Fighting breaks out between FGS & Jubbaland forces in Ras Kamboni


Its not good news if madoowe loses, hes good Guy he keeps jubaland pure waamo darood and is harsh on nondarood groups, if culusow wins jubaland will look like congo, i wish daroodnimo was real so se could send troop to waamo to fight back against these hordes and convert these brainwashed SNA darood troops
Ayded wanted to split city in 4 so everyone gets there xaaq


Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
Ayded wanted to split city in 4 so everyone gets there xaaq

So much destruction early civil back when even koonfur clans had heavy weapons like artillery and tanks before they were confiscated by UN forces and peacekeeper knocked out tanks and barely functional artillery cannons use to litter the streets of kismayo, xamar and other major cities.


So much destruction early civil back when even koonfur clans had heavy weapons like artillery and tanks before they were confiscated by UN forces and peacekeeper knocked out tanks and barely functional artillery cannons use to litter the streets of kismayo, xamar and other major cities.
Crazy times we self imploded


#Jubaland authorities claimed Tuesday that their regional forces successfully repelled an attack by Somali National Army troops in the Lower Juba region. The skirmish reportedly occurred in the vicinity of Raskamboni, where the Somali National Army (SNA) had been deployed following the reelection of Jubaland President Ahmed Madobe in Kismayo on Monday. FGS termed the election as illegal. #Somalia

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠


#Jubaland authorities claimed Tuesday that their regional forces successfully repelled an attack by Somali National Army troops in the Lower Juba region. The skirmish reportedly occurred in the vicinity of Raskamboni, where the Somali National Army (SNA) had been deployed following the reelection of Jubaland President Ahmed Madobe in Kismayo on Monday. FGS termed the election as illegal. #Somalia
Garowe online is biased meanwhile reality on the ground they all surrendered

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
Farmaajo is the only opposition leader who didn't congratulate madoobe while the rest of the mucaarad sent their congratulations

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
#UPDATE: Sida ay xaqiijinayaan wararka laga helayo gobalka Gedo, gaar ahaana deegaanada dhaca xaduuda Itoobiya ay la wadaagto gobalkaas ciidamada Itoobiya ee aan ka mid aheyn howlgalka Midowga Afrika ayaa wada dhaqdhaqaqyo ciidan, iyadoo warar sheegayaan in ay taageerayan dhinaca Jubbaland.

Sidoo kale qaar kamid ah masuuliyiinta gobalka Gedo ee taabacsan dhinaca Jubbaland ayaa la geeyey magaalada Godey, iyadoo lagu qaaday diyaarad ciidan, halkaas oo ay kulamo kula leeyihiin saraakiisha ciidanka Itoobiya, gaar ahaana qeybaha kusugan gudaha gobalka Gedo, oo ay ka wada hadlayaan arrimaha Amniga.

DF Soomaaliya ayaa doonaysa in ay dhammaan la wareegto goobaha ay ciidamada Itoobiya ka joogaan Gedo, Baay & Bakool, iyadoo sheegaysa in ATMIS laga saaray Itoobiya, aysana joogi karin gudaha Soomaaliya, xili ay JL diidan tahay arrintan.

So Itoobiya is supporting Madobe because the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

MOGADISHU, #Somalia — The Somali parliament erupted into chaos today as lawmakers debated the approval of a controversial election commission. The session was briefly disrupted when opposition MPs from Jubaland, using sirens, staged a protest, halting proceedings for several moments.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
#UPDATE: Sida ay xaqiijinayaan wararka laga helayo gobalka Gedo, gaar ahaana deegaanada dhaca xaduuda Itoobiya ay la wadaagto gobalkaas ciidamada Itoobiya ee aan ka mid aheyn howlgalka Midowga Afrika ayaa wada dhaqdhaqaqyo ciidan, iyadoo warar sheegayaan in ay taageerayan dhinaca Jubbaland.

Sidoo kale qaar kamid ah masuuliyiinta gobalka Gedo ee taabacsan dhinaca Jubbaland ayaa la geeyey magaalada Godey, iyadoo lagu qaaday diyaarad ciidan, halkaas oo ay kulamo kula leeyihiin saraakiisha ciidanka Itoobiya, gaar ahaana qeybaha kusugan gudaha gobalka Gedo, oo ay ka wada hadlayaan arrimaha Amniga.

DF Soomaaliya ayaa doonaysa in ay dhammaan la wareegto goobaha ay ciidamada Itoobiya ka joogaan Gedo, Baay & Bakool, iyadoo sheegaysa in ATMIS laga saaray Itoobiya, aysana joogi karin gudaha Soomaaliya, xili ay JL diidan tahay arrintan.

So Itoobiya is supporting Madobe because the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Xamar to Luuq


4 planes full of Ciidan
Duulimaadkii Koowaad oo kamid ah ilaa afar duulimaad oo maanta loo qorsheeyey in qeybaha kala duwan Ee Ciidanka Xooga lagu geeyo gobolka gado, ayaa hada ka kacey garoonka aaden cade Ee magaalda Muqdisho.

Diyaaradaan ayaa sida ciidanka katirsan guutada gumac Ee qeybta ilaalo qaran, sida qorshuhu yaheyna waxaa laga dajin doonaa magaalda luuq Ee gobolka Gado.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium

MOGADISHU, #Somalia — The Somali parliament erupted into chaos today as lawmakers debated the approval of a controversial election commission. The session was briefly disrupted when opposition MPs from Jubaland, using sirens, staged a protest, halting proceedings for several moments.
Childish antics but funny to watch nonetheless reminds me of this


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