Ethiopia is cooked


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
How on earth will Somalia take over Ethiopia when Somalia doesn’t even control its own territory also doesn’t Ethiopia have troops in Somalia? How can you take over a nation of 120 million Horta are y’all this dumb?
What territory does Ethiopia control in Amhara or other regions


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
Its good short term and long term but we shouldn't really be having large amount of kids. I don't want somalia to look like the uk. Underpopulation is retarded so I do prefer thr opposite. Too many people could ruin the aesthetic of Somalia. But right now your right. A stable increase in population would help us alot
For me, I think a population of 40/50 million would be good, with resources and good government it would be very suitable, you have to look at Egypt for example, it has a very huge population and many of its citizens suffer from poverty/overpopulation/and there is pressure on the government because the consumption of basic necessities is high for the number of people there, I don't see that as good
Cant compare egypt to Somalia. Somali population is spread out. We have a country bigger than France and Ukraine. We can easily have 60 million people. The issue is food security and how we should be able to feed the population. I believe for this we must regain these rivers and lakes


Genala river
Awash river
Tana river
And their sources and few lakes close to us but inhabited by other ethnicities. We do that. We secured food security
Having low fertility rate = no future, at least with our high fertility rate we have some future we can get out of poverty unlike those cursed people with low birth rate and poverty= forever destined to be poor
I would agree but Somali kids die in clan wars and many die due to infant mortality so there really isn't much of a future anyway let's be honest. Although Ethiopia lacks one too. Ethiopia is actually more screwed than us in many ways. Ethiopia's various wars between it's different ethnicities are actually more savage than Somali clan wars lol.
Ethiopia doesn’t control its territory either. You’re forgetting 600,000 Tigrays were subjected to genocide which left the government broke and now the amharas (FANO) have opened a new front. Ethiopia is fragile af rn and thanks to the IMF are about to get that Argentina treatment for LIFE, which is great news. Somalias just gonna keep getting better even if we have shitty politicians the country will still move forward just slower. It’s only a matter of time until Ogaden war part 2
The destruction of Itoobiya would be great but that can't happen while Somalia is shit. Otherwise, millions of Oromos will take advantage of Somalia's instability and they'll flood the country. We already have hundreds of thousands of those r*dents in our countries and we need to focus on kicking them out and making sure they can't return. The problem is Low IQ fools keep employing them.
That’s a great idea, if there only wasn’t something called international law standing in the way man.


If we end up having enough leverage it won't matter at all. KSA got away with this due to the leverage they have (due to oil). If Somalia gets strong enough, no one will be able to do anything. Also civilians should be armed to prevent Oromos from coming. We need to stop being soft because Oromos are not soft.
ethiopias population is 110 million the fact they still have 3.7 birthrate is crazy they're already struggling with food

we should be happy that the birth rate in the somali region is 7 though, it has the ability to support a larger population and demographically speaking it would be in our favor if we can become the 3rd largest ethnic group after amharas and oromos


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Somalia hasn't industrialized. Birthrates fall when a country industrializes and as a result urbanizes. We have yet to industrialize and to urbanize without industrializing and thus having decreasing birthrates is a disaster. This means Somalia will become old before becoming wealthy.
Yup atheiest, and specifically atheists fail to understand what a demographic transistion model is. Look in the past the very countries you adore for their freedom had massive birthrates but no when it comes to somalia their hypocrites


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
After careful deliberation and speaking with the leading population populations experts around the globe the ideal population size for somalia should be 30-40 million. It would mean we are big enough to be a regional threat and not too big to face the issues of overpopulation.

Somalia has limited agricultural land and we shouldn’t go past our means unless we fall for a malthusian trap.
Malthusian is a myth, somalia is no shortage of agricultural land, More of shortage of agricultural land being used.
There are Ethiopian, Kenyan and Ugandishu - even the poorest country in the world Burundi troops in Somalia and Somalis saying they will take over Ethiopia. Really we are truly delusional.


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
My comment was too indepth to just be a comment, so I made it a post in which I analyze the anti-somalis, the confused, the xmuslims and anti natalists view on their view on somali fertility and why they are so against it(they dont want somalia to succeed)

They provide the world with energy to keep the lights running and run a stable enough economy. Add the fact that they’re geopolitically useful to both the West and Russia.

Now, what does Somalia have to offer right now to make it immune from international law?

How did Ethiopia get away with wiping 600k people out? Serbia killed 8000 people and they got mass invaded by NATO and Slobodan Milošević was charged with Genocide at the International Tribunal. Is it because Serbia is located in Europe? If Serbia was located in Africa do you think they would have gotten away with it?

To me it seems like the Western countries don't give a shit that Ethiopia killed nearly 1 million people. They literally gave Abiy Ahmed the IMF and World Bank loans that he wanted.

Not even the New Lines Institute report on the War in Tigray changed anybody's mind. The West just glossed over it.


EritreanPost 🇪🇷🇩🇯🇸🇴🇸🇩🇪🇬 |Eritrean news blogger
How did Ethiopia get away with wiping 600k people out? Serbia killed 8000 people and they got mass invaded by NATO and Slobodan Milošević was charged with Genocide at the International Tribunal. Is it because Serbia is located in Europe? If Serbia was located in Africa do you think they would have gotten away with it?

To me it seems like the Western countries don't give a shit that Ethiopia killed nearly 1 million people. They literally gave Abiy Ahmed the IMF and World Bank loans that he wanted.

Not even the New Lines Institute report on the War in Tigray changed anybody's mind. The West just glossed over it.
The new lines institute has is not a UN body, they can declare a war as genocide.

the new lines did the report based of TPLF sources and on behalf of the TPLF armed forces.

also the man behind the report, David Schaefer was US official in the bill Clinton administration, was behind the death tolls of half million Iraq children dieying in the war by the US sanctions and he also wrote the case against Milosovic

besides there were no 600.000 Tigrayan casualties. TPLF claimed they lost 500.000 soldiers


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
How did Ethiopia get away with wiping 600k people out? Serbia killed 8000 people and they got mass invaded by NATO and Slobodan Milošević was charged with Genocide at the International Tribunal. Is it because Serbia is located in Europe? If Serbia was located in Africa do you think they would have gotten away with it?

To me it seems like the Western countries don't give a shit that Ethiopia killed nearly 1 million people. They literally gave Abiy Ahmed the IMF and World Bank loans that he wanted.

Not even the New Lines Institute report on the War in Tigray changed anybody's mind. The West just glossed over it.

How many of those numbers were immigrants?


