Greater Somalia dream is OVER

Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
cucked post OP, greater somalia never happened because we're langaab globally and never had the capability to make it possible. and if we did we'd backstab ourselves.
says i made a cucked post but writes the most doomer nihilistic comment that would drive a 10 year old to suicide by reading it.
U misunderstood sxb, abbyssnia is regional name it does not mean habesha, Abyssinia Mogadishu abbyssnia zeila etc, it means horn of Africa that includes Somalis,oromo etc
Wad saxantahay

Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
When they said they travled to Abbysinya they went to Axum and the borders of Axum dont overlap with Somalia's.

Im 80% sure abbysinya it not included in somalias land.

They only way its possible to conclude they also mention somalia is if Abbysinya is much greater than the Axum borders of the time.
says i made a cucked post but writes the most doomer nihilistic comment that would drive a 10 year old to suicide by reading it.
its literally fucking true wtf, riyada kasoo kac nio. the IC isn't gonna let us just take land because we have more than enough in their eyes, ethiopia is naturally well defended and we were always dirt fucking poor with a divided population


Greater Somalia will happen this century. I'm not saying this in a nationalist way, but it's just impossible that 30m people with the by far the worlds highest fertility rate that inhabit a contiguous landmass stay divided like in the 20th Century

Kenya and Ethiopia are both strong by African standards but they are very fragile compared to even global standards. Somalis will win, it's just inevitable.


The Gulf of Berbera
You need to start wearing your real nigis and stop pretending to be Isaaq thats what you need to do.
Kenya and Ethiopia are both strong by African standards but they are very fragile compared to even global standards
this point is major, the gap between us and kenya/ethiopia isn't as big as the gap betweenthose two and the first world. We can leapfrog them easily, but in the current world order 'greater somalia' as people think of it ain't happening. peoples fantasy is one giant desert state but I want a several somali nations across the great lakes of africa and our crown jewel will be the land of habash.


I put Books to the Test of Life
Don't be a fool, walaal; the ancient Arabs or prophets never referred to it as Ethiopia, but rather as Aksum or Abyssinia. Furthermore, the entire horn was simply referred to as greater Abyssinia or Cush. That hadith, in reality, proves and explains why the horn of Africa has never been under any Islamic caliphate or empire, and why the ancient Arabs did not conduct campaigns in the horn like they done for Persians and Romans.

And they do not have some sort of heavenly decree because Somalis have physically invaded and conquered current Ethiopian regions for more years than I can count on my fingers and most have been successful, or else how was Islam disseminated into the depths of Ethiopia it was done by campaigns launched by Somalis. And that hadith is not for quarrels among fellow horners, but for who the initial Arabs were intended to conquer or take spoils of, with only the Romans and Persians falling as a miracle and prophecy fulfilled.
For the muslims of the site
Maybe what happend to somalia 2 times going through a downfall after attacking ethiopia is heavenly promised.

Take a look at this hadith by Phrophet Mohammed pbuh.


Is ethiopia protected by divine right?
Does this explain why somalia has been punished twice when we waged war against them?
Ethiopia/ Abyssinia at the time is different to the one now. They hadn’t expanded into Ogaden nor even gone south it use to be a place of refuge for Muslims who were facing persecution. Now what are they doing? They’re destroying mosques and displacing our brothers in the Ogaden. Plus the end suggests we have a right to defence and expansion since they attacked us . If they were protected by some divine right then the turks wouldn’t have lost most of Cyprus. The dream is never dead we can take back Ogaden and assimilate those ormos and expand into their fertile highlands
And we weren’t punished twice we lost . It took the Turks more than 20 tries to get Constantinople . There have been nations that have failed more and won greater , don’t let the dream die just cuz we lost twice. We didn’t lose they got saved by the Cubans the soviets the East Germans and the northern Yemenis. We would’ve lost if they further expanded into Somalia but it showed our capacity to destroy them one on one, we were 40KM outside of Addis despite their army being way larger and having the latest equipment . We just lost the diplomatic game since we couldn’t get the Americans to support us.


Very intresting arc of the covenant was rumored to be in ethiopia. I didnt know it was a muslim artefact.
Yes they already took the staff of Musa A.S as the hadith says Esa ibn maryam will retrieve it from Rome. Most probably they took all the artefacts when they conquered jerusalem with in rome's time of shortly after salahadin's time. God knows what they are doing with them.

The last remaining artefact sent from god must be protected at all costs!


Forza Somalia!
For the muslims of the site
Maybe what happend to somalia 2 times going through a downfall after attacking ethiopia is heavenly promised.

Take a look at this hadith by Phrophet Mohammed pbuh.


Is ethiopia protected by divine right?
Does this explain why somalia has been punished twice when we waged war against them?
I, like my ancestors, don't and will never acknowledge this hadith, nice try thou ya Xabashi

