Egypt & Somalia vs Ethiopia


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Always remember that Ethiopia is kept together by the gaalo west and they spread pure propaganda.

In Somalia, even with all the outside forces working to destabilize and destroy the country the worst we get is a few clan skirmishes and occasional terrorist attacks.

Compare that with the amount of apocalyptic death and destruction in Ethiopia. They commit genocide on each other every couple of years killing hundreds of thousands, rape, killing of children. This is hardly reported on whilst they promote any negative news out of Somalia. We have never come close to the level of death and depravity of Ethiopia.

There are raging wars happening in nearly every region, currently the Amhara rebels are surrounding the capital and launching attacks on it.

This is just in Amhara region/Amhara rebels. We know what has been going on in Tigray and Oromia over the past couple of years that is still ongoing.

Somalis barely kill each other, if we did we would be extinct, The Xeer law still exists, even between Issa and Gadabuursi, we share a bloody history but we still marry each other, I have quite a few cousins who are Issa.
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This honestly makes me call into question their literary and education rates if their pouplation is 80% rural then the 50% literacy rate seems doubtful especially considering how after they implemented ethnic federalism each state could teach in their own language which inevitably means that amahric usage on some level would decline. But everything is written in mainly amahric ?
It probably is in the low 40% or 30% if you hone in on certain regions.

But look at this qoute i am crying real tears wallahi, the most blatant pop the bubble moment on their BS propaganda:

''By what right does Ethiopia call herself an empire? How can a country where illiteracy is almost universal... ''

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Always remember that Ethiopia is kept together by the gaalo west and they spread pure propaganda.

In Somalia, even with all the outside forces working to destabilize and destroy the country the worst we get is a few clan skirmishes and occasional terrorist attacks.

Compare that with the amount of apocalyptic death and destruction in Ethiopia. They commit genocide on each other every couple of years killing hundreds of thousands, rape, killing of children. This is hardly reported on whilst they promote any negative news out of Somalia. We have never come close to the level of death and depravity of Ethiopia.

There are raging wars happening in nearly every region, currently the Amhara rebels are surrounding the capital and launching attacks on it.

This is just in Amhara region/Amhara rebels. We know what has been going on in Tigray and Oromia over the past couple of years that is still ongoing.

Forget about Somalia for a moment whose hotspots has element of foreign proxy induced/interference to destabilize it, unlike Ethiopia.

All you have to do is compare Somali Region of Ethiopia (Western Somaliyah) to the rest of the other regions. Somali region has many different clans mind you.

It's literally the most peaceful progressive and enterpreneurial place in Ethiopia right now Literally for 6 years straight now it's the most stabile place.

Currently there’s a freedom of movement, there’s a freedom of economy, there’s a freedom of business. So the most important thing is peace first, and we can say the Somali region is the most peaceful region in the whole of Ethiopia. And that was brought by the agreement between ONLF and the government.”

You have Ethiopians complaining about Somalis when they are clearly the problem, literal chaos makers.

I posted about the developments in Galbeed @NidarNidar you should read them too, manufacturing industry, region wide power, agriculture, transport, medical facilities, technical schools, roads etc

After you have read those posts compare of what i have shown briefly in that thread to the complaints by rational Ethiopians calling BS on their propaganda peddlers about development that isn't happening in the other regions.

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Forget about Somalia for a moment whose hotspots has element of foreign proxy induced/interference to destabilize it, unlike Ethiopia.

All you have to do is compare Somali Region of Ethiopia (Western Somaliyah) to the rest of the other regions. Somali region has many different clans mind you.

It's literally the most peaceful progressive and enterpreneurial place in Ethiopia right now Literally for 6 years straight now it's the most stabile place.

Currently there’s a freedom of movement, there’s a freedom of economy, there’s a freedom of business. So the most important thing is peace first, and we can say the Somali region is the most peaceful region in the whole of Ethiopia. And that was brought by the agreement between ONLF and the government.”

You have Ethiopians complaining about Somalis when they are clearly the problem, literal chaos makers.

I posted about the developments in Galbeed @NidarNidar you should read them too, manufacturing industry, region wide power, agriculture, transport, medical facilities, technical schools, roads etc

After you have read those posts compare what i have shown briefly in that thread to the complaints by rational Ethiopians calling BS on their propaganda peddlers about development that isn't happening in the other regions.

There is something funny and deeply ironic abou the somali region which was the most violent for the past 30 years now being the most peaceful. I think if you give them another 10 years of development. Then they'll pass the rest of ethiopia outside the capital. Especially when you consider the fact that by the time abiy is done hell have create mass destruction in the other regions.
There is something funny and deeply ironic abou the somali region which was the most violent for the past 30 years now being the most peaceful. I think if you give them another 10 years of development. Then they'll pass the rest of ethiopia outside the capital. Especially when you consider the fact that by the time abiy is done hell have create mass destruction in the other regions.

It wasn't the most violent at all, it was still the more peaceful in comparison to other regions. But not at peace , as there was suppression, small border skirmishes with Oromo because of the TPLF Ethnic federalism via the Abdi Illey liyu police government and ONLF trying to liberate from that suppression.

While this was happening Ethiopians were genociding eachother like hot cakes in other regions , between 1991 -2007 From 1991 to 2007 over 2.5M Amhara were killed in the Amhara genocide at the hands of Derg, OLF & TPLF. Between 2014-2018 tens of thousands of Amhara died.

And between 25.000 -50.000 Oromos were detained and killed and 300.000 detained , lands burned torture etc.

Then Abyi Ahmed came along and striked deals with all sides and tried to disband the ethnic federal government, disarm and bring all sides into 1 party, the prosperity party. It's why he won the Nobel Peace Prize. But that faded quickly.

Whats funny is actually how it exposes the problem with Ethiopia, when they layed out a peaceful powersharing deal that would allow freedom and self government to the people Somalis were all in, except for Tigray, Amhara and Oromo who ended up fighting eachother over dominance and want to extend control over others instead of using it as an oppurtunity to develop their region and peacefully working with eachother.

Now it's only Somalis reaping the benefits from that deal.
I posted about the developments in Galbeed
I find it both great and sad that Galbeed is doing well. Great because Somalis are developing their home territory and sad because Somalia can't be like that. Why is it that Somalis in Ethiopia or any other place for that matter can prosper but Somalis in Somalia cannot?

And let me be a cynic for a bit. While yes Ethiopia sees more death and destruction than Somalia does, at the end of the day, its still more functional and richer than Somalia is which still ranks extremely low in all metrics. Ethiopia's fundamental framework of its government is simply more solid than Somalia's which is practically corrupt to the core and hampers any sense of real development.

Ethiopia sees multiple civil wars yet its able to keep itself together. Somalia has one civil war and it broke it utterely and struggles to recover from it.
I find it both great and sad that Galbeed is doing well. Great because Somalis are developing their home territory and sad because Somalia can't be like that. Why is it that Somalis in Ethiopia or any other place for that matter can prosper but Somalis in Somalia cannot?

And let me be a cynic for a bit. While yes Ethiopia sees more death and destruction than Somalia does, at the end of the day, its still more functional and richer than Somalia is which still ranks extremely low in all metrics. Ethiopia's fundamental framework of its government is simply more solid than Somalia's which is practically corrupt to the core and hampers any sense of real development.

Ethiopia sees multiple civil wars yet its able to keep itself together. Somalia has one civil war and it broke it utterely and struggles to recover from it.

Simply put foreign interference that destabilize it is the reason why. No one is interferring with Galbeed , the way are with Somalia. They are allowed to run their affairs more freely.

Hear it directly from them:

There is a freedom of speech now. People can talk freely without fearing any interference from the government. They can criticise the government itself or the opposition leaders or they can talk about different aspects of life, whether it is a social thing or a political thing. People have the freedom to express themselves and bring their ideas to the table.”

Currently there’s a freedom of movement, there’s a freedom of economy, there’s a freedom of business.
So the most important thing is peace first, and we can say the Somali region is the most peaceful region in the whole of Ethiopia. And that was brought by the agreement between ONLF and the government.”

If you compare Ethiopia to safer more stable parts of Somalia like Puntland it has better metrics than them. It has more electricity , access to clean water, higher literacy rate, lower poverty rates than both Kenya and Ethiopia. With neglible gap between rural and urban.

Another thing you can clearly see the difference in Puntland for example which has been the most stable region in Somalia, although Puntland is the most arid region in Somalia compared with the NorthWest/Somaliland and Mogadishu it has the lowest poverty rate . Puntland has lower poverty rate than neighboring Ethiopia and Kenya as well, despite those countries generating more wealth annually with higher growing GDP. 70% of the population has access to clean water, electricity, basic services and education.

This is from a 2017 paper, it was at 27% rate then, twice as less than Mogadishu and Somaliland.

People living in North East, where poverty is less widespread and deep, have highest levels of employment, educational attainment, and access to improved water and sanitation systems.
Since then the poverty rate has gone lower across the country and you can see it in the expansion of a middle class, so it probably less than that now in 2024.

The most significant finding is that the marginal gap between the rural and urban population.


This is the biggest evidence against what @Bison trying to insinuate about Somalis, there is not a big gap, only with the displaced.

And the Ethiopian government can't deliver basic services at all. And the only thing that's functional the State of Ethiopia its their monopoly use of violence that score high.

Post-2018 Ethiopia: state fragility, failure, or collapse?​

“Hunger, ill health, skyrocketing housing, and crushing poverty” (God fly, 2021) are the order of the day. This demonstrates the inability of the government to provide an adequate level of public services.
The inability to provide public services is also another indicator of state fragility and failure. Public service involves basic education, health services, water, prevention of destitution, and infrastructure (Stewart and Brown, 2009). It also includes responding effectively to sudden shocks such as natural disasters, epidemics, food shortages, or refugee flows. A government provides adequate social services only when it has good economic performance. Because of the above-discussed and other problems, the Ethiopian economy is declining. Farmers are displaced from their areas, productive factories are burned, and investment enterprises are discouraged, all of which lead to an economic crisis, making the delivery of basic services difficult.

Post 2018 Galbeed has gone up while the rest of the country and government has gone done.
Somali Galbeed is doing good because of the Somalis in it are more free and focused on development and self government, not because it's inside Ethiopia or even detached from Somalia. When it's people in the diaspora and Somalia that are investing in it more than any other region.

Somalia will bounce back hopefully soon , at least Northern Eastern parts of the country which is doing better can be a force for stabilization of the southern Somalia and liberate Somalia, particularly Puntland/Khatumo region through a regime change and military expansion . Thats my own wishfullness i guess ool.
Because UAE is a client state of Israel as is the US. It is the zionists that are pushing their allies Ethiopia to the Red Sea in order to have more control and weaken Muslims.

Most media is Zionist owned and controlled. Ethiopia has always been a close ally of Israel.

So it is Zionists promoting them. It is simple once you understand that.

But it will fail, as they always have.

I've always said that Ethopia's collapse and disintegration will be a necessary evil, they can only ignore what is happening as long as it keeps up the facade which wont lost long seeing how things are progressing.

Is Ethiopia’s disintegration an inevitable and necessary evil?​

So far, the international community has operated under the assumption that Ethiopia is too big to fail. The focus should instead be on ensuring the country’s inevitable disintegration transpires in a manner that averts the looming volcano of violence in favor of a smooth and orderly birthing of new democratic states.
Such a move would require Western powers to abandon their commitment to holding states together in places like Ethiopia, no matter the cost. A better approach would be to support and broker an all-inclusive dialogue to avert undue bloodshed and bring about an orderly coming apart of the empire.

@MaliMohamed doesn't even see it , the fact that western/zionists are propping it up holding it by a fragile string , actually exacerbate the problems in Ethiopia to the point they are going to genocide eachother into an oblivion and from those ashes only the Somali region is going emerge intact.

Emir of Zayla

𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕻𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖘
It probably is in the low 40% or 30% if you hone in on certain regions.

But look at this qoute i am crying real tears wallahi, the most blatant pop the bubble moment on their BS propaganda:

''By what right does Ethiopia call herself an empire? How can a country where illiteracy is almost universal... ''

Foreign trade in Ethiopia being worth 25 million 😭 didn’t MJ’s alone make hundreds of millions off trade with Arabia? Calling Abyssinia an empire is embarrassing atp
Foreign trade in Ethiopia being worth 25 million 😭 didn’t MJ’s alone make hundreds of millions off trade with Arabia? Calling Abyssinia an empire is embarrassing atp

It is less than 25 million actually if you closely read what he said, so who knows how low the actual number is. Even Berbera port alone eclipsed that by several folds.
I've always said that Ethopia's collapse and disintegration will be a necessary evil, they can only ignore what is happening as long as it keeps up the facade which wont lost long seeing how things are progressing.

Is Ethiopia’s disintegration an inevitable and necessary evil?​

@MaliMohamed doesn't even see it , the fact that western/zionists are propping it up holding it by a fragile string , actually exacerbate the problems in Ethiopia to the point they are going to genocide eachother into an oblivion and from those ashes only the Somali region is going emerge intact.
I honestly don't want ethiopia to collapse. Since I think they're right that the consequences would be catastrophic and the people who would suffer the most right after ethiopia collapses would be us. Since millions upon millions of them would flood somalia. Especially in today's world when nobody wants more refugees . To allow ethiopia to collapse woukd create the world's largest refugee crisis . There is simply no way they will allow that to happen. Internal struggle will be allowed but if push comes to shove expect the u.s and other groups to back one party and give them the weapons to suppress everybody else.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
It is less than 25 million actually if you closely read what he said, so who knows how low the actual number is. Even Berbera port alone eclipsed that by several folds.
You can't take more than 3,000 ethiopian birr which is like 23 euros out of the country.
:mjlol: :mjlol:
I honestly don't want ethiopia to collapse. Since I think they're right that the consequences would be catastrophic and the people who would suffer the most right after ethiopia collapses would be us. Since millions upon millions of them would flood somalia. Especially in today's world when nobody wants more refugees . To allow ethiopia to collapse woukd create the world's largest refugee crisis . There is simply no way they will allow that to happen. Internal struggle will be allowed but if push comes to shove expect the u.s and other groups to back one party and give them the weapons to suppress everybody else.

If you have read that article, it talks about disintegration like breaking apart like Yugoslavia into seperate independant states is inevitable.
But they prefer the peaceful option, just going separate ways to avoid further bloodshed this is what should be argued.

They don't flood Somalia currently though during their civil war. And the US/westerners has already being playing the backing game and it's not working out for them.
If you have read that article, it talks about disintegration like breaking apart like Yugoslavia into seperate independant states is inevitable.
But they prefer the peaceful option, just going separate ways to avoid further bloodshed this is what should be argued.

They don't flood Somalia currently though during their civil war. And the US/westerners has already being playing the backing game and it's not working out for them.
Yeah, I read the article, but the person fails to mention important reasons why this comparison doesn't work
1) Yugoslavia at the time had a gdp of $5000+ (3500 in today's money) making it the 59 highest gdp per capita in the world at the time
2) Yugoslavia pouplation was 20 million ethiopia is 120million +
3) Yugoslavia was surrounded by richer and larger states like Italy and Germany and turky where close by and could easily lend a hand. While ethiopia is the largest by several fold and every other state in the regions is unstable and poor.

And even with all that there was a huge amount of killing when Yugoslavia collapsed. Even though you had all these rich and large states around it . If ethiopia collapsed since it's very mountainous nobody could stop or interfere at all . To then except the ethiopians to peacefully negotiate to balakanized into regions that would be extremely poor and would cutoff in every direction is impossible.

Also even now we have oromos and some amount of habeshas all throughout northern somalia. Imagine if the state collapsed . Nobody could stop that many people from crossing such a larger border. They would inevitably flood the north and then the south.
Yeah, I read the article, but the person fails to mention important reasons why this comparison doesn't work
1) Yugoslavia at the time had a gdp of $5000+ (3500 in today's money) making it the 59 highest gdp per capita in the world at the time
2) Yugoslavia pouplation was 20 million ethiopia is 120million +
3) Yugoslavia was surrounded by richer and larger states like Italy and Germany and turky where close by and could easily lend a hand. While ethiopia is the largest by several fold and every other state in the regions is unstable and poor.

And even with all that there was a huge amount of killing when Yugoslavia collapsed. Even though you had all these rich and large states around it . If ethiopia collapsed since it's very mountainous nobody could stop or interfere at all . To then except the ethiopians to peacefully negotiate to balakanized into regions that would be extremely poor and would cutoff in every direction is impossible.

Also even now we have oromos and some amount of habeshas all throughout northern somalia. Imagine if the state collapsed . Nobody could stop that many people from crossing such a larger border. They would inevitably flood the north and then the south.

I agree when you put it that way. The best option is really to balkanize in a carefully managed way

But for that to work they need to abandon their christian war ideology, and cosplaying as emperors and lords trying to extend themselves over other peoples dominions by force.

They also need to critically examine their own history and question some of the myths and assumptions they have created which has led to this moment. That's how most societies have progressed.

Emir of Zayla

𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕻𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖘
And even with all that there was a huge amount of killing when Yugoslavia collapsed. Even though you had all these rich and large states around it . If ethiopia collapsed since it's very mountainous nobody could stop or interfere at all . To then except the ethiopians to peacefully negotiate to balakanized into regions that would be extremely poor and would cutoff in every direction is impossible.

Also even now we have oromos and some amount of habeshas all throughout northern somalia. Imagine if the state collapsed . Nobody could stop that many people from crossing such a larger border. They would inevitably flood the north and then the south.
They’re far more likely to immigrate to places like Kenya or Sudan/Eritrea in hopes of crossing the sea and entering Arab countries. As long as Somalia and Galbeed stay vigilant on their borders, a refugee crisis wouldn’t affect our demographics too heavily. Even if all of what I said above isn’t true, the benefits of Ethiopia falling far outweighs the negatives of any refugee crisis on our borders.
Was it only Pedro Paez who pointed out their inaccuracies? He only arrived in Ethiopia in 1603 which was long after Gelawedos died.

He qoutes other portuguese who were eyewitness to what happened years prior. as they were deployed to the area to help the Ethiopians.

He was there when they were in the midst of writting the Chronicles of of Gelawdewos decades after, so he was shocked at the outrageous lies and fiction they were writing.

He also reveals a few other things like of Gelawdewos was childless, he was abdicated the throne by Lebna Dengel who sent his son his sucessor Menas into battled , he was captured by Somali troops and made a slave by a Muslim knight who sold him to Arabs

Then after the death of of Gelawdewos and after Emir went back to Harar to do jihad against Oromos, he was ransomed and became free and shipped back to Ethiopia to become a their Chief again.
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