Following the Oromo uprising like...

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Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
Oromos are not a real ethnic group.

North-Central Oromos used to be Agew people who switched over to the Oromo language in the 1600s-1700s. They are by far the biggest cohort of Oromos, much larger than the Southern ''real'' Oromos.

Amharas are Agaws as well. Most Oromos and Amharas are close kin. I don't see an Oromo state ever forming.

If only people turned to DNA. My bad that doesn't work. Look at Somalia. They have that in common despite being divisive. I don't see them stopping the Oromo nationalism train any time soon.


If only people turned to DNA. My bad that doesn't work. Look at Somalia. They have that in common despite being divisive. I don't see them stopping the Oromo nationalism thing any time soon.

The culture of Northern Oromos is very different from that of the pastoralist Southern Oromos. Shewa-Wollega Oromos were historically farmers and their culture is very similar to that of the Amharas. Southern Oromos are very alien to them.

They can also physically tell Oromos apart by region, which you can't do with Somalis.

An Oromo state is a pipe dream. Don't hold your breath for it.


Bored to death
Oromo are no more friendly to Somalis than Tigrays, in fact they are worse as Somali geeljires have been encroaching on Oromo lands so they are more hostile.

Oromos are not more related to Somalis than they are other Ethiopians since they have intermarried with Habeshi leaders for centuries. The Somali government used to harbour Ethiopian dissidents in hopes that they would form an alliance when the moment came, one of those alliances were with Oromo dissidents under the guise of Cushiticism but it failed.



The Cushtic Oromo should migrate to Somalia since they are both related and work together to overthrow the Tigray, Amhara and pseudo Oromos.


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
The culture of Northern Oromos is very different from that of the pastoralist Southern Oromos. Shewa-Wollega Oromos were historically farmers and their culture is very similar to that of the Amharas. Southern Oromos are very alien to them.

They can also physically tell Oromos apart by region, which you can't do with Somalis.

An Oromo state is a pipe dream. Don't hold your breath for it.

Don't care about the formation of an Oromo state. I'm more concerned about Somali self-determinism.
Great!! Now if only Somaliland and Puntland could expel the oromo migrants from our land and send them back to the xabashis that would be perfect.


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
I call bullshit on that. Concocted entirely by the regime to make it look like a national issue when everyone knows who the main targets have been for eons.

Sure, the TPLF has many Amharo among their ranks, but they target anyone they deem a threat to their interests. The Amhara region has been a political battleground ever since the Tigrayans took over.


Sure, the TPLF has many Amharo among their ranks, but they target anyone they deem a threat to their interests. The Amhara region has been a political battleground ever since the Tigrayans took over.

What's their objective? Amhara are literally their only natural allies, Ethiopias rare patriots. Why are they burning bridges?


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
What's their objective? Amhara are literally their only natural allies, Ethiopias rare patriots. Why are they burning bridges?

I used to think that since they are both Habesha, they must be close allies. I went to Ethiopia last year and realised they hate each other with passion.
The Amara are the closest rivals to the Tigrai rule. Therefore, it makes sense for them to eliminate their only legitimate adversary so they can reign supreme for another +30 years.


It is time to erase the Habash from the Horn

No Bahal, just no. You're not very strategic are you? You should let them take over Somalia and establish the Horn of Africa master nation, that will then get taken over my Arabs.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Have you forgotten Abraha so quickly?

These people are a blight, they must be destroyed for the mighty sons of cush to begin their Conquest of Africa in earnest.

Abysinnia must fall.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
This is a good short documentary on the land grabs that the ethio government is in gambella region. They're selling vast farmland to hindis and dhegacas for peanuts. Masakiin.

Also note the government officials have no concept of bullshitting, they're not very good liars at all. Kulaha they leave their farms voluntarily.



The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
@miski the Gambella are masakeen wallahi, they get abused and discriminated against in Addis as if they're slaves.
I think the British reporter was being extra careful there, Habashis don't play around with journalists lol


The amount of land they leased to that singha singha is just massive. Eye watering.
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