All of a sudden everyone turned into a saint or patriot somali, what kind of war protocol justifies the use of artillery shells in a densely populated city against random civilians just to kill what ever gets its way?1. Shelling houses
2. Burning people in their houses
3. Invading people's properties
4. Stealing houses
Doesn't that remind you of what happened in Mogadishu in 1991? Yet they pretend to be more civilised.
As usual, they have no war protocol or dhaqan islaameed, and they will lose as per usual, in a humiliating fashion. I can't wait to see them flee the forum again.
This is an Eastern HY & HJ war. Don’t involve the rest of us in your primitive annual Eastern bloodletting. Easterners think they can shoot up ambulances and pregnant women and go to JannahThis is an Isaaq-Harti war now and may the best man win
In a scene reminiscent of Bashar Al Asad lightning departure from Damascus, family photos of one of the SSC militia who fled his house in Ceerigaabo is up in display.
Another sad day for somalis thanks to the blood lust elites, this could be prevented but the khaatumo militia opted to take advantage of the preferential trearment given to dhulbahante in cerigabo to smuggle an illegal weapons inside the houses of civilians and allegedly orchestrate an urban warfare, may be its time for them to realize that all the surroundings of erigavo belongs to a single subclan and let dhulbahante live peacefully with the rest of the community
We promise to raze ceerigabo to the ground and drive isaaq into the embrace of afars and oromos, in 200 years isaaq will not remember being Somali.Nigga became a Palestinian
You are living in fantasy land if you think Harti will not make a return in force to Ceerigaabo.
We will destroy the city if we can't have it.
If we can’t have waqooyi we no one can, we will turn it into a wasteland
Why not live peacefully in your areas? Why do you want other peoples land.
The men in the video you posted are Horgals who stayed in Ceerigaabo working for the SNM administration.
SNM oo soo uruurisay Horgaladii la jooga!
Maanta reerkii Isaaq waxay soo safeen raggii horgalada u ahaa 25ka sano.
Ragga halkan ka muuqda ee qaarkood leeyihiin “Ciidanka Qarankaan ahay” waxaa ka mid ah:
1. Taliyahii Turubitaariyada Gobolka Sanaag Gaashanle Dhexe:- Maxamed Cali Xaaji Ciise .
2. Taliye xigeenkii Police Gaashanle Dhexe:- Maxamud Cali Geeldhalaa .
3. Taliye ku xigeenka Saldhiga Dhexe ee Ceerigaabo Maxamuud
Cabdi Cade .
4. Kaaliyaha Maxkamadda degmadda:- Abdalle Xasan Gidaar .
5. Kaaliyaha Maxkamadda Racfaanka Gobolka:- Fahad .
6. Dablayaal Police sida Ibraahim Salah, Said Kalarare .
7. Shaqaale SNMta .
Another cheap propaganda video.
This video you posted shows SNM police and Isaaq mops attacking Herti's shops and houses on November 26, 2024.
You made us laugh walhi. Weren’t you the one instigating war for past months and threatening us that Ceerigabo is going to be divided between Isaaq and Marti? Now that you got what you were asking for after you initiated this clash you started crying and saying gurmad is going to come to you from Gaalkacayo. Cida gaalkacyo ka umanaysa waayo horta kkk. Horeba Marti un baad ahayd maantana waad ka carartay magaaladi. Iska seexo sxb Isaaq dhulkiisa muran ma galo.
I wouldn't speak of prisoners if I were you sxbDarood will do anything but accept other Somalis being their leaders. It's sad to see you crash out like this. You will be prisoners in four different countries. When HAG finally get round to building theirs.
Keep projecting, we kept telling you not to pit the two communities against each other with your fantasy and misleading claims that the city is divided into two when in fact every surrounding town of erigavo belongs to garhajis yet you indulge in that illussion and attempted to make it a reality only to fail and the only way you can be back to erigavo is to embrace the peace and drop your expansionist agenda, no way you can bring armed men to erigavo ever againYou are living in fantasy land if you think Harti will not make a return in force to Ceerigaabo.
We will destroy the city if we can't have it.