Fighting has started in Bosaso

Some people are like robots, cold and unfeeling. All this destruction, and all they can say is "mah great deni will win and crush these people." According to them, nothing else matters except deni stealing bosaso seats no matter what. He isn't at fault, he is a saint. Everything is PSF's fault, why are they defending themselves when deni kills their soldiers? Deni broke the ceasefire? PSF fault. Deni lied and backstabbed? Psf's fault. Deni stopped people from evacuating? PSF's fault.

PSF wrote on their page that civilians should evacuate. When has Deni done that, shows you he doesn't give a damn how many civilians are killed. He isn't even letting people DONATE BLOOOD. but it's all PSF's fault, deni is an angel who is innocent.
Why don’t you worry about Gaajo gedo? Why do you behave like an attention seeking ?

Kkk dude says there is too much false info and then makes a whole thread that is fake news and misinformation.

He posted this video without sound. 👇 Because the original video with the sound doesn't fit his fake news.

Here's the original video i posted in this thread withe AUDIO. Where the PSF soldier is asking where the hell is the fallen wall that Deni's militia claims.

When will you stop posting fake news. Those are already fired mortars kulaha captured. This is a psf taken picture. And the wall is the psf compound, denis forces are nowhere near it.

These guys are trying to insult our intelligence! How can Deni forces capture this place when the defenses are up and facing away from the PSF COMPOUND!! This is basic common sense not even basic military knowledge.
FKD is a classist game.

You think the average person in Bosaso today has the fucking privilege to sit at a cafe and debate about this?

No, because despite this topic affecting them more than you or I, they have more pressing matters.

So it does piss me off when I see people that claim to love PL or question my qabiil but go straight into FKD on a thread about violence and death in PL.

Because it shows the fucking audacity and lack of class of some people.

Dude, why do you always have to be a contrarian? Deni and Dinayo are from the same sub-clan, our position is clear, no family militias will supervene Puntland state jurisdiction.

Go to Facebook and YouTube, plenty Bossaso residents are hoping PSF will be detained by Deni, it's not that deep.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

Deni broke the agreement and those fleeing civilians who returned paid the price. The Deni Cult here will ignore this
These guys are trying to insult our intelligence! How can Deni forces capture this place when the defenses are up and facing away from the PSF COMPOUND!! This is basic common sense not even basic military knowledge.

You guys only support Dinayo because he's against Puntland, c'mon now :ftw9nwa:
You guys only support Dinayo because he's against Puntland, c'mon now :ftw9nwa:
Diyaano family are against Puntland? :stopit: Diyaano family have been fighting and defending puntland for more than 2 decades. More than twenty years. They shed sweat, blood and tears for puntland. But today they are against puntland because they disagree with dictator deni and his army of bots? Come on, you can't be serious.

Also why are you laughing. Is what dictator deni does funny to you? All this bloodshed is funny to you? :farmajoyaab:


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Dude, why do you always have to be a contrarian?

Look at Somalia, the least developed nation on earth.

Somalis did that.

Obviously, I’ll be a contrarian when it comes to Somalia because agreeing with the majority is never a good thing there.
Look at Somalia, the least developed nation on earth.

Somalis did that.

Obviously, I’ll be a contrarian when it comes to Somalia because agreeing with the majority is never a good thing there.

Sxb, who's talking about Somalia? I've already made my position clear on this weeks back.

Deni is the current residing president of Puntland, PSF serves the government of Puntland, therefore they are beholden to what Deni says and commands, if he says jump, they ask how high.

You can't be a contrarian in this situation, you're either with the government or not, you choose between statehood or anarchy. To this day South Somalia has roaming clan militias that answer to no one, I don't want that for Puntland, ever.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Sxb, who's talking about Somalia? I've already made my position clear on this weeks back.

You can't be a contrarian in this situation, you're either with the government or not, you choose between statehood or anarchy. To this day South Somalia has roaming clan militias that answer to no one, I don't want that for Puntland, ever.

When have I supported PSF?

I even said earlier in this thread that Deni winning is good for me as anti-qabiilist. He will crack down on ismo and make them irrelevant.

Don’t try paint as something I’m not.
Sxb, who's talking about Somalia? I've already made my position clear on this weeks back.

You can't be a contrarian in this situation, you're either with the government or not, you choose between statehood or anarchy. To this day South Somalia has roaming clan militias that answer to no one, I don't want that for Puntland, ever.
You're really naive. All of puntland's military is basically clan militia fighting in the name of the government. Every clan in Puntland has it's own weapons and wears a specific shirt. The puntland daraawish that deni is using led by jimcaale are majority one sub clan from garowe. PSF are majority one clan. PMPF are also majority one single sub clan.

Deni wants to divide the weapons psf has, which belong to a sub clan to be divided among other sub clans which won't be allowed.


i have a good friend in bosaaso myself tarxiil from nairobi and my guy was police up there. his sister was a interpreter for some ngo there as well. what are the chances of deni having sent him to fight the mooryaan psf?:damedamn:
The traditional elders are now inside PSF HQ to negotiate the transfer of PSF assets.

it was always heading to this point wallahi you can’t fight a state.

They should have went to deni a long time ago and said me president you want our mps give us a list and they will run unopposed as long as we maintain psf.

This whole presidential race was going to come down to deni vs farmaajo. It’s sad we got this fight.
it was always heading to this point wallahi you can’t fight a state.

They should have went to deni a long time ago and said me president you want our mps give us a list and they will run unopposed as long as we maintain psf.

This whole presidential race was going to come down to deni vs farmaajo. It’s sad we got this fight.
This has nothing to do with mps, ina diyaano wants to control the PSF and it was their cash cow for more than 15 years.
This has nothing to do with mps, ina diyaano wants to control the PSF and it was their cash cow for more than 15 years.

if diyaano controlled bosaso would the mps have voted for deni ? we both know the answer.

Your right on what diyaano wants but the question is why did deni do it now.