Free Palestine

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If I was Jewish I would cry listening to this

It perfectly represents the Jewish struggle, it's so beautiful

The Israel-''Palestine'' problem is so easy to fix.

The Jews just need to grow some balls and deport all the Palestinians. It can be done in less than a year.

But instead we have this wimpy decades long stalemate.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
I'm speaking logically, not emotionally here sxb

The Palestinians had been given chances so many times but ended up Taking Ls. African nations had took all the chances they had and made something out of them

I asked you on the debate me thread to debate about Palestine. You gave up.

Either clarify why you are anti-Palestinian or GTFO.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
The Israel-''Palestine'' problem is so easy to fix.

The Jews just need to grow some balls and deport all the Palestinians. It can be done in less than a year.

But instead we have this wimpy decades long stalemate.

Thats illegal on so many fronts. Israel is already illegal and now you are advocating on ethnic cleansing that is on a larger scale than Israel have ever attempted.

Tbh if Israel attempted that while Obama was president they would probably be at war and rightfully.


cismaan maxamuud
I thought you were a Darood and a Nationalist (they are not mutually exclusive, only Daroods are nationalists).
How can you just allow it? Where is the motivation?
I am darood and i have pride in my lineage and nation,i believe Somalia needs a reform and it is evident that the hawiye government in the south is ruining our nation.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
Zionists have already tried to ethnically cleanse the region from Palestinans once. That was when Musa PBUH led them to fight against the Palestinians and conquer the land. Now they trying to attempt that again without the will of Allah and they will get their punishment wallahi.
I asked you on the debate me thread to debate about Palestine. You gave up.

Either clarify why you are anti-Palestinian or GTFO.
I'm not anti Palestine but pro-Israel. Your words are pretty sly.
I'm pro-Israel because it's existence is more beneficial to the world. The region barely has any oil but the Jews turned it into an extension of Europe or the 'west in the east'. The medicine, technology and other inventions puts it at the top in the region and one of the world leaders. In developed countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE, what innovation or scientific discovery can you think of?


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
I'm not anti Palestine but pro-Israel. Your words are pretty sly.
I'm pro-Israel because it's existence is more beneficial to the world. The region barely has any oil but the Jews turned it into an extension of Europe or the 'west in the east'. The medicine, technology and other inventions puts it at the top in the region and one of the world leaders. In developed countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE, what innovation or scientific discovery can you think of?

So you want to booty-clap for a bunch of whites at the expense of people who are entitled to the land while also suffering from ethnic cleansing, genocide and an apartheid system.

Sorry for calling you anti-Palestine, should I call you anti-humanity kkk.
So you want to booty-clap for a bunch of whites at the expense of people who are entitled to the land while also suffering from ethnic cleansing, genocide and an apartheid system.

Somalis are L machines.
I was stating facts and you resort to "bootyclapper". I debunked the ethnic cleansing and apartheid shit before btw


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I've blocked all Israel- Palestine bullshit conflict from my news feed and timelines. Goddamn I'm tired of these monkeys and their decades long stupid fight

"Muh holy book says this is muh land"

"No. Muh holy book says it's muh land."

Jews are obviously much more preferable to these apes Arabs. 1 Jew is worth more than 5000 Arabs.

I'm indifferent towards the stupid worthless endless conflict but I often take a Pro Israel stance to piss off Arab monkeys.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
I've blocked all Israel- Palestine bullshit conflict from my news feed and timelines. Goddamn I'm tired of these monkeys and their decades long stupid fight

"Muh holy book says this is muh land"

"No. Muh holy book says it's muh land."

Jews are obviously much more preferable to these apes Arabs. 1 Jew is worth more than 5000 Arabs.

I'm indifferent towards the stupid worthless endless conflict but I often take a Pro Israel stance to piss off Arab monkeys.

Arabs are of multiple religions: Christian, Muslim, Druze, Atheist and Zoroastarian to name a few, laakin you support a religion that is racially exclusive.

I see you became desensitised to people being ethnically cleansed.

This is why Somalia will forever be screwed.
I've blocked all Israel- Palestine bullshit conflict from my news feed and timelines. Goddamn I'm tired of these monkeys and their decades long stupid fight

"Muh holy book says this is muh land"

"No. Muh holy book says it's muh land."

Jews are obviously much more preferable to these apes Arabs. 1 Jew is worth more than 5000 Arabs.

I'm indifferent towards the stupid worthless endless conflict but I often take a Pro Israel stance to piss off Arab monkeys.
I saw you triggering Dave Rubin and his "liberal" fans during an Israel rant
How does it feel to come close to those beasts


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?

You must be one of those MUH UMMAH types. I've never seen a single Palestinian ever mention or pray for the people of Somalia but you still want me to cry for Palestine.

Nice try shilling for the arabs.

Do you know any Palestinians?

Don't judge a book by its cover. They hate Arabs more than we do.

Christians are dying in Palestine how is this 'Muh Ummah'.???
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