Father of 16 children and husband of three wives. Quran teacher at day and taxi driver by night. Baidoa SWS.

Their is many parents with one or two kids and they neglect their kids. It doesn't mean just because the father has 16 kids he will neglect them.

The post said he works day and night, which means he most likely not seeing them never mind spending time with his kids which is neglect. Astaqfirallah. Wallahi a lot of you Somali males are going to regret on judgment day.
You guys are forgetting the ayat in the Qur'an where Allah says :

وَلَا تَقْتُلُوٓا۟ أَوْلَـٰدَكُمْ خَشْيَةَ إِمْلَـٰقٍۢ ۖ نَّحْنُ نَرْزُقُهُمْ وَإِيَّاكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ قَتْلَهُمْ كَانَ خِطْـًۭٔا كَبِيرًۭا ٣١

And do not kill your children for fear of poverty. We provide for them and for you. Indeed, their killing is ever a great sin.​

Allah tells us that he will provide for the kids. You just have to put your trust in Allah.
You are deliberately misinterpreting that verse. You must have a good financial base and a decent-paying job before entering into a committed relationship and having children. The verse you quoted doesn't encourage broke men to get married and have numerous kids. The prophet said, Tie your camel first, and then put your trust in Allah. The prophet actually discouraged Muslim men from getting married if they were broke and advised them to fast instead. The verse you quoted was addressing a specific situation that happened at the time of the prophet.

The people of Jahiliyyah would not allow their daughters to inherit from them, and some would even kill their daughters with the intention of preventing them from becoming poorer. You need to stop misquoting verses of the Quran.
You are deliberately misinterpreting that verse. You must have a good financial base and a decent-paying job before entering into a committed relationship and having children. The verse you quoted doesn't encourage broke men to get married and have numerous kids. The prophet said, Tie your camel first, and then put your trust in Allah. The prophet actually discouraged Muslim men from getting married if they were broke and advised them to fast instead. The verse you quoted was addressing a specific situation that happened at the time of the prophet.

The people of Jahiliyyah would not allow their daughters to inherit from them, and some would even kill their daughters with the intention of preventing them from becoming poorer. You need to stop misquoting verses of the Quran.
The provision of every human being has been written 50,000 years before their birth.

However I do agree that people should be sensible with how many children they bring into the world. I would argue that being a present and good parent is more important than your wealth.

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
Later on you will complain Ethiopia and Kenya are outbreeding us.
Eritrea is just 5 million people and they have strong military to thwart foreign threat it doesn't require to breed like rabbits if you go to idp camps its full of people like him they breed too much and they don't have anything to support their children
Reminds me of my pos father but instead of being a taxi driver he's a trucker, its why I'm an antinatalist and have a deep hate for anyone who willingly has tons of kids without considering the impact it'll have on the children to be neglected.

I truly believe anyone who has that many kids is an evil demented soul, I don't get how anyone can actually find this inspirational? How much of a psychopath do you have to be to see children as investments instead of real humans who can be impacted by your reckless behavior?


teetering in-between realities
Is that really something to be proud of? Having loads of kids when you are in abject poverty is irresponsible and careless. How is he supposed to cater to all those kids when he has to work two jobs? Somali fathers need to take parenting classes.
There is only one way to fuel the great somali expansion :fittytousand:
Somaliweyn aint gonna build itself :silanyosmile:
A bit much don't you think?
No, I truly wish that on them due to the abuse they're subjecting their kids too. These evil demented fathers don't view their children as actual human beings, they view them as property or investment opportunities. How can anyone actually have these many kids and be proud of themselves? I doubt these kids have adequate housing or receive a sufficient amount of emotional support to properly develop mentally, who in their right mind thinks it's okay to have these many kids?

Anyone else notice how its always taxi drivers or truckers doing this shit? All the somali dads with degrees and corporate jobs are normal but the bums without shit to their name decide to breed enough kids for a village, why is that????
5 kids raised by an honourable father who practices self-discipline and financial responsibility, have a better chance at life, than 16+ whose father can't afford to give them a decent meal let alone have time to raise them.

Quality trumps quantity, all day, everyday.
16 Is excessive. 5 is reasonable I agree.

Better to have a mother and father that love each other and stay together for life. When you start bringing other women into the family things get complicated.

I think only a minority of men can realistically do that. Problem nowadays is that everyone has a big ego and believes they are that special man.


teetering in-between realities
No, I truly wish that on them due to the abuse they're subjecting their kids too. These evil demented fathers don't view their children as actual human beings, they view them as property or investment opportunities. How can anyone actually have these many kids and be proud of themselves? You traumatized the children, you likely ruined their lives! This idiotic c*nt doesn't have anything to his name but he's breeding enough kids for a village, why is that????
ok but aren't the women equally responsible? no one told them to marry a brokie and no one told them to have children with him either, it's all of their faults. both the man and the women and i wouldnt call this man evil, just retarded.
ok but aren't the women equally responsible? no one told them to marry a brokie and no one told them to have children with him either, it's all of their faults. both the man and the women and i wouldnt call this man evil, just retarded.
Isn't the guy from aboard? There is a power imbalance at play due to this, I won't relieve them of all the blame but a large amount of it falls on him since he likely played up his financial situation to attract them.


teetering in-between realities
Isn't the guy from aboard? Their is a power imbalance at play due to this, I won't relieve them of all the blame but a large amount of it falls on him since he likely played up his financial situation to attract them.
Sure you could make the case for that, especially the first wife but one should know the financial situation of their husband before marrying them. Even then, what's keeping them from getting a divorce before having children I mean at least the third wife should have seen the living conditions of the children and went the other way. Everyone is just ignorant, absolutely zero foresight


Sidii roon Raba og
I think he sees all of his children everyday. Don't forget the majority of his students are his own kids so at night this man drives cab and at daytime he babysits his own children while teaching them Quran.

