Omar del Podcast- Response to Allegations

Omar del Sur

Anyone with a lick of sense can see that your post, is filled with hostility and threats to all Somalis.

it's filled with hostility towards the feminists it was directed at. I don't have hostility towards Somalis, I love all Muslims for the sake of Allah. and as I've shown- you've been hostile towards me for years so you already come in with preconceived hatred towards me for reason of not sharing your feminist views.
it's filled with hostility towards the feminists it was directed at. I don't have hostility towards Somalis, I love all Muslims for the sake of Allah. and as I've shown- you've been hostile towards me for years so you already come in with preconceived hatred towards me for reason of not sharing your feminist views.

I have always disliked you, because I have a good sense of what evil looks like.
If this person only had issues with 'Somali women', then, someone please explain why he bragged about Cuba's involvement in Ogaden? Was the war in 1978 only fought by Somali women?


So many threats combined with Latino Supremacy. Nobody would even care, if you didn't make these posts, and then pretend you didn't.

As you can all see, he doesn't want anything pertaining Mexico to be discussed. When it is discussed, he turns aggressive, and starts threatening people, with terrorism, military power, and he even uses historic incidents of attacks against Somalia.

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