fathers should help their daughters to get married.

oh boy
Maybe not find a husband for you, but let you bring a guy to him and have him suss him out

that means the girl and guy were talking, texting, and all sorts before the father's in the picture. The father should be there from the start, to prevent his daughter being violated.
I'm super surprised.
Isn't it supposed to be the guy looking for the girl and arranging stuff to happen?
This whole first generation is backwards as hell, I get the dugsi/malcamad vibes whereby the girls and boys are separated but then when you meet outside by chance its all ignore/blank each other.
Parents and the community at large need to start helping youngster marry. It isn't enough that the father helps as it is seen as ceeb for the girl's side of the family to propose to the boys family.
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I don't think some of these Abdis want things to change. They are far to comfortable with repeating the cycle.

We are spoiled by our mothers though. I see blame being put squarely on fathers but truth is, Somali households are run by Hooyooyinka. Hardly a somali dad meddles with what is going on and when he does, he gets screamed at for meddling. Traditionally they won't let a boy in the kitchen because that is considered unmanly. Girls are encouraged to learn all the skills for family maintenance whereas Boys are encouraged to become bread winners. How many Somali males in adulthood who you know or heard of with good cooking skills? Guys who say they cook for their wife are ridiculed roundly by Somali males and females alike back home. I personally will never cook as long as wify is healthy and running around. She can count on me when she gives birth or gets sick and can not cook for herself. Beyond those reasons, she can have light breakfast I am making for myself which doesn't take much time to whip up.

There is an upside and downside to all cultures and Somali culture is not unique in having the same pro/con issues.
oh boy

that means the girl and guy were talking, texting, and all sorts before the father's in the picture. The father should be there from the start, to prevent his daughter being violated.

The fact that she brought him home means she trusts her father's judgement and is doing what is right with the introduction of the guy to the family.

Women are human beings saxib, having total control on human beings is counter productive. Somalis have the best culture among Muslims when it comes to male to female relations. There are many ways a woman gets married and meets her husband. Chance encounter and getting to know about someone without doing something forbidden is one of them.

Saudi Arabia locked women behind villas and the resulting culture among their youth is a total disaster. Homosexuality and lesbian practice is rampant. That country was featured as homosexual haven by New York Times. Sexual frustration without the opportunities for young adults to get married easily or meet someone they might marry leads to unwanted consequences. Controlling what tribe to marry from, who you let your daughter marry, nationalism and bigoted culture all lead to social disasters.


𝕻𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗 𝖎𝖘 𝖆𝖓 𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓.
The fact that she brought him home means she trusts her father's judgement and is doing what is right with the introduction of the guy to the family.

Women are human beings saxib, having total control on human beings is counter productive. Somalis have the best culture among Muslims when it comes to male to female relations. There are many ways a woman gets married and meets her husband. Chance encounter and getting to know about someone without doing something forbidden is one of them.

Saudi Arabia locked women behind villas and the resulting culture among their youth is a total disaster. Homosexuality and lesbian practice is rampant. That country was featured as homosexual haven by New York Times. Sexual frustration without the opportunities for young adults to get married easily or meet someone they might marry leads to unwanted consequences.

When you practice extreme social culture based on tribal bigotry and on jahiliya lifestyle regarding marriages, you end up suffering social consequences that are negative. Just as misguided feminist movement produces social ills, misguided and ill advised conservatism based on rigid interpretation of modesty gives you big failure.

- Banning women from driving because there is the potential for Zina is one great example. The fact that boys and men can drive who are equally capable of Zina tells you all you need.


Engineer of Qandala
Thread reminds me of this post I saw on Twitter

What seemed to be the topic was that fathers need to step up more in their daughters marriages, and from the looks of it it seemed like he was referring to fathers that are already present, as it would be silly to be having a father that is dead weight come and do that, there is hypocricy in that and they need to fix themselves first before doing such a thing, I had no issue with what she said, though it comes from an assumption that we were talking about fatherless families which was not the case, and i see that you go on to talk about fathers not being emotionally involved, this is a very vauge term, it could mean anything, and I wouldn't be sure to say that they currently have no role at all when it comes to marriage if that's what you're getting, i find it funny that you want to accuse me of not reading it correctly when you didnt read what i said or what i said afterwards


These kinda topics can be a sore spot if your father is uninvolved in your life so I can see why some posters automatically go to Somali fathers ain't shit card.
Thread reminds me of this post I saw on Twitter

These kinda topics can be a sore spot if your father is uninvolved in your life so I can see why some posters automatically go to Somali fathers ain't shit card.

Lol, this fits in with my other point. Even if the father is good and cares about his daughters marriage, what can he do if men are not coming up to him and proposing?
From a guys perspective, I'm not even entertaining marriage thoughts till I get my stuff together which can take years.
All these dumb broke adheers coming to me telling me to get married and all my problems will be solved smh.
Life is tough if you don't know people and all these naive girls fresh outta uni expecting the world. Get a few years experience and then we will talk.


Engineer of Qandala
Lol, this fits in with my other point. Even if the father is good and cares about his daughters marriage, what can he do if men are not coming up to him and proposing?

I mean they do suggest people, there's been a bunch of threads/twitter posts of Xalimos who have posted about experiences meeting people their fathers suggested
I mean they do suggest people, there's been a bunch of threads/twitter posts of Xalimos who have posted about experiences meeting people their fathers suggested

Usually those people are people that have come to the father, whether it be the guy himself, the guy's father or uncle. Once they have spoken to the father, that is when the father would suggest the person to the daughter.

Very rarely would a father go up to a man or family of the man and say, get to know my daughter/marry my daughter. That is seen as very ceeb in our culture.

My father has suggested people to me as well, but these were people that have expressed interest by speaking to him first.