather than emotions. I delved into the legal aspect of it and how divorce is in the hands of man and man alone. Another aspect that completely dampens your argument is that divorce was always high amongst Somalis both back home and historically.
All of your posts are bashing male's and in support of your own gender, not a single post the other direction unlike me, I am 100x more impartial then you are.
If you were impartial, you would never soley blame women for divorce in the West. You’d know that in the West women have even less avenues for divorce compared to Islamic courts in the East. That alone tells me a lot of what you’ve heard is via disgruntled odeys who have neglected their families talking smack in a Maqaayad who should be arrested for lack of child support payments. Also, don’t get me started on how divorce has always been major issue for Somalis, since even before colonization.

You simply don’t know what you’re talking about and I hope this post is educational. I’m someone who’s seen both sides and I feel you’re very uneducated even about the historical realities of divorce as well in our culture or even the Muslim world at large and have adopted a Victorian Western lens with regards to the topic.
But I don't blame you for this because self-awareness, responsibility and personal accountability are not traits that female's excel in.
Bro, literally go to the Hijabi thread about that Somali girl and report back. This thread is from today.

Clearly that’s not true. Read all my posts and actually report back.
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I think the wife called him a loser because he’s no longer a working man, and there’s an underlying critique of his current lifestyle.

We’re not part of their gaal circles, so certain behaviors—like smoking weed all day—might seem unacceptable to us. But in many upper-class communities (assuming they are part of that group), frequent drug and alcohol use is normalized. For example, it’s common for retired individuals to enjoy ‘mom wine’ during the day or sip mimosas throughout the morning and evening.
keep it Boqol, it actually isn’t. I’m on Twitter and for the most part most of the women especially white were disgusted. I also follow a male data scientist called Data psychology, interesting fellow and he posted data on the hobbies women like and like the least and without doubt, video games was rated the worst. I’ll send you his analysis if you want as well. It was educational.

Smoking weed is mostly a working class and madow habit that’s now being done by these Silicon Valley types, but being a stoner at 40 Isn’t seen as cool, it’s a college boy frat thing, not a grown man thing when he should be a father at that age.
Secondly, this man clearly has an entrepreneurial spirit. People like him thrive on building something from scratch, putting in years of effort to grow it, and eventually reaping the rewards. The fact that he sold his venture shows he reached his goal and earned his success. However, such individuals often experience burnout after completing their journey, and it’s not uncommon for them to take time to recuperate and rediscover their next passion or purpose.
Fair enough, but 2 million isn’t actually rich rich, especially in today economy. He has reached the pinnacle of success and sold himself short. He should be thinking of something else to do, a purpose.
In the meantime, he’s contributing to the home, being mindful of not engaging in habits like getting high while his wife is at work, and even prioritizing vacations to maintain some balance. It’s clear he’s in a phase of rest and recovery after years of effort.
Fair enough, but knowing the effects of weed, I highly doubt he’s fun to be around when the wife comes home. Weed makes people slovenly, shut down and slow. Most women would be disappointed after a long day coming home to house stinking of weed.
His wife doesn’t seem to want to stop working, which is completely fine, but it seems unfair to shame him for not being a ‘wage slave’ anymore. He’s simply chosen a different path after escaping the grind. It feels like the critique stems more from the fact that he’s no longer working in a traditional sense, rather than any real failure on his part.
I don’t think she has a choice? He mentioned health insurance and saw from the comments. The thing is, America is f’D up. I think he needs her to work and she has to do that reason. If one of them gets ill, that’s all their money down the drain.
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