Fighting breaks out between FGS & Jubbaland forces in Ras Kamboni

I'm confused it sounds like ahmed mqosbe was able to attack hsm and inflct a heavily lost on hsm. But that it was becuase ahmed madobe secretly coperated with alshabab?
If hsm wins here expect kgs to be next. Hsm plans to elect himself. Ironic as it sounds madobe is our first line of defense against self election. :francis:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Ulusow has set his eyes on goobweyne which is 15 km from kismaayo. If ulusow captures that it will be lights out for madoobe.

Madoobe and AS are intricablly linked, one cannot survive without the other. His defeat will be momentous in the fight against terror
Ulusow has set his eyes on goobweyne which is 15 km from kismaayo. If ulusow captures that it will be lights out for madoobe.
How is that even possible with the amount of troops he has and the terrain. Do you even think? :what:
Did you see JL complaining about drones? It really is easy for a drone to cut through teknikos broski. Remember the Tigray war.
I don’t believe anything I’ve heard from either side so far. It’s convenient to use drones as an excuse to attack and it’s also convenient to use shabaab sympathizers as an excuse to attack. Let’s give it atleast a few more hours and remain level headed while the fog of war settles.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
Opposition in Xamar put out a statement
View attachment 349463

@TekNiKo is one of the 2 sides now?

SNTV and the defense ministry have resorted to coping with AS while the JL state tv claimed total victory.
I'm seeing several different outcomes being reported, twitter, facebook and here. JL state TV is about as reliable as any other sspot user reporting on this situation. I think you are smart enought to know which sources in Somalia are biased and which are not and JL state TV is wholly biased towards Madobe regardless of what actually happens.


Blackie's response :dead:
Jubaland claim 40 gor gor defected :drakelaugh:These men spent anything from a year to three years in Turkey and are the best paid soldiers in Somalia. No chance of them handing themselves over to a militia with no pay and old weapons, more importantly 40 of a single qabil cannot congregate within gor gor :deadmanny:


Nothing more than pro Gurgurte cope
Election 2016 So The Question Is Who Are These Guys GIF by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert
It seems like that ahmes madobe co-operated with alshabab is the offcial story they're going with.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This morning, Ahmed Madobe&#39;s faction unlawfully attacked Somali National Army and Jubaland Darwish forces in Lower Jubba. These treasonous actions, tied to collusion with Khawarij, will face severe legal consequences-Statement by Ministry of Defence. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; SNTV News (@sntvnews1) <a href="">December 11, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
Boon why do you care if I hate HSM? You are not getting Kismaayo. Hiiraab will replace Madoobe with another Ogaden or a Hawiye affiliated clan. When Hawiye conquered Kismaayo they put a Murusade (Xirey Qassim) in charge :russ:

View attachment 349465
What is this nonsense u posted, a poor murursade mooryan was left in charge of Kismayo and when some formerly well off citizens approached him with a simple request he refused them out of spite? You really have no shame. Like I said before Khaasro baad tahay if u are bragging about this.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
#UPDATE Warar is khilaafsan ayaa kasoo baxaya dagaalka Raaskambooni kudhexmaray ciidamada DFS halkaas geysay iyo kuwa Jubbaland, waxaana qolo kasta ay sheeganaysaa guul dagaal.

Madaxweyne Xassan Sh ayaa maalmo kahor u sheegay Beesha Caalamka in uu Kismaayo qabsan doono 7 gudihiis, dadkeediina ku celin doono, una baahan yahay Taakuleyn ciidan, oo uusan Axmed Madobe lakulmeynin.

Wey adag tahay in lahelo warar ka madax banaan sheegashooyinka, maadaama Isgaarsiinta horey loo jaray, inkasta oo labada dhinac guul sheegteen haddana warar laga helay dhinacyo sheegashooyinka ka madax banaan ayaa sheegaya in dagaal xoogan dhacay, ciidanka JLna ay gaareen agagaarka garoonka diyaaradaha, inkasta oo aan wali xaqiijin loo heynin.

Jubbaland ayaa sheegaysa in ay cadeymo soo bandhigi doonto, dhinaca Dawladda Soomaaliya ayaa ku eedeysay Jubbaland in ay ciidankeeda dhexmarisay kooxaha Argagixiso, taas oo bixinaysa in dawladdu jihada dagaalka balaarinayso.

- Gaylan MEDIA


If your reports are true and JL State TV bring cold hard evidence then we will know HSM's lower jubba gamble has fallen like a house of cards.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
@cow seems like you were right, Cali Yare confirms dawlada still controls Ras Kambooni and is planning an offensive to attack Ma Dhamaato and then onwards too Goobweyn.

PM Hamza was ordered to open a new office in Ras Kambooni and direct the attacks to increase troop morale.



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