Famous tiktoker talks about Pre-Islamic Somali, Langaab ajnabis go ape


Coping through the 1st world
Somalis don't marry bantus because they're a different race that's the stigma, so?? There are many cases like this in pretty much every country including Muslims.

4.5 exists to make sure there is balance of power between the major clans, it's a flawed system and is a recent innovation.

You're grabbing at staws here you have less power in Somalia than an illegal galla muslim

They are not Somalis as they're of foreign dna but they are a part of thr nation.

You have no privilege, if you were an open gaal in Somalia you cannot have a public life. Forget doing anything which relies on the goodwill of other somali. You may even face death in rural towns. If that isn't called an outcast idk what is.

“You have no privilege, if you were an open gaal in Somalia you cannot have a public life”

Thanks for indicating to me the level of tolerance Islam have provided in the 21st century. If a gaal said the same thing you’ve just said you’d be the first person to cry islamapbia or racism. What a hypocrite you are. The gaalo gave you home and shelter. But what did the Ummah nation gave you instead? You couldn’t live with out the benefits they gave you. At least for me I’m thankful to be born in the first world country (and at the same time being proud of my heritage) and not a hypocrite like you.

If you feel this way about gaalos in general then get the f*ck out! You’re officially not welcome here. Go back to your third world and fix it! But I bet you won’t because you need them and the benefits they provide.

You’re no king. You’re a fraud. That pretends to be. But you will never be. But always will be that minority in a majority nation. That wishes that have the same racist talking points as the moustache man. Humble yourself you bigot.
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“You have no privilege, if you were an open gaal in Somalia you cannot have a public life”

Thanks for indicating to me the level of tolerance Islam have provided in the 21 century. If a gaal said the same thing you’ve just said you’d be the first person to cry islamapbia or racism. What a hypocrite you are. The gaalo gave you home and shelter. But what did the Ummah nation gave you instead? You couldn’t live with out the benefits they gave you. At least for me I’m thankful to be born in the first world country (and at the same time being proud of my hero) and not a hypocrite like you.
You're a refugee in a foreign country that will always see you as a foriegner, instead of sticking by your countrymen you decide to abandon your daqhan to desperately assimilate.

The white people did not bring you to their countries out of good will, they bring you cheap Africans here to keep their nations afloat.

I have spoken to many uncles fobs from Africa and Arab world and every time I get the same lesson from them. They bring you here to work and keep their countries afloat, you'll face discrimination and humiliation. And if your plan isn't to make some cash then dip back to your own land, you'll die as a foriegner working well into your later years.

At least for me I’m thankful to be born in the first world country (and at the same time being proud of my hero) and not a hypocrite like you.
I don't hate the west I don't take part in the politics I'm indifferent to the west. I came here to get my education then go back and contribute to my own country because i know this land isnt mine.

You're the one who chose to assimilate and beg it to cadaans then become surprised when Somalis do no accept you. You cannot be Gaal and a Somali at the same time. These are two seperate identifies.
If you feel this way about gaalos in general then get the f*ck out! You’re officially not welcome here. Go back to your third world and fix it. But I bet you won’t because you need us and the benefits we provide.
I actually did live in Djibouti with my whole family and loved it, I went to school has friends and all. My parents asked if I wanted to stay and I said yes but after my second year my dad brought my back to England when i was a teen and told me I have to do education here then i can go back Djibouti, not my fault. My plans has always been to finish my degree and go back to Djibouti, which will happen in a few years.


Coping through the 1st world
I actually did live in Djibouti with my whole family and loved it, I went to school has friends and all. My parents asked if I wanted to stay and I said yes but after my second year my dad brought my back to England when i was a teen and told me I have to do education here then i can go back Djibouti, not my fault. My plans has always been to finish my degree and go back to Djibouti, which will happen in a few years.

I hope you finish your degrees and never come back here in the west again. People that are intolerance of ex Muslims and wish death upon them makes me question why they’d want to be here in the west in the first place. I get that your parents brought you here but if you’re old enough why continue to stay? (Not just you op but people in general who shares the same mindset as you). To hell with hypocrites.


I hope you finish your degrees and never come back here in the west again. People that are intolerance of ex Muslims and wish death upon them makes me question why they’d want to be here in the west in the first place. I get that your parents brought you here but if you’re old enough why continue to stay? (Not just you op but people in general who shares the same mindset as you). To hell with hypocrites.
It will be done, inshallah I will have a nice job in the state and live good.

But back to my topic.
When I was in Djibouti I met many other non-Somalis. One of my schools I went to was white American, many cadaans were sons of American Soldiers and were gonna leave Djibouti anyways, so they at best learned af somali and knew enough to get by.

But many I knew including the headteacher had basically assimilated, the headteacher was cadaan and had a family here, he was friends with my uncle and would speak for hours with him in perfect Somali, his children even more assimilated, if his Somali-sed children went back to rural texas speaking Somali and being Muslim would his people accept him? They'd call him an Ayrab and reject him. So why do you think Somalis are any different?

There was two types of Ajnabi I met, those who were here only for a while and didn't assimilate, and those who came here to live permanently.
Those who came to live in Djibouti permanently became Somali, but if their original countries were vastly different like rural America, they wouldn't be treated the same if they went back.

Those that came to Djibouti and stayed temporarily only learned a bit of Somali or enough to get by and didn't both assimilating since they were going to go back to their own people eventually. They were only here to work for a bit and go to a different country of they were contracted to Djibouti to work in the port, since they was in shipping, for example.

This is no different with my case and your case.
What is a falsehood? Is christianity a falsehood? Judaism? From a Muslims point of view, I dont see why they would not be.

No. Islam has a long history of "conquering" lands and leaving the inhabitants to their religions and certainly not expelling them or turning them by the sword.

However, I will admit that I have a lot of learning to do with regards to the deen, and in this limited understanding, I dont wish to get involved into an extended back and forth.
ofc they are falsehoods....... and the slaves of Allah are not permitted to follow them as ways. the fact that kuffar of those types may live in a muslim state does not change this

the only disbelievers that are allowed to live under the muslims are the jews, christians and Magians because the prophet accepted the jizyah from them

there are some who say that any type of kaafir can but afaik this a topic that is differed upon.

then there's also those who enter the lands of the muslim by way of a promise of protection, idk whether this has to be of those 3 but Allah knows best.

regardless though, any religion that is not islam is a falsehood which is haram to be followed

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
You’re saying that gaalo should be killed for just for leaving? Can you address that again. Because I didn’t read that correctly.
I said murderous scum should be killed. Many criminals get away from back home who should be punished by death according to our faith.

Not like apostasy is looked favourably either..


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