Free Palestine

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Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
Yes. I've had better encounters with Jews and Jews don't act like animals everywhere they go. Arabs are the complete opposite of Jews. All the fist fights I've had have been with Arabs, sand apes

People say the same about us.

I love how you draw Arabs under the same brush. Like how whites did to Africans 50 years ago.

You are all disgraces and uncle Toms.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I saw you triggering Dave Rubin and his "liberal" fans during an Israel rant
How does it feel to come close to those beasts

I woke up to 50+ notifications. So much butt hurt in my mentions. From Christian fundamentalists to Alt-Right "muh freedum" imbeciles to straight up white nationalist beasts lol, all getting triggered. Says a lot about Rubin's "classical liberal" fanboys.

This one was my favourite.



Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
I love how these Anti-humanity beings are all about 'They're Arab's so they're Apes' or 'Palestinians don't cry for Somalia'.

They are all emotion like the right-wing. They can't bring a shred of evidence to disprove ethnic cleansing in Palestine or even put forth an argument regarding Israel.
I woke up to 50+ notifications. So much butt hurt in my mentions. From Christian fundamentalists to Alt-Right "muh freedum" imbeciles to straight up white nationalist beasts lol, all getting triggered. Says a lot about Rubin's "classical liberal" fanboys.

This one was my favourite.

They try to have the deplorable tag in their name to be ironic but they fail, miserably


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I love how these Anti-humanity beings are all about 'They're Arab's so they're Apes' or 'Palestinians don't cry for Somalia'.

They are all emotion like the right-wing. They can't bring a shred of evidence to disprove ethnic cleansing in Palestine or even put forth an argument regarding Israel.

We care about the Israeli - Palestine conflict as much as we care about the Russia - Ukraine conflict. In other words, we don't give a f*ck.
Don't pussy out.

You are a hypocrite, admit it or prove me otherwise.
It's like arguing with a brick wall

Whenever I bring up a point, you ask me the same shit again and make hypocritical statements calling me a "bootyclapper" even though you put Palestine before Somalia (check the Tagline)

Spare me the headache please


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
We care about the Israeli - Palestine conflict as much as we care about the Russia - Ukraine conflict. In other words, we don't give a f*ck.

If you do not give a f*ck then I suggest you remove the tag and replace it with 'I'm incapable of human emotion'.

Also if you don't care then why do you have it as your tag and call yourself Pro-Israeli. Just have a neutral stance.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
If you do not give a f*ck then I suggest you remove the tag and replace it with 'I'm incapable of human emotion'.

Also if you don't care then why do you have it as your tag and call yourself Pro-Israeli. Just have a neutral stance.

I like to troll Arabs and Arab bootyclappers.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
It's like arguing with a brick wall

Whenever I bring up a point, you ask me the same shit again and make hypocritical statements calling me a "bootyclapper" even though you put Palestine before Somalia (check the Tagline)

Spare me the headache please

You never brought up a point. You're just being a racist by calling them apes.

Bring up a debatable point and I promise I will debate you sensibly. As of yet you have not proved how Israel did not engage in ethnic cleansing.
You never brought up a point. You're just being a racist by calling them apes.

Bring up a debatable point and I promise I will debate you sensibly. As of yet you have not proved how Israel did not engage in ethnic cleansing.
There is no ethnic cleansing

If Israel really wanted an ethnic cleansing they'd just clean out the fucking place already (assuming that you believe in a worldwide Jewish conspiracy)

Talk to anyone who's been there and they'll tell you how Arabs have the same constitutional rights as Jews. Stop being a nacas


Accomplished Saaxir
I'd wager that the vitriolic anti-Semitism that is rife amongst the Palestinians (and Muslims in general) would generate ethnic cleansing of Jews on a huge scale.

Fortunately, the power balance favours the more rational Jews, not the other way around.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I'd wager that the vitriolic anti-Semitism that is rife amongst the Palestinians (and Muslims in general) would generate ethnic cleansing of Jews on a huge scale.

Fortunately, the power balance favours the more rational Jews, not the other way around.

Jews are obviously preferable by a long shot but they also believe in stupud shit to justify "muh holy land" because they're the chosen people. They point towards their garbage holy book as an argument to claim that land. American Christians support them because they believe White Jeysus will rise from there. Whole thing is a fucking cluster f*ck of colossal morons.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
There is no ethnic cleansing

If Israel really wanted an ethnic cleansing they'd just clean out the fucking place already (assuming that you believe in a worldwide Jewish conspiracy)

Talk to anyone who's been there and they'll tell you how Arabs have the same constitutional rights as Jews. Stop being a nacas

Definition of ethnic cleansing: "The mass expulsion or killing of members of one ethnic or religious group in an area by those of another".

3 Instances of Israeli Ethnic cleansing:

1. The Israeli settlements forcibly demolishes Palestinian homes and evicts Palestinians to accomodate Israelis outside the 1967 borders.
2. During the 1948 Israeli-Palestinian conflict, around 720,000 Palestinians out of the 900,000 who lived in the territories that became Israel fled due to intimidation or were expelled from their homes.
3. The Regulation Bill, would retroactively legalise settler outposts and homes built on privately owned Palestinian land and force the owners to accept compensation.

Somalis were given same constitutional rights as Italians during colonisation, I don't see your point.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
Jews are obviously preferable by a long shot but they also believe in stupud shit to justify "muh holy land" because they're the chosen people. They point towards their garbage holy book as an argument to claim that land. American Christians support them because they believe White Jeysus will rise from there. Whole thing is a fucking cluster f*ck of colossal morons.

Thats another reason why I am pro-Palestinian. I don't believe in the holy land BS really (Jesus will descend anywhere in the Levant, Islam says Damascus) but even the Jews admit the Palestinians are the Arabised descendants of the original Palestinans the Jews waged the Jihad against when Moses led them to Palestine (or Canaan as it was known).

So they use their holy book to deny the rights to people they already tried to conquer.
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