I think the best comparison to Ethiopia would be india. On paper all these analysts talk about these countries have large pouplation as anicnet cvilization they'll become regional and superpowers respectively. But when you investigate thier fundamentals you notice that it's mainly them manipulating a bunch of statsics and fudging the numbers. In both ethiopia and india foerign investment has directly failed to transform into industrialization. And these investors lose their money and but the hype still continues. One thing is for sure though somebody like abiy will not give up power and you look at the ethiopian reddit about people moving to addis abbba they talk about how much worse it's become post covid and post tplf war.
You are right. They share many similarities with India large slums etc, And another one is with their hatred of Muslims etc
So basically Ethiopians are sociopaths and psychopaths that don't care about anybody else except themselves.
Yes but what do you expect? Their history is glorifying illiterate backwards lords that steal scraps from the poor and send them out die in droves to be used as cannon fodder. They treat eachother as expendable.
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