Free Palestine

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Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
I'd wager that the vitriolic anti-Semitism that is rife amongst the Palestinians (and Muslims in general) would generate ethnic cleansing of Jews on a huge scale.

Fortunately, the power balance favours the more rational Jews, not the other way around.

I met Palestinians, including a pro-Hamas person who recently moved from Gaza. He doesn't mind Judaism, as they are people of the book but he hates Zionism that refuses him to visit his father in Ramallah, swim at the beach in Gaza and have access to clean water and reliable electricity.

Btw how are Palestinians anti-Semitic when they are Semitic.


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
I'd wager that the vitriolic anti-Semitism that is rife amongst the Palestinians (and Muslims in general) would generate ethnic cleansing of Jews on a huge scale.

Fortunately, the power balance favours the more rational Jews, not the other way around.

The Palestinians don't want to commit genocide against the Jews, they never did. In fact, they lived with each other for centuries with no problems. The problem began when the Arabs (the majority) were given less land than the Jews. In the past Jews would rather live with Muslims rather than Christians. So enough of the " Muslims want to hurt all Jews and Christians". In the video, this man mentions Salahuddin Al Ayoubi. After this great warrior conquered Palestine he had the opportunity of ending all the christians and jews in the city but he showed them mercy even though they tortured the Muslims so harshly.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
if the Arabs got that land it would be another middle eastern shithole

No science, no medicine, no discoveries, no technology

The world is lucky the more hardworking Jews have that land

Also, it's the somalispot consensus to not make threads that are pro-Palestine, you will get torn a new arsehole by the users here(including me). I'm just giving you a break because you're a fellow Aussie kkkk.
By that same logic, lets give Somalia to the Jews or Cadaan people. It would be a million times better in their hands.

Let me guess, you'd be totally against that right?
Their hate for the Arab world stems from their disbelief in Islam.

You will see fellow Muslims perhaps instructing to focus more on the current plight of Somalia rather than that of the Arabs, but they do not tend to insult them nor refer to them with bigotry and false-superiority as do the Athiests. Cajiiiiib.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
Their hate for the Arab world stems from their disbelief in Islam.

You will see fellow Muslims perhaps instructing to focus more on the current plight of Somalia rather than that of the Arabs, but they do not tend to insult them nor refer to them with bigotry and false-superiority as do the Athiests. Cajiiiiib.

When you ask them to back-up their bull-shit they suddenly go quiet :drakewtf:
Free Ogaden free Somalia from amisom
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