galmudug population vs bay population

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
Here's the number of buildings for all regions that weren't included:
Toghdeer = 182k
Waqooyi Galbeed = 333k
Awdal = 58k
Sool = 50k
Sanaag = 64k
Bari = 131k
Nugaal = 62k
Mudug = 110k
Galgaduud = 135k
Middle Shabelle = 174k
Benadir = 536k
Gedo = 183k
Bay = 344k
Bakool = 73k
Hiiraan = 156k
Middle Jubba = 74k
Lower Shabelle = 322k
Lower Juba = 147k

= 3.61 million

Seems too high, no ?
Yes I have calculated the total population of Somalia is 18 Million


Yes I have calculated the total population of Somalia is 28 Million
The total number of buildings in Somalia is 3.61 million. Assuming 90 % of buildings are residential, and 6 people per household, the total population of Somalia would be 19.5 million.

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
The total number of buildings in Somalia is 3.61 million. Assuming 90 % of buildings are residential, and 6 people per household, the total population of Somalia would be 19.5 million.
You've added other regions I already counted but after reviewing again I have found it's 18 Million


Here's the number of buildings for all regions that weren't included:
Toghdeer = 182k
Waqooyi Galbeed = 333k
Awdal = 58k
Sool = 50k
Sanaag = 64k
Bari = 131k
Nugaal = 62k
Mudug = 110k
Galgaduud = 135k
Middle Shabelle = 174k
Benadir = 536k
Gedo = 183k
Bay = 344k
Bakool = 73k
Hiiraan = 156k
Middle Jubba = 74k
Lower Shabelle = 322k
Lower Juba = 147k

= 3.61 million

Seems too high, no ?
gedo has more buildings than togdheer. interesting. especially considering gedo has more camels/livestock so more nomadic life.


This figure wouldn't include Somalia's nomadic population which means its too high.

I dont think its reliable.

It's very reliable. Somalia population never actually had a census. Remember during kacaan days majority of somalis where nomadic. A lot of them would go to Kenya/ ethiopia if the rain took them there.

Today I would say 80 percent are urban or rural. Which shows up on the ai.

Plus somalis are multiplying like crazy. Two people come together and on average have 6 kids that that is tripling the population each generation.

Birth mortality rate going down also will effect the population increase.

So I would say urban/ rural is about 16 to 18 mil. And nomadic another 3 to 4 million

So from 19 to 22 million which is correct.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
Your a funny guy. Claiming discrimination when your banner says raxanweyn own 6 gobols.

Do you really believe that raxanweyn own and are majority in 6 gobols?
Yes of course. I'm not saying that only we live there. Eg. In Gedo we share with mx. But we are majority for sure.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
This is where you are wrong. Boreholes always have permanent settlements build right next to them. That is why no one fights over borehole as it basically becomes a ittle village.
Berked is wide in the open and that is where nomads of different clans fight.

Again you are completely wrong. The time where one of your cousins wrote fake population estimates for ngo/un is long gone.

Cuqdad has no place in discussion, let us keep this civil.

Your claim that your method accurately accounts for Somalia’s population (including nomads!) is wrong for the following reasons:
  1. Nomads do not live in buildings.
  2. Different gobols have different nomad-rural-urban-IDP ratios.
  3. There is no way of knowing whether an existing structure is inhabited. This is a strong concern in the case of Bay and Lower Shabelle where much of the population is in IDP camps outside Baydhabo and Banadir. Very likely there is a double count in the case of Bay and counting of abandoned homes in Lower Shabelle.
  4. The confidence setting you are using is likely too low. Confidence should be set ≥70. I have tried confidence settings below 70 and invariably there are many false positives.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
Cuqdad has no place in discussion, let us keep this civil.

Your claim that your method accurately accounts for Somalia’s population (including nomads!) is wrong for the following reasons:
  1. Nomads do not live in buildings.
  2. Different gobols have different nomad-rural-urban-IDP ratios.
  3. There is no way of knowing whether an existing structure is inhabited. This is a strong concern in the case of Bay and Lower Shabelle where much of the population is in IDP camps outside Baydhabo and Banadir. Very likely there is a double count in the case of Bay and counting of abandoned homes in Lower Shabelle.
  4. The confidence setting you are using is likely too low. Confidence should be set ≥70. I have tried confidence settings below 70 and invariably there are many false positives.
Thats true. But then again it's just an estimate. There is no way to get an accurate number without a census.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Thats true. But then again it's just an estimate. There is no way to get an accurate number without a census.
You can estimate rural, urban and IDP populations using satellite imaging. You cannot, AT ALL, estimate nomadic populations using this method.

For a region like Woqoyie Galbeed, where nomads are a smaller share of the population, this method is useful. It is not at all useful in Sanaag where ~50% of the population is nomadic.


Cuqdad has no place in discussion, let us keep this civil.

Your claim that your method accurately accounts for Somalia’s population (including nomads!) is wrong for the following reasons:
  1. Nomads do not live in buildings.
  2. Different gobols have different nomad-rural-urban-IDP ratios.
  3. There is no way of knowing whether an existing structure is inhabited. This is a strong concern in the case of Bay and Lower Shabelle where much of the population is in IDP camps outside Baydhabo and Banadir. Very likely there is a double count in the case of Bay and counting of abandoned homes in Lower Shabelle.
  4. The confidence setting you are using is likely too low. Confidence should be set ≥70. I have tried confidence settings below 70 and invariably there are many false positives.

First I redid all of mine to confidence above 85. If it can pick up idps huts it can pick up nomadic huts. Nomads aren't sleeping under the sun they have shelters they take with them and they stay in a place for a while months at a time.

Let's put aside your claims which I view has categorically as false. You claimed waqooyi galbeed has low level of nomadic population.

Can you explain that sir how you came up with that?

And what regions do you consider to have high nomadic populations?

I already said to you best way to know if a region has high level of nomadic population is to look at berkeds and they show up in Google maps.

But you don't like that because it will expose your false statements. Anyway tell us your methods of how you came up with the conclusion of waqooyi galbeed having low nomadic population and sanaag having high nomadic population.

I am curious.
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