Egypt & Somalia vs Ethiopia

I think the best comparison to Ethiopia would be india. On paper all these analysts talk about these countries have large pouplation as anicnet cvilization they'll become regional and superpowers respectively. But when you investigate thier fundamentals you notice that it's mainly them manipulating a bunch of statsics and fudging the numbers. In both ethiopia and india foerign investment has directly failed to transform into industrialization. And these investors lose their money and but the hype still continues. One thing is for sure though somebody like abiy will not give up power and you look at the ethiopian reddit about people moving to addis abbba they talk about how much worse it's become post covid and post tplf war.

You are right. They share many similarities with India large slums etc, And another one is with their hatred of Muslims etc

So basically Ethiopians are sociopaths and psychopaths that don't care about anybody else except themselves.

Yes but what do you expect? Their history is glorifying illiterate backwards lords that steal scraps from the poor and send them out die in droves to be used as cannon fodder. They treat eachother as expendable.
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It's the same during the Middle Ages their kings would be utterly defeated and pursued deep into the highlands by the Emirs and they would write propaganda fiction pieces afterwards about reaching lands he never been to and claiming victory.

And during the middle ages Western and Northern Somalia was too remote and distant to the Ethiopian Highlanders terra incognita , i.e ''The Unknown Lowlands'' as they called it and they would paint fantasies in their head about it in their sources.

You can also see why the Axumite claim is also completely ludicrous from this, despite the fact that Axumites were seperate from Amhara and Tigrayans , the former was pagan until the 13th century. We mostly came in direct political contact with eachother when Somalis expanded into Showa in the 13th century which acted as a border frontier between the Muslims lowlanders and the Christian highlanders.

They were a large population who struggled against a small group of Muslim garrisons fortified near the Showa and other Frontier territories which was areas that was annexed/expanded to by Awdal emirs who weren't originally from there and came from a center point in the east.

@Emir of Zayla @Midas @World @NidarNidar

A carry on from what i said above. I have been learning more and i am pretty sure that AwFat and a lot of western frontier settlements were actually not regular cities, but military garrisons which is called Amsar ''Garrison towns'' which in Muslim/Arab polities are positioned in the borders. The archeology and descriptions by Al-Umar describes Awfat and other towns with the same plan with walls, fortified buildings, fortresses/castles on hills and houses far apart from eachother.
This lack of defenses is surprising if we consider the permanent state of war between Christians and Muslims described in the written sources, and should be explained by the backward position of the Somaliland sites with respect to the border with the Christian kingdom. Fortresses and fortified settlements are more common the closer they are to the Ethiopian highlands(Fauvelle-Aymar and Hirsch2010a: 33-34).
Any time they conquered areas they resettled muslim families there, which i assume most are Somalis and built fortresses, mosques and public facilities.

Look at this information on Arab Muslim/Garrisons and compare it to medieval sources about Awdal, it's exactly what they were doing.
Arab, non-Islamic areas, nomadic Arab tribesmen were taken from the desert by the ruling Arab elite, conscripted into Islamic armies, and settled into garrison towns as well as given a share in the spoils of war. The primary utility of the Arab-Islamic garrisons was to control the indigenous non-Arab peoples of these conquered and occupied territories, and to serve as garrison bases to launch further Islamic military campaigns into yet-undominated lands.

In the frontier area of the Arabic expansion, military forts (al-Amsar, Pl. Arabic: أمصار, amṣār), or Ribat (Arabic: رباط ribāṭ, fortress) were founded. Militarily speaking, the structure and function of amṣār are similar to ancient Roman colonia.

Ibn al-Kalbi reported, Arfajah ibn Harthamah were the first who built Amsar, that accommodated the settlements of Muslim soldiers in the annexed territories permanently and also setting up the public facilities and mosques in the city.[

Text on how Sultan Badlay ''' Camped a thousand Muslim families there'' in one of the southwestern territories.

This is just a detailed example a century before Futuh , you see similar things play out all over Futuh resettling nomadic and agro-pastoral families into conquered territories and appointing them as governor garrisons.

And another thing Amde Sayeon never reached Awdal or even Zayla in pursuit of the Sultan at all, there is no mention of it in the internal Arabic chronicles . They are not even recording real history or facts at this point, just like the Gelewados chronicle, it's glorified fan fiction.


Some writers also take up on this and super impose Ethiopian fantasies on other texts, Al-Maqrizi in Kitab Al-Imam never mentions them reaching Zayla, sacking the city or conquering other Muslim territories or the Sultan being chased to Zayla. The Sultan Sa'ad Din was mentioned to be heroicly defeating a number of their kings and winning many battles until he fell in battle in the western frontline due to a traitor.


And Wali Asma which was the ancestor of Umar was just one of the numerous governors or Emirs and military generals from Awdal in the eastern provinces. Later his grandson Umar himself was appointed into the position by a regional Muslim leader in the western frontier.

Another thing i found is how was pretty common it was for the Muslims than Christians to wear chain mail armour and iron helmet, close to a century or so before Futuh it is mentioned . The Sultan Badlay who they nicknamed ''Arwe''(The Beast') because of how he struck fear into them. He wore helmet and chain mail which was left behind in battle and Ethiopians kept as if it was treasure.


Wearing Armour must have fell out of use with the introduction of guns in the early modern period.
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@Emir of Zayla @Midas @World @NidarNidar

A carry on from what i said above. I have been learning more and i am pretty sure that AwFat and a lot of western frontier settlements were actually not regular cities, but military garrisons which is called Amsar ''Garrison towns'' which in Muslim/Arab polities are positioned in the borders. The archeology and descriptions by Al-Umar describes Awfat and other towns with the same plan with walls, fortified buildings, fortresses/castles on hills and houses far apart from eachother.

Any time they conquered areas they resettled muslim families there, which i assume most are Somalis and built fortresses, mosques and public facilities.

Look at this information on Arab Muslim/Garrisons and compare it to medieval sources about Awdal, it's exactly what they were doing.

Text on how Sultan Badlay ''' Camped a thousand Muslim families there'' in one of the southwestern territories.

This is just a detailed example a century before Futuh , you see similar things play out all over Futuh resettling nomadic and agro-pastoral families into conquered territories and appointing them as governor garrisons.

And another thing Amde Sayeon never reached Awdal or even Zayla in pursuit of the Sultan at all, there is no mention of it in the internal Arabic chronicles . They are not even recording real history or facts at this point, just like the Gelewados chronicle, it's glorified fan fiction.


Some writers also take up on this and super impose Ethiopian fantasies on other texts, Al-Maqrizi in Kitab Al-Imam never mentions them reaching Zayla, sacking the city or conquering other Muslim territories or the Sultan being chased to Zayla. The Sultan Sa'ad Din was mentioned to be heroicly defeating a number of their kings and winning many battles until he fell in battle in the western frontline due to a traitor.


And Wali Asma which was the ancestor of Umar was just one of the numerous governors or Emirs and military generals from Awdal in the eastern provinces. Later his grandson Umar himself was appointed into the position by a regional Muslim leader in the western frontier.

Another thing i found is how was pretty common it was for the Muslims than Christians to wear chain mail armour and iron helmet, close to a century or so before Futuh it is mentioned . The Sultan Badlay who they nicknamed ''Arwe''(The Beast') because of how he struck fear into them. He wore helmet and chain mail which was left behind in battle and Ethiopians kept as if it was treasure.


Wearing Armour must have fell out of use with the introduction of guns in the early modern period.
Incredible so your telling me that the story of the ethiopian emperor marching to zeila and razing the main mosque and city to the ground is entirely made up. I guess you really can't trust these ethiopian sources if their willing to lie about such a massive event for propaganda . It really makes me call into question their reliability especially about controversial periods.
You are right. They share many similarities with India large slums etc, And another one is with their hatred of Muslims etc

Yes but what do you expect? Their history is glorifying illiterate backwards lords that steal scraps from the poor and send them out die in droves to be used as cannon fodder. They treat eachother as expendable.
India has way more hatred of Muslims than Ethiopia does. I've seen news stories of pajeets raping Muslim children and pajeets lynching Muslims all the time. Even Ethiopia doesn't hate Muslims at that level that India does.
India has way more hatred of Muslims than Ethiopia does. I've seen news stories of pajeets raping Muslim children and pajeets lynching Muslims all the time. Even Ethiopia doesn't hate Muslims at that level that India does.

They are mostly busy unaliving and graping eachother nowadays for political dominance, to be pre-occupied with Muslims. But historically they really collectively hated Muslims and were plotting to wipe them out of existence any given chance they got.

Habesha Christians hate Habesha Muslims and even Oromo christians strongly despise Muslim Oromo's, its deeply embeded idealogy.

''There was the strongest hate from the Christian side towards the Muslims''

''Somali supported the Muslims and Haile Selassie supported the Christians''


Same even during the Derg, a column from 1987 documenting interviews by Ethiopian Muslim refugees in Somalia : Their Christian Church Patriarchs would issue decrees to destroy the Muslims. ''Korans destroyed, koranic schools closed, prayers forbidden, and mosqes destroyed. Their materials were desecrated by the army who used them to construct state buildings

Ethiopia: 'Destroy the Muslims'

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Egpyt isn't serious about Somalia.

Somalia isn't even serious about Somalia.


HAG and N&N attempts to use the crisis to increase legitimacy and the reach of centralized power (through those Egyptian deployments) is roundly rejected from Gedo, to Hiiraan to KGS, to Puntland.

But least HAG got a constitution of out of it and the circus continues.

And Somalistate said:

Dont Tell Me GIF by CBS
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Incredible so your telling me that the story of the ethiopian emperor marching to zeila and razing the main mosque and city to the ground is entirely made up. I guess you really can't trust these ethiopian sources if their willing to lie about such a massive event for propaganda . It really makes me call into question their reliability especially about controversial periods.

It's the same with the Gelewados Chronicle claiming he conquered all of Awdal and conquered Mogadishu and other territories that @Three Moons shared.

Then the Portuguese who is biased in their favour had to fact check them which i showed earlier and called it fiction. Said he never went there, nor did he do those things and was chased down deep into highlands at his own court with a super small army(which ethiopian lied and said it was large) and was decapitated by Emir Nur who paraded him his head around Harar, all of which is confirmed in the local Muslim chronicles.
' The area of Somalia towards the Indian Ocean must have been known to the Abyssinians only through news brought by Muslim traders'' that makes sense.

King Claudius, is Latin rendering of his name? Anyways delusional claims in that chronicle, even the Portuguese that was there called it fiction and made up: Pedro Paez review of the Chronicles of Gelawdewos:

Pedro Páez's History of Ethiopia, 1622 - Partie 2 - Page 17

''Not only did Emperor Claudio not do those things in [Chronicle) , Kingdom of Adel, but he never went there in his life. Nor did the Moors lose so much with Granh's defeat and death that they could not have defended themselves very well, had he gone there. Rather, the Moor who succeeded Granh as guazir silicet ''governor'' came from there with an army against Emperor Claudio a few years later and on giving battle, defeated and killed him not very far from where he had his court, as everyone says says and his history recounts''


Not only that Emir Nur defeated the Emperor with a much much smaller army as well:'

'' Owed God for the remarkable victory that He had given him...because his army had been incomparably smaller than the emperor''

The Ethiopian chronicles are filled with most times propaganda glorifying the reign of their Kings and trying to hide their humiliating defeats and claiming to reach Muslim areas they have never been to in their life but that's a topic for a another time or a thread.

I also found another example where they blatantly hide how their kings get killed in their sources:

''His death, an event of presumably major importance, is not confirmed by the Ethiopian chronicles'' '' for ethiopian royal chroniclers often deliberately attempted to suppress the violent deaths of the kings whose reigns they extol''


There is a clear separation between Muslim and Christian writing tradition. The Ethiopians write chronicles decades later from when the event occurred and after their kings die, and they issue them when they are being defeated badly mostly as a way to save face.

The Muslim Awdalite chroniclers are often more reliable and in some cases are like eyewitness accounts that show that the documents are contemporary.


''I personaly saw the head of the king with my own eyes''
It's the same with the Gelewados Chronicle claiming he conquered all of Awdal and conquered Mogadishu and other territories that @Three Moons shared.

Then the Portuguese who is biased in their favour had to fact check them which i showed earlier and called it fiction. Said he never went there, nor did he do those things and was chased down deep into highlands at his own court with a super small army(which ethiopian lied and said it was large) and was decapitated by Emir Nur who paraded him his head around Harar, all of which is confirmed in the local Muslim chronicles.

I also found another example where they blatantly hide how their kings get killed in their sources:

''His death, an event of presumably major importance, is not confirmed by the Ethiopian chronicles'' '' for ethiopian royal chroniclers often deliberately attempted to suppress the violent deaths of the kings whose reigns they extol''


There is a clear separation between Muslim and Christian writing tradition. The Ethiopians write chronicles decades later from when the event occurred and after their kings die, and they issue them when they are being defeated badly mostly as a way to save face.

The Muslim Awdalite chroniclers are often more reliable and in some cases are like eyewitness accounts that show that the documents are contemporary.


''I personaly saw the head of the king with my own eyes''
If somebody could get funding and publish like an entire series of these awdal and other chronicles. In afsomali and arabic editions that would be amazing.

Emir of Zayla

𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕻𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖘
Another thing i found is how was pretty common it was for the Muslims than Christians to wear chain mail armour and iron helmet, close to a century or so before Futuh it is mentioned . The Sultan Badlay who they nicknamed ''Arwe''(The Beast') because of how he struck fear into them. He wore helmet and chain mail which was left behind in battle and Ethiopians kept as if it was treasure.


Wearing Armour must have fell out of use with the introduction of guns in the early modern period.
Reminds me of a video I’ve seen of an Ethiopian priest who had a collection of the multiple robes that Imam Ahmad used to wear. If you like I can send you the video

Emir of Zayla

𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕻𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖘
To sum it up it is accepted by most rational thinkers that Somalia has largely been self governed throughout most of it's history, except for the brief interlude in the past century,

And the name Al-Sumaliyah was utilized by Somali Shaykhs prior to colonization to refer to their homeland during the modern period so the country/land called Somalia was there ,and the modern state of Soomaliya was founded by Somali independence movements that sought reclaim it's territorial intergrity.
I’ll add onto this, the Dervish ambassador to the Ottomans even laid out the borders of the traditional Somali territories describing that it reaches as far south as Mogadishu and as far west as the borders of Al-Habasha (around Harar) & has always been independent.
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Emir of Zayla

𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕻𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖘
Another thing i found is how was pretty common it was for the Muslims than Christians to wear chain mail armour and iron helmet, close to a century or so before Futuh it is mentioned . The Sultan Badlay who they nicknamed ''Arwe''(The Beast') because of how he struck fear into them. He wore helmet and chain mail which was left behind in battle and Ethiopians kept as if it was treasure.


Wearing Armour must have fell out of use with the introduction of guns in the early modern period.
Ethiopian Emperor carrying the armor of Sultan Badlay

Emir of Zayla

𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕻𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖘
How did it fall into the hands of priest's? Was it confiscated by the ethiopians. We also need to copy these designs
Idk they either stole it when they took Harar or maybe we sold it to them.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
You are right. They share many similarities with India large slums etc, And another one is with their hatred of Muslims etc

Yes but what do you expect? Their history is glorifying illiterate backwards lords that steal scraps from the poor and send them out die in droves to be used as cannon fodder. They treat eachother as expendable.
I think this is what will separate us from Ethiopia, we love capitalism, freedom of the markets etc... I had a better internet connection in Borama than in a 5-star hotel in Addis, we have been blessed sharing the same language and religion, I genuinely believe if we can set our differences aside we will raise from the ashes.
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The comments there are genuinely insane. Ethiopia is clearly in wrong in this conflict from almost all angles. How do they still have good pr?

Because UAE is a client state of Israel as is the US. It is the zionists that are pushing their allies Ethiopia to the Red Sea in order to have more control and weaken Muslims.

Most media is Zionist owned and controlled. Ethiopia has always been a close ally of Israel.

So it is Zionists promoting them. It is simple once you understand that.

But it will fail, as they always have.


Always remember that Ethiopia is kept together by the gaalo west and they spread pure propaganda.

In Somalia, even with all the outside forces working to destabilize and destroy the country the worst we get is a few clan skirmishes and occasional terrorist attacks.

Compare that with the amount of apocalyptic death and destruction in Ethiopia. They commit genocide on each other every couple of years killing hundreds of thousands, rape, killing of children. This is hardly reported on whilst they promote any negative news out of Somalia. We have never come close to the level of death and depravity of Ethiopia.

There are raging wars happening in nearly every region, currently the Amhara rebels are surrounding the capital and launching attacks on it.

This is just in Amhara region/Amhara rebels. We know what has been going on in Tigray and Oromia over the past couple of years that is still ongoing.



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