Foreign Muslims are still foreigners, never forget that.

Pakistan and Malaysia would’ve used you as a target practice in 1993. Your mentally is weak.

Ummah nation doesn’t exist. Help your own people first.
When those troops were deployed they were opening fire on civilians unprovoked to an extent the American troops had to intervene and tell them that’s too much


β€œI am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
"We are legion and we can touch you back"

"What our cousins were able to do in Ogaden"
-- he is referring to Cuba, that jumped Somalia along with other communist nations during the war against Ethiopia.

"Your Khawarij are boyscouts compared to our equivalent"

These people, will always defend their ethnicity, even if they are gaalo, over Muslim interests. So, stop welcoming them into your spaces naively.

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Your Uncle Abdullahi Yusuf also joined the Ethiopians against MSB AUN so save us your fake wadanism.
We are Muslims. Islam dictates our beliefs and loyalties. A Muslim non-Somali will always be near and dear to us over a Somali kafir.

Our ultimate loyalty is to Islam and we are part of a global ummah.

Why are you always promoting hatred between people? Clan hatred, hatred against other Muslims, hatred between men and women. It is unending. Subhanallah.


Coping through the 1st world
We are Muslims. Islam dictates our beliefs and loyalties. A Muslim non-Somali will always be near and dear to us over a Somali kafir.

Our ultimate loyalty is to Islam and we are part of a global ummah.

Why are you always promoting hatred between people? Clan hatred, hatred against other Muslims, hatred between men and women. It is unending. Subhanallah.

Muslims don’t operate like the Jews. They never did and never will. Look at what’s going on in the Middle east for a second. Look at the Saudis and UAE. A powerful wealthy Muslim nations. Never forget how the Saudis bombed the shit out of Yemen. Never forget how they have an economical relationship with America and how they try to do a peace treaty with Israel. Muslim collaboration is fiction.

Religion shouldn’t be a political discussion -we all know where that leads to. This isn’t the 9th century. Our battle right now is being economically competitive against other countries and having a sustainable government.

No disrespect to you sir but you need to upgrade on this issue. Because the Saudis are laughing at you.
South Yemen Socialist Arab Republic not current day Yemen

Forget them, Yemen the modern day state treated Somali refugees like actual filth
And we have Yemenis chilling in our country no one touches them,we are very welcoming people it’s ingrained in our dna but we should be wary of it and know that other Muslims wouldn’t even do 5% of what we’ve done for them
Muslims don’t operate like the Jews. They never did and never will. Look at what’s going on in the Middle east for a second. Look at the Saudis and UAE. A powerful wealthy Muslim nations. Never forget how the Saudis bombed the shit out of Yemen. Never forget how they have an economical relationship with America and how they try to do a peace treaty with Israel. Muslim collaboration is fiction.

Religion shouldn’t be a political discussion -we all know where that leads to. This isn’t the 9th century. Our battle right now is being economically competitive against other countries and having a sustainable government.

No disrespect to you sir but you need to upgrade on this issue. Because the Saudis are laughing at you.

All the leadership of Muslim countries does not represent the citizens or the ummah. What a cheap and desperate attempt. The leadership is put in place by gaalo to serve them not Muslims, they are doing the job they were assigned.

Islam is our religion and it is a guide for how we live in this world, politics being one of fundamentals. It is not liberalism and there is no separation, you are confused. Politics is part and parcel of Islam and anyone who denies that is either severely ignorant or a kaffir. It is Islam 101, read a seerah. Secularism is diametrically opposed to Islam and is part of a competing religion/ world view. Yours of course lol, how convenient.

It is baffling that an open kaffir such as yourself think you can lecture muslims about Islam. Why on earth did you put energy into writing a message about Islam to me as a kafir? Your opinion on what Islam is and isn’t is as valuable as learning Islam from a Zionist Jew or any other kafir.

Lol so strange, you’re not even one of the ones who hides by pretending to be muslim.

Anything a kafir says about Islam is most likely the opposite and should be scrutinized, it is in your nature to hate and distort Islam. Save your energy.


Coping through the 1st world
All the leadership of Muslim countries does not represent the citizens or the ummah. What a cheap and desperate attempt. The leadership is put in place by gaalo to serve them not Muslims, they are doing the job they were assigned.

Islam is our religion and it is a guide for how we live in this world, politics being one of fundamentals. It is not liberalism and there is no separation, you are confused. Politics is part and parcel of Islam and anyone who denies that is either severely ignorant or a kaffir. It is Islam 101, read a seerah. Secularism is diametrically opposed to Islam and is part of a competing religion/ world view. Yours of course lol, how convenient.

It is baffling that an open kaffir such as yourself think you can lecture muslims about Islam. Why on earth did you put energy into writing a message about Islam to me as a kafir? Your opinion on what Islam is and isn’t is as valuable as learning Islam from a Zionist Jew or any other kafir.

Lol so strange, you’re not even one of the ones who hides by pretending to be muslim.

Anything a kafir says about Islam is most likely the opposite and should be scrutinized, it is in your nature to hate and distort Islam. Save your energy.

Your 1st argument: β€œ
All the leadership of Muslim countries does not represent the citizens or the ummah. What a cheap and desperate attempt. The leadership is put in place by gaalo to serve them not Muslims, they are doing the job they were assigned.

if they are doing their job they were assigned why bother with this Ummah idea? Why not let it go and focus on your own people. Why fixate on an idea that doesn’t operate along with other Muslim nations. This activism is extremely outdated in what you preach.

Your 2nd argument:

β€œIt is baffling that an open kaffir such as yourself think you can lecture muslims about Islam. Why on earth did you put energy into writing a message about Islam to me as a kafir? Your opinion on what Islam is and isn’t is as valuable as learning Islam from a Zionist Jew or any other kafir.”

Because you just said: ex Muslim Somalis should be ex communicated while Ajnabis Muslim should be highly favoured in the Somali community.

This mentality is why we will always stay divided. This obsession of divide that Somalis have needs to be studied. This obsession with division needs to end. You never see an Ethiopia act like this.


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