Fighting has started in Bosaso

This oday says what is well-known. The military is divided alongside clan lines. Some people don't realize what's keeping puntland together isn't the law but rather the clans agreement.

Reading through this thread it's evident that most people have no idea as to the reality of what's going on.

1. Initial fighting was not instigated by the government but by several hit and run attacks from diyaanos camp

2. this is not PSF vs the government this is a faction loyal to the diyaanos vs the government (including legitimate PSF)

3. The government strategy so far has been containment (though that's due to change soon). This is why it's been taking so long. Gov personnel in the city has been restricted to using small arms while the desperate militias have been using mortars and shells

4. The Government has NOT been shelling civilians. Shells recovered are all of US make and supply. Of which the only troops who had access to it are diyaanos faction

5. This is a internal conflict which will end soon anyways. It's the endgame for Ina diyaano who thought he'd receive more support than he actually did get

6. There is a political element to it involving external actors which emboldened the diyaano family to act this way making this inevitable conflict escalate into real physical violence

7. Those trying to compare this to Guriceel or anywhere in the failed south are laughable. Puntland remains a self sufficient state that solves its own problems

8. Hyping this up hasn't changed anything. A tumour is being cut out of PL. What will come out of this is a more assertive PL
Reading through this thread it's evident that most people have no idea as to the reality of what's going on.

1. Initial fighting was not instigated by the government but by several hit and run attacks from diyaanos camp

2. this is not PSF vs the government this is a faction loyal to the diyaanos vs the government (including legitimate PSF)

3. The government strategy so far has been containment (though that's due to change soon). This is why it's been taking so long. Gov personnel in the city has been restricted to using small arms while the desperate militias have been using mortars and shells

4. The Government has NOT been shelling civilians. Shells recovered are all of US make and supply. Of which the only troops who had access to it are diyaanos faction

5. This is a internal conflict which will end soon anyways. It's the endgame for Ina diyaano who thought he'd receive more support than he actually did get

6. There is a political element to it involving external actors which emboldened the diyaano family to act this way making this inevitable conflict escalate into real physical violence

7. Those trying to compare this to Guriceel or anywhere in the failed south are laughable. Puntland remains a self sufficient state that solves its own problems

8. Hyping this up hasn't changed anything. A tumour is being cut out of PL. What will come out of this is a more assertive PL










Kkkk soo many invested in Puntland...obsessed much? No Mooryanimo will be tolerated in Puntland. President Deni is the sole leader....Ina Diyano, will be in chains, soon enough.


Reer puntland never forget your worst enemies are your so called fellow somalis, if you don’t believe me just scroll around this thread.
I’m sure we will resolve this issue we have at the moment and we will come out stronger. Puntland haa nolaato, ha jirto!

We've always knew this. It's only a fraction of xolos in PL, that believe in Somalinimo.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
I was in Garowe a week ago and I was surprised to see houses spray painted “No Deni” and many people were open about their views. Partly related to power sharing inequalities, lack of jobs, currency and high cost of living etc while others more philosophical that Somali leaders in general have mucaarad from day of any tenure. I urge people to come here and interact with people.

I remember when I was in Garowe in 2014-15 and saw “No Faroole” spray painted on people’s houses.

I was so shocked that this happened in Garowe of all places.

Worst of all, Abdiweli was president at the time!!


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
These people...I dont even know what to tell you. They're like brainwashed zombies. Majority have never and dont plan on ever going back home, they've deluded themselves that their regions is all sunshine and roses and their suprime clan leaders shit gold.

You say otherwise you're a sheegad and an enemy lmaooo.

They're not even truly mad or empathic about what's happening either, they're mad it's being broadcasted and their "enemies" are gonna use this situation against them in fkd on a random anonymous site. Talk about priorities.

This is facts right here. I been saying this for the longest.

Im pissed that most of the reer PL see this debacle through the lens of FKD, which is nothing more of a game to them.

The lives of their tol is worth nothing more but a back and forth online. How fucked is that?

Puntland isn’t perfect, it’s far from perfect. Neither is SL, JL or any of these places.

I can’t wait to see the reaction of many of these ppl when they land in Somalia for the first time. The look on their face will be priceless.
I remember when I was in Garowe in 2014-15 and saw “No Faroole” spray painted on people’s houses.

I was so shocked that this happened in Garowe of all places.

Worst of all, Abdiweli was president at the time!!
That's how they do graffiti back home, "No" followed by the president's name. No Faroole, No Gaas, No Deni, they spray paint that on livestock as well.
This is facts right here. I been saying this for the longest.

Im pissed that most of the reer PL see this debacle through the lens of FKD, which is nothing more of a game to them.

The lives of their tol is worth nothing more but a back and forth online. How fucked is that?

Puntland isn’t perfect, it’s far from perfect. Neither is SL, JL or any of these places.

I can’t wait to see the reaction of many of these ppl when they land in Somalia for the first time. The look on their face will be priceless.

Who's fkding off of this from PL even online? Furthermore plenty of people have been back home for dhaqan celis. Cool off kiddo


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Who's fkding off of this from PL even online?

There are two groups of reer PL on this thread. Those that genuinely care about this tragedy and are angry and those who are engaging in FKD.

It’s so clear to see from the responses. Some haven’t even said AUN.

It’s not even about pro-Deni or pro-PSF wallahi.
There are two groups of reer PL on this thread. Those that genuinely care about this tragedy and are angry and those who are engaging in FKD.

It’s so clear to see from the responses. Some haven’t even said AUN.

It’s not even about pro-Deni or pro-PSF wallahi.

Do people have to type AUN on a forum to care for their people? What you want to see in that regard is performative

As for anger what did you want to see? Where did you want it directed at? Most of us are very frustrated at the perpetrators as has been pretty evident

This thread was created for a single purpose and that was a politically fueled dialogue not for tacsi purposes.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Do people have to type AUN on a forum to care for their people? What you want to see in that regard is performative

As for anger what did you want to see? Where did you want it directed at? Most of us are very frustrated at the perpetrators as has been pretty evident

This thread was created for a single purpose and that was a politically fueled dialogue not for tacsi purposes.

FKD is a classist game.

You think the average person in Bosaso today has the fucking privilege to sit at a cafe and debate about this?

No, because despite this topic affecting them more than you or I, they have more pressing matters.

So it does piss me off when I see people that claim to love PL or question my qabiil but go straight into FKD on a thread about violence and death in PL.

Because it shows the fucking audacity and lack of class of some people.


Bantu Liberation Movement
Do people have to type AUN on a forum to care for their people? What you want to see in that regard is performative

As for anger what did you want to see? Where did you want it directed at? Most of us are very frustrated at the perpetrators as has been pretty evident

This thread was created for a single purpose and that was a politically fueled dialogue not for tacsi purposes.
He's a rufiyaan. When Somaliland were displacing Rahanweyn, he said we wanted the same thing. It's a way to get brownie points or appear moderate, I wouldn't be surprised if his entire purpose on here is because of the rest of us Puntites on here. There's a clear wrong party, apparent to most of us except him and the one who thinks being on the ground makes her a CNN reporter.
He's a rufiyaan. When Somaliland were displacing Rahanweyn, he said we wanted the same thing. It's a way to get brownie points or appear moderate, I wouldn't be surprised if his entire purpose on here is because of the rest of us Puntites on here. There's a clear wrong party, apparent to most of us except him and the one who thinks being on the ground makes her a CNN reporter.

I remember that topic, this person likes to insert himself and his issues into topics that have a large following. He wants to be seen as some sort of Somali Martin Luther King at our expense.
What's most revealing about his narcissistic plan, is how he ignores the people that are actually doing FKD and damn near drooling with joy at the war in Bosaso.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Have you seen any Puntite in here who is enjoying the war in Bosaso? As you have probably guessed by now, he is seeking attention for himself.

These were my first words on this thread.

I hope everyone is safe and I’m disgusted this happening. Hopefully, no one is harmed inshallah.

However, let this be a lesson to not speak too soon. Too many people were so certain that this would never happen.

Somalia isn’t safe and it’s people are trigger happy.

These were yours.....


Are you going to let a perverted sheegato and another sheegato who Writes Like This, make you insult your own clan? Do I have to tell you the same thing over and over again? I'm tired.

@Boqorada , may Allah keep you safe sister.

Puntland has Allah and peace will prevail, as for the lowly bottom-feeding hyenas and the Italian footsoldier descendants, we all know what your state is now and where you will end up soon, so enjoy this, for now.

I don’t need to call someone a narcissist. These statements can speak for themselves.

Imagine your reaction to violence in your home area is to sus out who is a shegaad.
