Football Twitter account receives racist remarks from a West African troll using Somali language


I follow the guy that got abused. He only tweets about football. He’s a big football account, only once did he say something controversial. He joked about the hillsborough disaster, and almost got cancelled but he apologised. I don’t think he’s from Comoros though he often says he’s nigerian. No way he would’ve said something that warrants this reply. Recently he’s been talking with this xalimo that’s also popular on football Twitter, maybe that triggered the incel.
That xalimo on that app :banderas: nimco


Wallahi somali fobs are some sick people :mjlol:
The guy is reer UK 😂😂 fobs can't come up with insults like that
I could put money on this and bet that the op is a non-somali, i've seen a number of cases on twitter where africans (particularly other horn africans) use the word jar eer to insult others (which ends up in somalis ultimately ending up looking the worse for it).
This isnt to excuse the alt "right" incel maniacs who are the root cause of this problem in the first place.

False alarm, this dudes a troll. The guy above deleted his tweet but he showed a screen shot of this account speaking some fulani, nobody in the comment section is even talking about Somalis. Also, Madow is a commonly used word nowadays, for some reason west Africans have co-opted the term dissing each other, guess it sounds cool to them or something.
This will not be the first instance that ajnabis will try use somali identity to continue their trolling. One of the reasons for this is, somalis teach our words for ajnabis.

Also, Madow is not the somali equilevant of the n-word, hooyo mataalos are trying to make it to that.
I’d be more concerned by the fact that one would be so feeble enough to feel affected by the teasing (although vulgar) by a undisciplined 16 year old troll. How can one infer that the social and cultural conduct of an entire ethnic adheres to such vulgarity whilst using random DMs from an obvious troll as evidence for that fact? You’re more than easily impressionable if you believe in such things. Furthermore, why couldn’t this troll, like most of the others, been ignored? Why choose to make a big fuss out of it when it’s a Somali? It all makes no sense to me.


Fulanis are lowkey racist towards other blacks. However, their diaspora is small. If they had a big diaspora like Somalis we would see more of those retarded racist Fulanis online.

