Give Somaliland the president, the capital and Half of the Parliament for good.

I just assumed there was some sort of reconciliation. Maybe not as good as rawandas, but I thought there was at least something
And why would we give somalilanders the capital, half the parmiemnet and the presidency?
What do these ppl contribute other then exporting their thief's and terrorists to Mogadishu?
Abaayo @Fowzi Kaahin no offence but this some bullshit. you somalilanders need to leave the union for good. inshallah with the right president that will come to fruition, we are tired of you parasites .

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
Xamar now is 1000x more developed and economically better than pre 1991. From when Mogadishu reconstruction began in 2011 till today and forever more, hawiye have heavily invested and built xamar. We own most if not all the big buildings and money. Barely any jebartis. Most abgaal and other hawiye invest heavy into xamar. my city and also jowhar where I am from I invest in. Hirshabelle once the agriculture is heavily invested in will be 1000x better than your desert barren land which has no patch of grass whatsoever. Seseme seed exportation alone will make us much more wealthy than puntland

whether it’s centralism or federalism, you lose🤣

Yaaa ibnu moriyaan listen up, I am about to give you free advice.

xamar is developing because of diaspora investing in the capital, the ic development projects and again because it is the capital.

other cities are developing on their own, their lacag their projects.
Something moriyaan are not capable of. When political stability becomes reality. All of these cities will develop rapidly. While y’all are clinging on to xamar, there will be cities with the same infrastructure level spread around the intellectual somali regions ☠️☠️☠️.

Why do you think the fgs not only blocks aid but also uses economic (sort of) sanctions against the regions we call sl and pl but not gm.
That is because the aid you receive from the sfg is the only lifeline you got. Y’all rather starve and share with AS then to develop anything outside of the capital.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Yaaa ibnu moriyaan listen up, I am about to give you free advice.

xamar is developing because of diaspora investing in the capital, the ic development projects and again because it is the capital.

other cities are developing on their own, their lacag their projects.
Something moriyaan are not capable of. When political stability becomes reality. All of these cities will develop rapidly. While y’all are clinging on to xamar, there will be cities with the same infrastructure level spread around the intellectual somali regions ☠️☠️☠️.

Why do you think the fgs not only blocks aid but also uses economic (sort of) sanctions against the regions we call sl and pl but not gm.
That is because the aid you receive from the sfg is the only lifeline you got. Y’all rather starve and share with AS then to develop anything outside of the capital.

You think other diasporas outside of hawiyes are investing there? Delusional to say the least.

Xamar has not seen a single penny of the aid from the FGS, they excist only because of the taxes paid by reer muqdisho. Other areas also receive large amount of internatioal aid & investment.

Fact is that Xamar was build by Hawiyes, no one else had hand in it. Stop being a crybaby and accept these facts.
Your not aware of the usc massacres in 1991 of innocent civilians in xamar who they thought were affiliated to Siad barre clan wise

Its halaal to defend your lands from mooryaans like your ethnic group. Us native banadiris didnt go to your lands to kill anyone while you killed us in our own lands . Yall could cry as many years to come but just know all the ethnicities living in Somalia see through your bullshit . You killed over 200, 000 issaqs using fighter jets and bombed their cities and you here talking about ethnic cleansing ?
I celebrate the day your parasitic ppl were surgically removed from my lands . Inshallah our raxanweyne brothers get their justice and removes you from the GEDDO
Yaaa ibnu moriyaan listen up, I am about to give you free advice.

xamar is developing because of diaspora investing in the capital, the ic development projects and again because it is the capital.

other cities are developing on their own, their lacag their projects.
Something moriyaan are not capable of. When political stability becomes reality. All of these cities will develop rapidly. While y’all are clinging on to xamar, there will be cities with the same infrastructure level spread around the intellectual somali regions ☠️☠️☠️.

Why do you think the fgs not only blocks aid but also uses economic (sort of) sanctions against the regions we call sl and pl but not gm.
That is because the aid you receive from the sfg is the only lifeline you got. Y’all rather starve and share with AS then to develop anything outside of the capital.

"xamar is developing because of diaspora investing in the capital, the ic development projects and again because it is the capital"

Ibnu untouchable jabarti here is a news flash .xamar is being build by its natives and its native diasporas , there isnt a single of your ethnicity that put a cent to our development . Nobody is stopping you from developing where you from ,

Funny you brought up ic ,
Somalia is a poor country that's runned by aids in the last few years your puntland state received more aid then most of the other FMS .

Aid allocation ny.jpeg

Banadir is being taxed by three entities but still looks better then your shithole tuulo that your too insecure to mention .


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
When the SYL opened an office in Harar in the '40s, this was apparently proposed for real. The Somali and Harari members agreed on making Harar the capital city of Somaliweyn.

... Imagine that.
That would never happen today. Back then hararis saw Ethiopia as their occupier, now they see Ethiopia as their home. If Somalis ever pulled that again hararis would be the first to fight them let alone join them again
That would never happen today. Back then hararis saw Ethiopia as their occupier, now they see Ethiopia as their home. If Somalis ever pulled that again hararis would be the first to fight them let alone join them again

I wouldn't be so sure about that. They're Ethiopian for sure, but let's not forget it was the TPLF safeguarding Hararis politically. They have disproportionate control over Harar despite being a tiny minority because the TPLF wanted to make sure it didn't fall into the hands of Somalis or Oromos. Now that they're gone the Oromo and Amharas, the hegemons of Ethiopia are inevitable going to act up. Just give it a couple of years after the dust settles and some noise will come out of Harar.

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
You think other diasporas outside of hawiyes are investing there? Delusional to say the least.

Xamar has not seen a single penny of the aid from the FGS, they excist only because of the taxes paid by reer muqdisho. Other areas also receive large amount of internatioal aid & investment.

Fact is that Xamar was build by Hawiyes, no one else had hand in it. Stop being a crybaby and accept these facts.
Stop the cap. My own family is investing in the capital.
People in my area are investing in xamar. Hell non landers also invest in hargeisa.

But a moryiaan like you will never understand 😂😂😂


Unfortunately, therefore lack of any wisdom
Its halaal to defend your lands from mooryaans like your ethnic group. Us native banadiris didnt go to your lands to kill anyone while you killed us in our own lands . Yall could cry as many years to come but just know all the ethnicities living in Somalia see through your bullshit . You killed over 200, 000 issaqs using fighter jets and bombed their cities and you here talking about ethnic cleansing ?
I celebrate the day your parasitic ppl were surgically removed from my lands . Inshallah our raxanweyne brothers get their justice and removes you from the GEDDO
Somalis are an ethnic group itself as well as a tribe. clans/subclans are not ethnic groups don’t be ridiculous
Somalis are an ethnic group itself as well as a tribe. clans/subclans are not ethnic groups don’t be ridiculous

Somalia was build on a lie . Majority of somalis dont share a common lineage . My lineage goes back to samaale your lineage goes back to sheikh abdirahman jabarti . Somalia is confederation of different ethnicities that cane toghther against the xabasha and oromos .
Bring me proof that says otherwise
Stop the cap. My own family is investing in the capital.
People in my area are investing in xamar. Hell non landers also invest in hargeisa.

But a moryiaan like you will never understand 😂😂😂

Everyday you called the natives mooryans and talk Ill of xamar but you want to tell us that your familly are investing in xamar ? :mjlol:
One think somalis are good at is lying .
That investment wouldve been better off investing in your capital garowe tbh .
There are more investments from the syrian and yemeni community in xamar then your ethnic group
Xamar now is 1000x more developed and economically better than pre 1991. From when Mogadishu reconstruction began in 2011 till today and forever more, hawiye have heavily invested and built xamar. We own most if not all the big buildings and money. Barely any jebartis. Most abgaal and other hawiye invest heavy into xamar. my city and also jowhar where I am from I invest in. Hirshabelle once the agriculture is heavily invested in will be 1000x better than your desert barren land which has no patch of grass whatsoever. Seseme seed exportation alone will make us much more wealthy than puntland

whether it’s centralism or federalism, you lose🤣
So It Aint A Capital If Only One Clan Are There

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
Everyday you called the natives mooryans and talk Ill of xamar but you want to tell us that your familly are investing in xamar ? :mjlol:
One think somalis are good at is lying .
That investment wouldve been better off investing in your capital garowe tbh .
There are more investments from the syrian and yemeni community in xamar then your ethnic group

It's the capital you moron. That is the part you don't understand. You gotta share the capital. You need to snap out of your war brain and come to your senses.
Somalia was build on a lie . Majority of somalis dont share a common lineage . My lineage goes back to samaale your lineage goes back to sheikh abdirahman jabarti . Somalia is confederation of different ethnicities that cane toghther against the xabasha and oromos .
Bring me proof that says otherwise
Your stupidity doesn't surprise me. We all come from somal.

