Football Twitter account receives racist remarks from a West African troll using Somali language

I think the black guy tweeted something the Somali kid didn't agree with
yeah, but I want to know what makes a person reacts like that. Imagine if he said lovely weather today and the other guy got triggered and went on a tirade
Twitter Is Dead For All Races



Keep in mind, this brother is a Muslim from the Comoros.. Somalis are so stupid if you're going to be an idiot and be racist stop using Somali words. The tweet is growing fast wllhi and people are seeing this nonsense
What an absolute brain-dead , peanut brain idiot , istupid foqal istupid , istupid , nacas basement ka dhaafin , afka leh ka adag yahay ee waa fulay xaarweyn irl
Waxa isku darmay shaqo la'aan , maskax yaro iyo in u hooyadiisa ku hoos noolaado,
That's the true definition of these computer gangsters lol
that's all I gotta say , actually I have never during my SSPOT career went this far, to react this way.

Unfortunately this intolerable , his actions should be condemned.


:snoop:another zooomali moment comorians arent black thier arabs and thier members of the arab league

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Out of all the people , he went to extreme lengths and target these Islanders.
Comorians are good people tbh , I have been there myself and made good friends here in Jozi/Cape. They are hard working resilient people and their culture resembles ours to some extent , their cuisine are identical to ours.
Billiteral trades between the Ajuuraan empire and the Shikomori people had existed for a very long time until the Omani sultanate wars that took place in Kilwa and Zanzibar disconnecting the two people.
In other words waa dadka Soomaalida ganacsi la yeeshay berigi hore.
Comoros is 1893 km away from us.
To witness this mouth breathing imbecile bring divisions with our brethrens are beyond disappointing.
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UK Somalis are an embarrassment. I never see somalis from US and Canada do these kinds of shenanigans. And yes these incel losers are more problematic than blm xalimos bc at least they are socially acceptable, ajanabis would be in confusion seeing these racist tweets since somalis in the eyes of others, black or white alike, are seen and viewed as black
yeah, but I want to know what makes a person reacts like that. Imagine if he said lovely weather today and the other guy got triggered and went on a tirade
I follow the guy that got abused. He only tweets about football. He’s a big football account, only once did he say something controversial. He joked about the hillsborough disaster, and almost got cancelled but he apologised. I don’t think he’s from Comoros though he often says he’s nigerian. No way he would’ve said something that warrants this reply. Recently he’s been talking with this xalimo that’s also popular on football Twitter, maybe that triggered the incel.
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Honestly I’ve noticed there’s something up with most Somali men on social media. I was on clubhouse the other day and people who have never met somalis in real life hate us already. These trolls are all over clubhouse randomly attacking innocent people. I don’t mind if they come for people who deserve it but random people? Somali men stay embrassing us.


f*ck them. that's it if i were an internet service provider i would actively discriminate against all Somalis and restrict their access to the internet. these h0es just make our reputation worse every damn day
They are known for tarnishing online reputation but what boggles me the most are these clowns even aware of what they are feeding into, yes the particular stereotypes that depicted us in a negative manner worldwide , and it can be hard to detangle all of them. Remember we are painted with the same brush , despite that all of that happening , there's always a shithead dragging us even further.

I have said this from the start , I'm glad I'm not the only one who views restricting internet access as a viable solution to tackle ignorance , just look at the internet today and look at where we stand today as an ethnic group.

The media enabled the large masses to project their biases , unprecedented opinions to the public that brings only mixed reactions and uneasiness , unnecessary nonsense , inappropriate behaviours , manufacturing ignorance.

Yesterday the devices we used were off limits but now this little touch screen is accessible to among the dumb nose picking hand talking reer baadiye.

Can you imagine what he would do with it .

Also what I find it very common even on this platform that many diasporans would try to attach and associate all the cringe ,retarded activities with fobs
Throwing them under the bus , meanwhile it is clearly visible that the countless obnoxious and any self conscious person would question these people's sanity ,
You see this is not exclusive to reer Africa but more likely to be outside of the continent and mainly a western problem.

So just put that in mind and examples of this pathetic troll.

Yes , irrespective of their residence , they need to get blindfolded , kidnapped and rehabilitated in an undisclosed location , okay I would accept that we may bring their senses back by smacking their heads with reality or we could slap their faces nonstop like how an Arab would discipline their rebellious children.

Xalin kale ma jirto , runta marka laga hadlo, waa in laga hortago kuwa dabahooda internet seegay oo ka dhigay sidaan oo kale.

I'm really fucking serious , my suggestions would be to opt for the Chinese method ,
The young men that were wide awake from
playing Fortnight and Call Of Duty , their addiction got the best of them hence they were incarcerated confined in a small box with non worldly material.
Meanwhile many of our younger generation suffer from toxic websites like Twitter and Facebook , MySpace and various generic , degenerate platforms.

We must find an alternative solution , we cannot let this fester , they are not helping with their ridiculous rants by browsing these crazy platforms, only giving the rest of the populace a bad image.
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I do not understand where the trollish behaviour comes from:dwill:

If you are cunsuri, you would say couple cunsuri things here and there, but randomly target someone?? I genuinely believe these people enjoy trolling. Like they get a kick out of it.
The superiority complex in this community needs to be studied wallahi. There's an embarrassingly disproportionate amount of Somali incels online that simultaneously consider all other ethnic groups beneath them, but just target other Africans. Start watching your brothers/cousins/nephews carefully.


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