Eritrean DNA


I legit had no idea that Eritreans were this Eurasian admixed. I thought they would cluster with Oromos and Afars like the Amhara do. How come a lot of them look as madow than Ethiopians and Somalis do?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Whoever created that did a poor job. Why did they use Yoruba (Nigerian) as a proxy for East Africa? They are also not the only predominately SSA population around. There are plenty of others which are better measures. Especially those from the East. LMAO. I feel embarrassed for whoever generated that.
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Those proxies are bad, but to answer your questions, they look madow due to Omotic admixture. Even a tiny bit of omotic admixture can make you look madow. A lot of Amharas also look madow due to it. You should also specify which groups you're referring to when it comes to eritreans and ethiopians as they are nationalities made of different unrelated ethnic groups who sometimes do not even cluster with each other.


Amaan Duule
View attachment 300065
I legit had no idea that Eritreans were this Eurasian admixed. I thought they would cluster with Oromos and Afars like the Amhara do. How come a lot of them look as madow than Ethiopians and Somalis do?
They don’t, at least not from what I’ve seen. Most of them have lighter skin, thinner noses & lips, and more angular faces than Somalis. They’re basically Yemenis, but with slightly darker skin and much rougher hair.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Those proxies are bad, but to answer your questions, they look madow due to Omotic admixture. Even a tiny bit of omotic admixture can make you look madow. A lot of Amharas also look madow due to it. You should also specify which groups you're referring to when it comes to eritreans and ethiopians as they are nationalities made of different unrelated ethnic groups who sometimes do not even cluster with each other.
Having Omotic admixture isn't the reason. Also, what does the OP even mean by looking more 'madow'?
They don’t, at least not from what I’ve seen. Most of them have lighter skin, thinner noses & lips, and more angular faces than Somalis. They’re basically Yemenis, but with slightly darker skin and much rougher hair.
Thinner noses. Nope. That's more common in Somalis. Angular faces are more likely, along with eyes that protrude. They also have a lot more variability.
They don’t, at least not from what I’ve seen. Most of them have lighter skin, thinner noses & lips, and more angular faces than Somalis. They’re basically Yemenis, but with slightly darker skin and much rougher hair.
You haven't seen Yemenis then. Tigrayans are very clearly black looking but less so than other Horners. They have lighter skin than us but their hair type and nose profiles are about the same, if not more madow.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
You haven't seen Yemenis then. Tigrayans are very clearly black looking but less so than other Horners. They have lighter skin than us but their hair type and nose profiles are about the same, if not more madow.
View attachment 300067
Why do you desperately want to corroborate the level of admixture with something like appearance? That's the real question. Somalis selected for certain traits given they are featurist hence why it's commonplace. There is no reason to read that deeply into this.​
Having Omotic admixture isn't the reason. Also, what does the OP even mean by looking more 'madow'?
What do you think the reason is? Could a large presents of omotic correlates with certain physical attributes, this maybe a theory but I am just guessing it's the reason why other non-somali horners tend to have kinky/course hair, short limbs and other things that may look "off" for Horn standards. Is it plausible to say that Omotic admixture seems to counteract their eurasian admixture which is why they don't look as eurasian shifted as they should be?

^ Also, the average Somali rarely has any Omotic admixture and even when it's found it's a very small % which is maybe why Somalis aren't affected if the above statement is true.

As for what OP is referring to, could it be the lack of these aquiline features that do vary in Somalis but are still found in high concentrations among Somalis. A lot of these other horn african groups sometimes look very typically SSA despite not carrying any admixture from otherside the horn or southern arabia
Why do you desperately want to corroborate the level of admixture with something like appearance? That's the real question. Somalis selected for certain traits given they are featurist hence why it's commonplace. There is no reason to read that deeply into this.​
Autosomal DNA and phenotype are intertwined


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Autosomal DNA and phenotype are intertwined
It's not that simple.
What do you think the reason is? Could a large presents of omotic correlates with certain physical attributes, this maybe a theory but I am just guessing it's the reason why other non-somali horners tend to have kinky/course hair, short limbs and other things that may look "off" for Horn standards. Is it plausible to say that Omotic admixture seems to counteract their eurasian admixture which is why they don't look as eurasian shifted as they should be?

^ Also, the average Somali rarely has any Omotic admixture and even when it's found it's a very small % which is maybe why were aren't effected if the above statement is true.

As for what OP is referring to, could it be the lack of these aquiline features that do vary in Somalis but are still found in high concentrations among Somalis. A lot of these other horn african groups sometimes look very typically SSA despite not carrying any admixture from otherside the horn or southern arabia
One word. Pseudoscience.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Its the more plausible explanation than Somalis being "featurists" which I never heard of before.
A part of me doesn't really care. Ethiopians are quite diverse, even in terms of phenotype. Some look more 'Cushitic-like,' others not so much. Most tend to have narrow features, just not the same as Somalis. Bear in mind they are more diverse than us and not as insular. And yes, the Somali preference has been toward narrower features.
A part of me doesn't really care. Ethiopians are quite diverse, even in terms of phenotype. Some look more 'Cushitic-like,' others not so much. Most tend to have narrow features, just not the same as Somalis. Bear in mind they are more diverse than us and not as insular. And yes, the Somali preference has been toward narrower features. That is understated.
Habesha or Ethiopia as a whole ?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Can we say the most Asian looking between east Africa (Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia and even Tanzanian/omani ) is Somali the barawnis, ashraaf, shaashiya in other words baandirs people
They have the most South Asian admixture.

