Father of 16 children and husband of three wives. Quran teacher at day and taxi driver by night. Baidoa SWS.

Reminds me of my pos father but instead of being a taxi driver he's a trucker, its why I'm an antinatalist and have a deep hate for anyone who willingly has tons of kids without considering the impact it'll have on the children to be neglected.

I truly believe anyone who has that many kids is an evil demented soul, I don't get how anyone can actually find this inspirational? How much of a psychopath do you have to be to see children as investments instead of real humans who can be impacted by your reckless behavior?

Also people forget the impact this will have on the grandchildren. Some of these kids will grow up having kids of their own with no understanding of how to raise a family because they weren't raised properly themselves. Dysfunctional parents will likely raise dysfunctional children and the chain of dysfunctionality continues until that lineage breeds out of men. I say Males because usually even if the mother is dysfunctional a strong father can usually steer the ship somewhat right but a weak/absent father is the demise of the family unit IMO.

I wish we had a stat to show the % correlation of Somali male dropouts/convicts in the West with 1 or 2 of their parents from a polygmous family back home. I bet you that number would be high.
:westbrookwtf: yall ninjas always gon to be hating on a man who has a much stronger work ethic n grinds waaayyy harder than sum nerdy farax who works in sum random corporate office smh
Jealously or something, Just say Mashallah and move on. Hes leading a respectable life, 16 children. A teacher and does a taxi service.
Your children need a present parents more then anything else. They need you mentally and emotionally and this irresponsible fool seems like he doesnt even see his children since he works both and night and day. Its a major sin for some people to get married and have children as these families you keep creating will be your key to heaven or hell.
yap yap YAP
Mother is at home and your acting like this dosent happen all over the world either, Even in america you have both parents working throwing your kid into a daycare or hiring a nanny. Chill out you need to remove your bias. I promise, I was just like you once but realized my biases
No, this is not realistic. you will give birth to children who will hate their lives when they become adults, and poverty in Somalia is not like the West.

You are deliberately misinterpreting that verse. You must have a good financial base and a decent-paying job before entering into a committed relationship and having children. The verse you quoted doesn't encourage broke men to get married and have numerous kids. The prophet said, Tie your camel first, and then put your trust in Allah. The prophet actually discouraged Muslim men from getting married if they were broke and advised them to fast instead. The verse you quoted was addressing a specific situation that happened at the time of the prophet.

The people of Jahiliyyah would not allow their daughters to inherit from them, and some would even kill their daughters with the intention of preventing them from becoming poorer. You need to stop misquoting verses of the Quran.

I'm not joking when I say I wish anyone who takes part in this type of nonsense dies a painful death
LOL! Keep Seething you anti-natalist, this is the norm in Somalia.
16 Is excessive. 5 is reasonable I agree.

Better to have a mother and father that love each other and stay together for life. When you start bringing other women into the family things get complicated.

I think only a minority of men can realistically do that. Problem nowadays is that everyone has a big ego and believes they are that special man.
16 is quite a lot Im being honest, but he hasent done anything wrong has he?
There is only one way to fuel the great somali expansion :fittytousand:
Somaliweyn aint gonna build itself :silanyosmile:
:fittytousand: Greatest Thinker,
Later on you will complain Ethiopia and Kenya are outbreeding us.
They are low IQ individuals,
As others mentioned this guy is a Quran teacher which means he's probably interacting with his children on a daily basis. Plus Educators are usually the best parents IMO. We should give this particular man some slack.

What we should do is shine a light on these other deadbeat fathers having kids just to increase their qabiil numbers.

Nothing I despise more in life than absent fathers. Every societal problem points back towards these men.
Jealously or something, Just say Mashallah and move on. Hes leading a respectable life, 16 children. A teacher and does a taxi service.
Bro you misquoted my post I was talking to them on why they was hating on him it was targeted towards the people that was hating on him n I already congratulated him for that


Amaan Duule
Reminds me of my pos father but instead of being a taxi driver he's a trucker, its why I'm an antinatalist and have a deep hate for anyone who willingly has tons of kids without considering the impact it'll have on the children to be neglected.

I truly believe anyone who has that many kids is an evil demented soul, I don't get how anyone can actually find this inspirational? How much of a psychopath do you have to be to see children as investments instead of real humans who can be impacted by your reckless behavior?
Did your father physically abuse you?


Plotting world domination
He’s a Quranic teacher can he not keep his kids in his classroom
Bro has other kids to take care of though at his duqsi.

A lot of y'all niggas don't understand that being a father actually involves raising your children. It's clearly obvious a lot of niggas want kids but have no interest in actually raising them.
This dude is getting a lot of support on here for some odd reason.
The prophet actually discouraged Muslim men from getting married if they were broke and advised them to fast instead.
The prophet didn't say that and Allah swt encouraged us to marry regardless of our wealth as he said in his holy book:

وَأَنْكِحُوا الْأَيَامَى مِنْكُمْ وَالصَّالِحِينَ مِنْ عِبَادِكُمْ وَإِمَائِكُمْ إِنْ يَكُونُوا فُقَرَاءَ يُغْنِهِمُ اللَّهُ مِنْ فَضْلِهِ وَاللَّهُ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ {النور:32}

Amir al Mu'minin Abu Baker said:

قال أبو بكر الصديق رضي اللّه عنه: أطيعوا اللّه فيما أمركم به من النكاح، ينجز لكم ما وعدكم من الغنى، قال تعالى: (إِن يَكُونُوا فُقَرَاء يُغْنِهِمُ اللَّهُ مِن فَضْلِهِ }،
Are the children starving?No!

Does a father biologically and psychologically need to be around his family 24/7 acting like some unpaid nanny or therapist?

Yes, in the West (where societies have failed and family unit has been destroyed).

This is a western feminist concept which has in fact destroyed the Western nuclear family.

In Somalia and other traditionally masculine cultures a man can still have a healthy relationship with his children despite only seeing them twice a week.

It is a better for Somali men such as this man to practice polygamy rather than marry your daughters to khat addicts or Somali Zionists who have low sperm count.

This man has done nothing wrong except fulfil and commit to Gods blessings.

What crime has he committed which has you frothing at the mouth with feminist rage?
I told u guys, RXs are on their way to become 2nd in 🇸🇴 if their not there already.

This is still extremely irresponsible. I believe these dudes are narcissists or something.
Bro has other kids to take care of though at his duqsi.

A lot of y'all niggas don't understand that being a father actually involves raising your children. It's clearly obvious a lot of niggas want kids but have no interest in actually raising them.
This dude is getting a lot of support on here for some odd reason.

This guy is raising his kids. What else do you think he has dedicated his life to? As long as he provides equitably and they all respect him, his children will turn out better than the those of the Somali diaspora men who babysit while their wives and daughters Twerk at weddings to Afrobeats.

Raising= providing guidance, instilling discipline and materials needs. you guys inherently believe that this can only be provided through a western single unit family. This is the crux of the problem. You think because poor little Abdi joined a gang
in Minnesota due to “muh aabo wasn’t there”, this also means Macalin Bashir in Baidaio also needs act like a full time social worker to “raise his kids”.

