Following the Oromo uprising like...

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The Bad Ali of Jigjiga

Oromos worldwide are calling for an armed resistance against the woyane :banderas:
The TPLF is crumbling :banderas:

Unrest in Addis :banderas:

Killings in Shoa :banderas:

Oromo militias mobilising for war

The total dissolution of Ethiopia is near :ahhhh:


And Abdi Ey just released a statement saying how proud he is to be an Ethiopian and not a Soomaal. Who thought Oromo would rise up before us.


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
And Abdi Ey just released a statement saying how proud he is to be an Ethiopian and not a Soomaal. Who thought Oromo would rise up before us.

I guess having Dhaanto parties and getting drunk on Ethiopian Gin is better than freedom :mjdontkno:


That gin is the cheapest gin in Africa. Whoever drinks it likely has holes in their liver. It explains Abdi Eys curious figure and diseased looking eyes.


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
Ethiopia is held together by a bikini strap called multi-ethnic federalism. Once it snaps it's a wrap. Do we have reason to be concerned about the fate of our Somali bredren in K5? Or is this just somnet fake news.


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
You would think he'd upgrade after all the money he receives from his Tigrayan overlords.
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Paragon this has been going on for a while now. Search the hashtag #OromoProtests . The regime decided to use state anti terror units and army instead of local units so you know it's a serious crackdown. It's over a landgrab known as the Addis Ababa Master Plan.


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
Paragon this has been going on for a while now. Search the hashtag #OromoProtests . The regime decided to use state anti terror units and army instead of local units so you know it's a serious crackdown. It's over a landgrab known as the Addis Ababa Master Plan.

These Xabshis in power are some sneaky little bastards. I've heard of the land grab and their crackdowns. I'm just wondering when the other shoe will finally drop?
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The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
Ethiopia is held together by a bikini strap called federalism. Once it snaps it's a wrap. Do we have reason to be concerned about the fate of our Somali bredren in K5? Or is this just somnet fake news.

somnet is not my source of news sxb it really is boiling over. If we side with the Oromo and Amhara militias, we could oust the Woyane and reclaim our land from occupation.
Instead of invading Ethiopia, we should have armed the Oromo and carried on supporting the WSLF in 1977-78 :wow1:


Everyone has cottoned on to this Tigray Amhara serving plot. So far we have these following armed rebel groups fighting for self determination:

Afar LF
Gambella LF
Oromo LF
Ogaden NLF
Sidamo OF

(Liberation Fronts)

No one wants to be Ethiopian and all these groups were born out of genocides committed against their people by the regime.


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
Everyone has cottoned on to this Tigray Amhara serving plot. So far we have these following armed rebel groups fighting for self determination:

Afar LF
Gambella LF
Oromo LF
Ogaden NLF
Sidamo OF

(Liberation Fronts)

No one wants to be Ethiopian and all these groups were born out of genocides committed against their people by the regime.

The Amara are now the victims too.


I call bullshit on that. Concocted entirely by the regime to make it look like a national issue when everyone knows who the main targets have been for eons.


So, it should break up into countries?

Absolutely. They're even rewriting history and claiming that Ogaden was GIVEN AWAY by the British and then returned to them. They're also claiming that Oromo are invaders from Madagascar. Why should people respect this bullshit state that hates them. Everyone has the right to self determination. Don't even get me started on the endless massacres.


Oromos are not a real ethnic group.

North-Central Oromos used to be Agew people who switched over to the Oromo language in the 1600s-1700s. They are by far the biggest cohort of Oromos, much larger than the Southern ''real'' Oromos.

Amharas are Agaws as well. Most Oromos and Amharas are close kin. I don't see an Oromo state ever forming.


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
Absolutely. They're even rewriting history and claiming that Ogaden was GIVEN AWAY by the British and then returned to them. They're also claiming that Oromo are invaders from Madagascar. Why should people respect this bullshit state that hates them. Everyone has the right to self determination. Don't even get me started on the endless massacres.

Whatever they're smoking I gotta get me some of that. Puff, puff pass. Say word their turning to lies. I'm with you we gotta be self-determining.
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