Fighting has started in Bosaso


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Ina Dhowre,

This topic isn't about you, if you really want attention, open a separate topic.

If I was really seeking attention, why would I repeatedly ask for this thread to put into a private sub-forum.

I was the only reer PL to request this.

Here are the links.


Only one man asked for this topic to be moved to FKD.
Again, if you want so much attention, open a new topic for yourself, maybe in the 'Ask Me Anything' section or somewhere similar and I promise, I will visit and even bring some friends.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Only one man asked for this topic to be moved to FKD.
Again, if you want so much attention, open a new topic for yourself, maybe in the 'Ask Me Anything' section or somewhere similar and I promise, I will visit and even bring some friends.

You haven’t even said AUN on this thread or even shown any ounce of sympathy to the victims.

All you said is β€œAllah is with PL”.

And I’m the narcissist.

FKD is a classist game.

You think the average person in Bosaso today has the fucking privilege to sit at a cafe and debate about this?

No, because despite this topic affecting them more than you or I, they have more pressing matters.

So it does piss me off when I see people that claim to love PL or question my qabiil but go straight into FKD on a thread about violence and death in PL.

Because it shows the fucking audacity and lack of class of some people.

We are not in Bosaso so we have the ability to look at this and try to figure out where things went wrong.

And people in Bosaso are very much voicing the same issues and concerns as we speak. I've got 3 cousins there right now and have spoken to each of them

You have some weird point to prove and you'll make roundabout arguments to try to prove it

If you noticed there's 27 pages on this thread and you've been very active to call PL posters out on supposed qabyaalad with non sequiturs but the blatant qabyaalad of others largely miss your notice.
You haven’t even said AUN on this thread or even shown any ounce of sympathy to the victims.

All you said is β€œAllah is with PL”.

And I’m the narcissist.


Why do I need to say AUN on a topic on a forum, when I pick up my phone to say it to my family and friends? You really need to get a grip.
He's a rufiyaan. When Somaliland were displacing Rahanweyn, he said we wanted the same thing. It's a way to get brownie points or appear moderate, I wouldn't be surprised if his entire purpose on here is because of the rest of us Puntites on here. There's a clear wrong party, apparent to most of us except him and the one who thinks being on the ground makes her a CNN reporter.

πŸ’― Major virtue signaling going on


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
You think I would reveal my good or bad news to someone like you or the other vultures on this forum? "leave me alone" kulaha, when you've been crying out for attention.

Again shifting the goal posts.

You don’t want to lie and say you did call when you didn’t so you’re playing psychologist to deflect.

Honestly, it’s a good tactic.


F*ck Your Feelings
This is facts right here. I been saying this for the longest.

Im pissed that most of the reer PL see this debacle through the lens of FKD, which is nothing more of a game to them.

The lives of their tol is worth nothing more but a back and forth online. How fucked is that?

Puntland isn’t perfect, it’s far from perfect. Neither is SL, JL or any of these places.

I can’t wait to see the reaction of many of these ppl when they land in Somalia for the first time. The look on their face will be priceless.
Ah yes my fellow sheegad that's all that matters. Not the hundreds displaced, having their homes shelled, losing loved ones, are homeless/starving and all the business owners being forced to close. This is merely a little skirmish that was supposed to end...? How long are skirmishes supposed to last? Pretty sure it's not supposed to be days but that's besides the point Deni has a PLAN. This is all going as planned, these unruly PSFs will be dealt with and KNEELING at DENIs feet in no time. Just you wait and see. YOU WILL ALL SEE:mad::5hcpspq::5hcpspq:.

Personally tho, speaking candidly just between one sheegad to another; Abbo farmajo hired me and 12 special agents, chipped us and sent us on this top secret mission to infiltrate and topple the mighty PL. He's laughing and rubbing his hands like birdman up in his chamber of evil geniusness.
I'm on my way back to Mogadishu to our secret base as we speak to get unchipped and receive a medal of honour.

Ah yes my fellow sheegad that's all that matters. Not the hundreds displaced, having their homes shelled, losing loved ones, are homeless/starving and all the business owners being forced to close. This is merely a little skirmish that was supposed to end...? How long are skirmishes supposed to last? Pretty sure it's not supposed to be days but that's besides the point Deni has a PLAN. This is all going as planned, these unruly PSFs will be dealt with and KNEELING at DENIs feet in no time. Just you wait and see. YOU WILL ALL SEE:mad::5hcpspq::5hcpspq:.

Personally tho, speaking candidly just between one sheegad to another; Abbo farmajo hired me and 12 special agents, chipped us and sent us on this top secret mission to infiltrate and topple the mighty PL. He's laughing and rubbing his hands like birdman up in his chamber of evil geniusness.
I'm on my way back to Mogadishu to our secret base as we speak to get unchipped and receive a medal of honour.

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The idea that you've been pushing of Deni being completely in the wrong and your very own Ina adeer of being innocent is convenient to say the least.
This oday says what is well-known. The military is divided alongside clan lines. Some people don't realize what's keeping puntland together isn't the law but rather the clans agreement.

If it becames about clans then puntland will be done for mate


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Ah yes my fellow sheegad that's all that matters. Not the hundreds displaced, having their homes shelled, losing loved ones, are homeless/starving and all the business owners being forced to close. This is merely a little skirmish that was supposed to end...? How long are skirmishes supposed to last? Pretty sure it's not supposed to be days but that's besides the point Deni has a PLAN. This is all going as planned, these unruly PSFs will be dealt with and KNEELING at DENIs feet in no time. Just you wait and see. YOU WILL ALL SEE:mad::5hcpspq::5hcpspq:.

Personally tho, speaking candidly just between one sheegad to another; Abbo farmajo hired me and 12 special agents, chipped us and sent us on this top secret mission to infiltrate and topple the mighty PL. He's laughing and rubbing his hands like birdman up in his chamber of evil geniusness.
I'm on my way back to Mogadishu to our secret base as we speak to get unchipped and receive a medal of honour.

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How many bot accounts are you running on Twitter?

I was running 10 but my @PLersHateDeni5eva account got deleted.



Bantu Liberation Movement
I remember that topic, this person likes to insert himself and his issues into topics that have a large following. He wants to be seen as some sort of Somali Martin Luther King at our expense.
What's most revealing about his narcissistic plan, is how he ignores the people that are actually doing FKD and damn near drooling with joy at the war in Bosaso.
You are dealing with deceitful people, neither grounded in fact or logic, and the biggest irony is that more people have joined our line of thinking after seeing Somalis celebrate it. We will come out stronger after this.
Some people are like robots, cold and unfeeling. All this destruction, and all they can say is "mah great deni will win and crush these people." According to them, nothing else matters except deni stealing bosaso seats no matter what. He isn't at fault, he is a saint. Everything is PSF's fault, why are they defending themselves when deni kills their soldiers? Deni broke the ceasefire? PSF fault. Deni lied and backstabbed? Psf's fault. Deni stopped people from evacuating? PSF's fault.

PSF wrote on their page that civilians should evacuate. When has Deni done that, shows you he doesn't give a damn how many civilians are killed. He isn't even letting people DONATE BLOOOD. but it's all PSF's fault, deni is an angel who is innocent.