Greater Israel Explained: The Israeli Plan to Conquer the Arab World (Somalia ties into this i'll explain)


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
China will be an important ally to Somalia @Pastoralist @Midas

It's track record in Somalia is great, it's quite ironic because it's unlike their relationship with other African countries today, where their workers abuse them.

This is translated from a German book that explains Chinese and Somali partnership during the Kacaan era.



China took Somalia's side in the 1977 and wasn't afraid to admonish the Soviet for what they were doing. @Keo @Kun_Ciil @Lightshow read the first sentence to this

''she joined the Arab League, the Arab/Muslim factor has remained the major ingredient of her foreign policy rather than her relationship with Moscow.'' What this also shows is that to China our Arab/Islamic leanings is not a threat.


Thats when chinese saw us as legitimate government. The weak institution we currently have is exploitable and a push over. Also china has begun a technolgical industrial revolution and have now adapted more aggressive economic policies to grow and support their various projects hence you see what they are doing in the rest of african countries e.g congo also somalia has large uranium deposits and if you put two and two together its obvious china merely sees us a stepping stone for their broader interests they will exploit us like the rest and leave us dry and barren with nothing for us to gain.
Thats when chinese saw us as legitimate government. The weak institution we currently have is exploitable and a push over. Also china has begun a technolgical industrial revolution and have now adapted more aggressive economic policies to grow and support their various projects hence you see what they are doing in the rest of african countries e.g congo also somalia has large uranium deposits and if you put two and two together its obvious china merely sees us a stepping stone for their broader interests they will exploit us like the rest and leave us dry and barren with nothing for us to gain.
Yeah you are right there is that potential of abuse and exploitation.

That's why we need strong political entity that can extract from them what we can and limit their influence/reach at the same time. I am not counting on the current Govt by the way.

We can use China as counter balance to US/Isreali influence via Ethiopia in the region and they don't see our Islamic/Muslim leanings as a threat or something to subvert, the way all those other western powers see it.

But yeah China is just one potential ally in the catalogue among the eastern ones. I am just explaining the options and solutions available to us stage a reversal.
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There is not much freedom in Somaliland to voice opposition, why do you think they jail and suppress people with unionist sentiments? Even Journalists. Why do you suppose a bunch of Reer Waaqoyi are defecting to either Alshabaab or to the Central Federal Somalia government in Mogadishu?

People think because there are Reer Waqooyi members in the upper levels of Alshabaab is proof of a wider Somaliland conspiracy to destabilize Somalia, when in actuality its proof of Pro Muslim and Pro-Somali voices being suppressed and marginalized in Somaliland and they are being radicalized by that Somaliland gaalo rac leadership that is attacking their Muslim identity.

People can't see what is actually going on and so you have stupid memes like this flaming a bigger divide.

Whereas when you have Somalilanders in the central federal government, they are dismissed as seeking career oppurtunities, when they are guinely trying to participate in rebuilding of Somalia.

We need to aid them and strengthen them, not hold them under suspicion or contempt. They are our Somali Muslim brothers after all. It is also going to move them away from joining Alshabaab or the puppet corrupt federal government if they have some other political entity they can ally with.

Here is the link: It authentic and it was published in 1995.

You are right. I did not intend to come off as if I was holding them with suspision. I never bought the theory that sl join AS to destabilize the south. I remember Aden Sune was constantly imprisoned and that it was not a surprise that he left to join them.

I guess I am just surprised the administration there has such s grip on the people there. I figured news like the above would cause an uprising similiar to how it likely would in the rest of Somalia. I think such new would cause war in the south and ogadenia, basically the rest of the country.

It is just I dont see it on the media/online from the diaspora either.

But you are right. The same abuses are constantly carried out on Coldoon. I know the UK was training and funding police there like they did liyu to crack down on the local populations. I did not know it was that effective.


EritreanPost 🇪🇷🇩🇯🇸🇴🇸🇩🇪🇬 |Eritrean news blogger
The irony is, Ethiopia invaded Somalia in 2006 because they saw the ICU as terrorist organization (which the ICU wasn’t).

but didnt Ethiopia also armed the USC against Kacaan? Doublestandards are a b*tch
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What's the solution? Because if you use force you're labelled a terrorist, and if you go through peaceful means by going through elections you will get ousted and labelled terrorists just as we saw with Morsi and the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt.
First things first they need to understand the geo-political chess board and from then on best way is the arm yourself with allies that will help sheild you from attacks and so that you can ensure your own protection. Why do you think North Korea survives? Iran? or even Russia? Why do you think they are able to dodge and survive western sactions and prevent infiltration?

Because they have various allies that allow them to circumvent it.

I believe Somalia is in a better situation now than before. Firstly we can retrospectively look back at things to gain a better understanding, it's a good thing all those twitter archival accounts are starting to reveal the truth to us.

Our potential eastern allies are much stronger now than they were before and can aid as better:

Listen to this Former CIA agent explain the rising pragmatic east:

I would actually start by creating political party or an entity from which we can exploit this.
And a think-tank/journal that act as an organ of it.

We can also use the Somali army and Egypt to take back control of the country from the various actors. We can also use ''Ethiopia'' as a concentrated enemy to unite all factions against an existential threat and start supporting the different regions in Ethiopia as ''Liberation movements''

The plan for a reversal is very clear, if we look at the chess board pieces

@Aseer mentioned Somalias uranium , this will make us all the more valuable partners and allies.

If we take in consideration our resources and the strategic region we inhabit we can position ourselves to be advantageous. Somalia throughout history before this brief interlude used to do this and we grew wealthy and influential from it.
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A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
First things first they need to understand the geo-political chess board and from then on best way is the arm yourself with allies that will help shield you from sheild from attacks and so that you can ensure your own protection. Why do you think North Korea survives? Iran? or even Russia? Why do you think they are able to dodge and survive western sactions and prevent infiltration?

Because they have various allies that allow them to circumvent it.

@Aseer mentioned Somalias uranium , this will make us all the more valuable partners and allies.

If we take in consideration our resources and the strategic region we inhabit we can position ourselves to be advantageous. Somalia throughout history before this brief interlude used to do this and we grew wealthy and influential from it.
The thing is everything is ready and laid out for us. The location, resources, human capital, potential industrial/metropolitan hubs and even a foundational intellectual base but it all starts with us. All this can easily be achieved if we had a proper federal government that is conscious and caring of all somali peoples needs regardless of qabiils and operates on a different moral/thought plane that is above qabiil. Of course that cant and will never be achieved cause somalis are smoothbrained idiots that care more about their dusty, unknown and irrelevant village than their greater wellbeing and progress that will benefit them and everyone around them.
The thing is everything is ready and laid out for us. The location, resources, human capital, potential industrial/metropolitan hubs and even a foundational intellectual base but it all starts with us. All this can easily be achieved if we had a proper federal government that is conscious and caring of all somali peoples needs regardless of qabiils and operates on a different moral/thought plane that is above qabiil. Of course that cant and will never be achieved cause somalis are smoothbrained idiots that care more about their dusty, unknown and irrelevant village than their greater wellbeing and progress that will benefit them and everyone around them.

We can learn from our past. For starters we need to set up a political entity that can act as a political party, maybe a army wing and think-tank organ to express it's political philosophy and direction.
That's how the Kacaan and ICU came up to spark a major movement for social change and replace the faulty externally influenced corrupt govt.

They all did the same thing as well to unite the Somali people, they concentrated the energy against Ethiopia as the common enemy, the source of our problems and an existential threat, if we can effectively communicate this, it will be a path way to effectively unite all clans and factions.

I disagree with you Somalis looking beyond qabil can be achieved, this video is from a segment featuring one of the Islamic courts in 1995 and you can hear the youth expressing their vision of unity instill in them by the sheikhs and how they are taking back control: Whats funny is that they are patrolling on technicals which i assume was their created invention to safeguard security

Then we correct on their mistakes by choosing the right alignment. The ICU wanted to discuss and work with the United States that wanted nothing to do with them and held them in contempt, when they should have instead reached out to a powerful enemy adversary of the US to offset them and Ethiopia.

How you trying to work with someone that is constantly threathening you? See this:
Before the US backed ethopian army dismantled the ICU , in this 2006 interview you can see one of the leaders say

''We are perpared to work with them. But without even talking with us for a single moment all we are getting is threats .... What crime have we commited? We are running our country we have created peace and stability in our country. We have never threathened the US. Messages are constantly coming that they will work with other countries to conquer Somalia by force. Our answer is force does not work' if you over power someone that does not mean that somebody will sleep or go away for good''

For a decade the United States push into Somalia and Indian ocean/red sea was subverted not only by the governments action but also by Somalia's alignment with Soviet. The downfall was in not managing and maneuvering the fall out with Soviet in a good way, which ended up backfiring on us. This is partly also due the fact there was not bigger more powerful ally ship available that could replace and compete with their backing of Ethiopia.
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You are right. I did not intend to come off as if I was holding them with suspision. I never bought the theory that sl join AS to destabilize the south. I remember Aden Sune was constantly imprisoned and that it was not a surprise that he left to join them.

I guess I am just surprised the administration there has such s grip on the people there. I figured news like the above would cause an uprising similiar to how it likely would in the rest of Somalia. I think such new would cause war in the south and ogadenia, basically the rest of the country.

It is just I dont see it on the media/online from the diaspora either.

But you are right. The same abuses are constantly carried out on Coldoon. I know the UK was training and funding police there like they did liyu to crack down on the local populations. I did not know it was that effective.

I am not accusing you of believing that or anything. You asked why they didn't revolt and i was explaining they can't and thats why you see them either defect or get jailed.

So what you have is a situation where the older generation that retain their Somali identity and their strong Muslim political direction are silenced. The traditional local elders were replaced by SNM.
And those who were armed by outside entities like Isreal and Ethiopia to position themselves over the locals

They even used it outs the former Presidents like Turr that was against their positions.

And now you have a generation clueless brainwashed youth as well, who can't see thing for what they are.

Btw check out this excellent thread by @𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒
''Isreal is the best 3 billion dollar investment we make. Were there not an Isreal.
"The United State of America would have to invent an Isreal to protect our interests in the region.'' ''Isreal is the single greatest strength America has in the middle east''
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Btw @Idilinaa @Galool

If our people actually understood the role of Israel/Ethiopia/African union and the West in Somalia, then it would be clear for them to understand why the ICU movement in 2006 was seen as a threat to the region and completely dismantled.

The Ethiopians weren't in Somalia to fight terrorists but they were there for regime change. I remember a leading figure of the ICU at the time who said that when they attended the talks in Djibouti they were told that AU peacekeeping forces would be brought to Somalia. They asked why since the areas under ICU control were peaceful. The American delegates replied by saying "you brought peace, but not the kind of peace we want."

The federal government was brought as a puppet government, but those even in Xamar belatedly have been forced to realise that Ethiopia, Kenya and the AU are no friends of theirs. Its interesting to see how things will work out, but the two major issues the gov has to sort out if it wants to curtail Ethiopia's ambitions... is to end the Alshabaab issue and to also build a strong military force to defend their sovereignty.
i think with the emergence of turkey, then having so much influence, as well as qatar, within xamar elites is that they found for greater somali interests is to have eastern allies rather than african ones, AU has lost complete influence in somalia, even with EU bankrolling them they were outstripped by turkey whose now going to reap the benefits with offshore oil resources and maritime deal
Thats when chinese saw us as legitimate government. The weak institution we currently have is exploitable and a push over. Also china has begun a technolgical industrial revolution and have now adapted more aggressive economic policies to grow and support their various projects hence you see what they are doing in the rest of african countries e.g congo also somalia has large uranium deposits and if you put two and two together its obvious china merely sees us a stepping stone for their broader interests they will exploit us like the rest and leave us dry and barren with nothing for us to gain.
china needs an middle class africa to supply their high technology as well as factory class once they don’t have enough working class population, europe needs a destitute africa so that they don’t lower their standard of living they are not on the same level
The irony is, Ethiopia invaded Somalia in 2006 because they saw the ICU as terrorist organization (which the ICU wasn’t).

but didnt Ethiopia also armed the USC against Kacaan? Doublestandards are a b*tch

They armed not just USC, but all of them the SNM, SDF etc and they are operated like terrorist groups, Isreal also funded and armed them, Libya armed and funded SDF and they had Siad Barre included in an assassination list, they were acting in service of Ethiopia.

It was essentially Ethiopian proxies fighting the Somali government & by extension the Somali nation. It's a distortion to claim it was a civil war.

The thing is everything is ready and laid out for us. The location, resources, human capital, potential industrial/metropolitan hubs and even a foundational intellectual base but it all starts with us. All this can easily be achieved if we had a proper federal government that is conscious and caring of all somali peoples needs regardless of qabiils and operates on a different moral/thought plane that is above qabiil. Of course that cant and will never be achieved cause somalis are smoothbrained idiots that care more about their dusty, unknown and irrelevant village than their greater wellbeing and progress that will benefit them and everyone around them.

That's the issue, our leaders and this whole maamul gobaleed charade with its qabilism alongside a 4.5 government system is a self inflicting wound on the Somali nation.

Plus you have the munafiqs who will sell out their own brothers to Ethiopia for a short term worldly gain.
The Kacaan government was also seen as a threat (not just ICU) by Ethiopia/Isreal and a threat to Soviets ambitions to expand into the red sea , but the US even though they dislked the Kacaan regime preferred it at time over Ethiopia because they were trying to limit Soviet and communist influence in the region, they would switch over to Ethiopia's side in a heartbeat if they re-aligned themselves back with them.

Because before this the United States and Somalias relations deteriorated following the coup in 1969. Somalia went far in beyond to counter and limit US infiltration in the Indian ocean.

All of them had a problem with Somalia's Islamic leanings and our territorial protectionism btw, for the Soviet we weren't socialist or marxist enough because we didn't fully commit to the ideology in the real sense as we saw it as a tool to develop our economy and was Muslim oriented in our belief system and foreign policy. That's why they switched to Ethiopia's side the minute the Derg took over to profess communism.



When the Kacaan government collapsed it was golden opportunity by the US to implant their influence in the region and place a puppet government allied with them espousing secular capitalist democratic beliefs and for them to create a military base. The same way that they had done in Korea after the cold war, and throughout Europe and Japan after world war 2. There is a qoute that Walaalwhoops posted of a US army general professing this, i cant find it now though.

Believe it or not , the ICU was not a movement , it was various local courts throughout the country that united into one governing body.

The earliest courts came about not in 2006 but right after the collapse of the state 1991. It was undermined by the United States at the time and the various proxies they supported.


One of the earliest local courts symbol: The Islamic Court of Bermuda.

It's quite the irony that you mention AU peacekeeping, the Islamic courts were the reall peacekeepers and external forces did everything to dismantle them.

For example did you know that they raised their own military forces and police units via local businessmen?


This actually shows you how much this was a foreign funded/armed proxies raging war and havoc on the local populous , whereas the local populations, the sheikhs and businessmen were actively trying to combat them and bring order, rule of law and freedom.


See this poster it's pretty obvious how much legitimacy they had amongst Somalis.

This ties in with the earlier post you made about the Soviets seeing Somali as a maverick state due its Islamic leanings. They genuinely believed that we were not 100% commies, and they weren't wrong because Islam and Somalinimo means more to Somalis than some western ideology.

I remember hearing from an Iraqi sheikh about how the West is careful about a muslim predominant nation becoming economically, militarily and technologically independent. He mentioned that even if the government is secularist in every form and. extinguishes religion from public life that the US would be still weary of giving such a government means to become a powerful state. Why? Because the population is muslim and in the future they could bring about an Islamic revolution whilst inheriting a powerful state.

When I heard that I was like
The Wire Reaction GIF

Be an Islamic state/ a nationalist state or a secularist state you will be kept on a tight leash regardless.


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