fathers should help their daughters to get married.


women for some reason cant choose for them selfs either end up abused or getting impregnated and then left. fathers should step up more and help them out what do as there's a famous saying guys know guys.what do you think?

has feminism ruined women in to thinking they can do and be anything they want such as ''strong independent women'' well this seems not be the case and so many women end up like this
People who have been abused in childhood end up with abusive partners because that is the norm to them. Why are you making it sound like as if women are the victims? Women are not impressionable children ! Women who choose deadbeat men had deadbeat fathers. A grown woman knows what is best for her .
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has feminism ruined women in to thinking they can do and be anything they want such as ''strong independent women'' well this seems not be the case and so many women end up like this

your right. from what i’ve seen Somali girls cry about being oppressed n shit cuz they see these cadaan feminist and how they can do anything without any consequences so they aspire to be that way even tho it’s a false sense of happiness.
they will refuse to marry a miskeen somali guy with akhlaq and deen cuz they see him as boring and they don’t wanna settle for “less” than they end up falling for a ciyaal suqq player and he’ll most likely go to jail or flat out refuse to settle down. They don’t wanna listen to their parents


In our old tradition a father or brother would pick a guy he thinks suitable for his daughter or sister, he would proceed to cause some sort of offense, like step on his shoe or something, then in compensation he would offer the girl.

they would meet and if they like each other they would proceed to get married.

I agree with this tradition, it could be useful in these times.


jUst keeping it REAL homie
women for some reason cant choose for them selfs either end up abused or getting impregnated and then left. fathers should step up more and help them out what do as there's a famous saying guys know guys.what do you think?

has feminism ruined women in to thinking they can do and be anything they want such as ''strong independent women'' well this seems not be the case and so many women end up like this
Yeah I’ll keep a list of good Suitable young Somali boys of her age group and when she’s of age (15 to 18 ) she has to pick one of these young farahs to be wifey for


jUst keeping it REAL homie
If fathers are not emotionally present in their own marriages what makes you think they will be present for their own daughters ? Deadbeat dads need to be held accountable.
Good point abaayo
My deadbeat father definitely doesn’t care enough to protect his daughters so I got to step up as a big brother


It is a family affair if you choose the wrong person. I am in my 30s so trust me I know how somalis act. I respect my father egardless. I would rather take ownership of my life.✌
So hypothetically, the wedding, the mehr, the whole marriage process is a "private matter" only to be taken between you and the groom. After all, a marriage is also the coming together of 2 family also.

I mean if your in your 30s, your already in control of your life. But when the ship sails, its game over, take the chance whilst you have it, if you feel like it :kanyeshrug:
nowadays diaspora somalis marry later than their parents. if a woman is in her 30s her biological clock could start ticking she would want kids faster than gabar oo early 20s ah.

Basically The wedding is to make it known that you're off the market. When I say private matter I mean its your personal choice and just cus I married into his family dont mean I am married to them, I am married to him Not them of course I'll respect them as my inlaws but thats it.
dangerous mindset i have seen this in marriage. marriage is the joining of 2 people and 2 families. your kids uncles aunts cousins and half his grandparents are from his family they will be in your life forever if you have kids with your husband. imagine wiil fiican but his sisters hate you and ay dhib kuu keenaan? you cannot avoid them.
you have kids and God forbid your husband dies and your kids are younf he cant protect you from his family maxaad sameyn?
your future spouse's family is a major factor.
women for some reason cant choose for them selfs either end up abused or getting impregnated and then left. fathers should step up more and help them out what do as there's a famous saying guys know guys.what do you think?

has feminism ruined women in to thinking they can do and be anything they want such as ''strong independent women'' well this seems not be the case and so many women end up like this
It’s not feminism as Somalis we’ve always had the culture of courting each other before marriage and then marrying.
nowadays diaspora somalis marry later than their parents. if a woman is in her 30s her biological clock could start ticking she would want kids faster than gabar oo early 20s ah.

dangerous mindset i have seen this in marriage. marriage is the joining of 2 people and 2 families. your kids uncles aunts cousins and half his grandparents are from his family they will be in your life forever if you have kids with your husband. imagine wiil fiican but his sisters hate you and ay dhib kuu keenaan? you cannot avoid them.
you have kids and God forbid your husband dies and your kids are younf he cant protect you from his family maxaad sameyn?
your future spouse's family is a major factor.
Thats not the point I was trying to make. Peace