Yeah but the more i think about it the more i realize it's an insane comparison to make. The other three great powers are rome, persia, and china, . The smallest of these three great empires was persia and they had over 10 million people. That's over 10 times aksums pouplation and that's assuming the pouplation was actually 1 million people. There's also the fact that their territory was incredibly small. In comparison to the other 3 especially when you factor in most of souther arabia is just uninhabitable desert. I dont even want to get into the fact that the sheer amount of surving artifacts from these other great powers is like 10-100 times any aksumite stuff we found.
According to the opinion in the lecture I posted above, it was not due to them being an empire in and of itself but more so being allied to the Romans as opposed to the Persians who were surrounding the Muslims and more of a threat at the time.
It makes a lot of sense of it, when you look at it geopolitically.