Fighting breaks out in Ceerigaabo between SSC and Somaliland troops

Mopping up operations inside Ceerigaabo city ended today. Several SSC militia who'm been holding out in private residences has been apprehended.

NA put in work got y'all panicking but that's besides the point

By the end of the year there will be an end to nabad imposed by a fake heshis

Whether a green line ama magaalo Harti ha naqoto ama Magaalo Isaaq ha naqoto we'll see.

This is an Isaaq-Harti war now and may the best man win

What panic they left their dead, injured and even cloths behind. You're right in the sense that it's the first open attack on Ceerigaabo city for well over 30 years lakkin even without prior perpetrations aya la karbashay oo meesha laga saray. Cala kuli xaal you're welcome to try your luck.

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Apparently members of Somaliland police facilitated the attack and worked with SSC militia have been also arrested.

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Empty houses of residents in eastern and southern Ceerigaabo city taken over by Muuse Ismaciil.

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Badhasabka Gobolka Sanaag Axmed Cabdi Muuse AKA "isdibir" confirms only 2 Somaliland soldiers died and 4 injured. He also made it clear there will be no amnesty or forgiveness for any individual arrested fighting the national army. He also declared that from here and out, any Ceerigaabo resident carrying arms will be arrested and imprisoned.



Reformation of Somaliland
The Military and Local Govt have banned all firearms in the city, long overdue - with the other places in Somaliland
In a scene reminiscent of Bashar Al Asad lightning departure from Damascus, family photos of one of the SSC militia who fled his house in Ceerigaabo is up in display.


Ximan iyo Xadeed

In a scene reminiscent of Bashar Al Asad lightning departure from Damascus, family photos of one of the SSC militia who fled his house in Ceerigaabo is up in display.

This is the house of a Minnesota resident Yassin Dualeh, and the funny thing is he's too rich to care

Isaaqs doing home invasions , I guess the Niger congo blood aka negro antics goes deep in your blood. I hope more of these videos spread there will be less sympathy and a gurmad will come from Buhoodle to Badhan to Gaalkacyo.

Ceerigaabo wll be Laascanood 2.0
Any sympathy for Wada nool will disappear and I'll celebrate

Idinku baa qaxaysan
This is the house of a Minnesota resident Yassin Dualeh, and the funny thing is he's too rich to care

Isaaqs doing home invasions , I guess the Niger congo blood aka negro antics goes deep in your blood. I hope more of these videos spread there will be less sympathy and a gurmad will come from Buhoodle to Badhan to Gaalkacyo.

Ceerigaabo wll be Laascanood 2.0
Any sympathy for Wada nool will disappear and I'll celebrate

Idinku baa qaxaysan

So he's one of those SSC propagandists, no wonder he's people are 5th column sellout. In that case, their blood and property is xalaal. Let him build another house in Lascanood.


The Gulf of Berbera
This is the house of a Minnesota resident Yassin Dualeh, and the funny thing is he's too rich to care

Isaaqs doing home invasions , I guess the Niger congo blood aka negro antics goes deep in your blood. I hope more of these videos spread there will be less sympathy and a gurmad will come from Buhoodle to Badhan to Gaalkacyo.

Ceerigaabo wll be Laascanood 2.0
Any sympathy for Wada nool will disappear and I'll celebrate

Idinku baa qaxaysan
You made us laugh walhi. Weren’t you the one instigating war for past months and threatening us that Ceerigabo is going to be divided between Isaaq and Marti? Now that you got what you were asking for after you initiated this clash you started crying and saying gurmad is going to come to you from Gaalkacayo. Cida gaalkacyo ka umanaysa waayo horta kkk. Horeba Marti un baad ahayd maantana waad ka carartay magaaladi. Iska seexo sxb Isaaq dhulkiisa muran ma galo.
This is the house of a Minnesota resident Yassin Dualeh, and the funny thing is he's too rich to care

Isaaqs doing home invasions , I guess the Niger congo blood aka negro antics goes deep in your blood. I hope more of these videos spread there will be less sympathy and a gurmad will come from Buhoodle to Badhan to Gaalkacyo.

Ceerigaabo wll be Laascanood 2.0
Any sympathy for Wada nool will disappear and I'll celebrate

Idinku baa qaxaysan

1. Shelling houses
2. Burning people in their houses
3. Invading people's properties
4. Stealing houses

Doesn't that remind you of what happened in Mogadishu in 1991? Yet they pretend to be more civilised.

As usual, they have no war protocol or dhaqan islaameed, and they will lose as per usual, in a humiliating fashion. I can't wait to see them flee the forum again.
Mopping up operations inside Ceerigaabo city ended today. Several SSC militia who'm been holding out in private residences has been apprehended.

The men in the video you posted are Horgals who stayed in Ceerigaabo working for the SNM administration.

SNM oo soo uruurisay Horgaladii la jooga!

Maanta reerkii Isaaq waxay soo safeen raggii horgalada u ahaa 25ka sano.
Ragga halkan ka muuqda ee qaarkood leeyihiin “Ciidanka Qarankaan ahay” waxaa ka mid ah:

1. Taliyahii Turubitaariyada Gobolka Sanaag Gaashanle Dhexe:- Maxamed Cali Xaaji Ciise .

2. Taliye xigeenkii Police Gaashanle Dhexe:- Maxamud Cali Geeldhalaa .

3. Taliye ku xigeenka Saldhiga Dhexe ee Ceerigaabo Maxamuud
Cabdi Cade .

4. Kaaliyaha Maxkamadda degmadda:- Abdalle Xasan Gidaar .

5. Kaaliyaha Maxkamadda Racfaanka Gobolka:- Fahad .

6. Dablayaal Police sida Ibraahim Salah, Said Kalarare .

7. Shaqaale SNMta .
Another cheap propaganda video.

This video you posted shows SNM police and Isaaq mops attacking Herti's shops and houses on November 26, 2024.