gym bro diaries


I used to be able to do 2 hours of running on the treadmill while watching football, I feel like shit after 20 minutes now, determined to get back to my peak.

Maybe 2 hours was too much .
45 mins to one hour is a good aim even 20-30 minutes you can get proper good work out and it builds momentum to keep going.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Been going to the gym infrequently lately whilst being more strict with my diet:

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Quite lean but not remotely at the strength and size I used to have years ago when I was in my early to near mid 20s but gonna slowly work my back there. It's very effortless being this lean when you eat just animal fat and protein. The vascularity's pretty wild, though. I used to be that way years ago but it's just funny how I'm like that even when I'm not really getting a pump from lifting. Just mildly straining myself or just being normal a lot of the time has my arms looking like that.

My diet is basically:
  • Fatty, bony, gelatinous cuts of red meats
  • Similar cuts of chicken where I compensate for its leanness by covering it generously in butter before oven roasting it
  • Things like Salmon and Liver occasionally like once a week or once every 2 weeks
  • Water
  • Vit. D3 (5K IUs once a day)
  • 10-12 grams of Taurine a day (yes, I have prior digestive issues I've been trying to heal)
  • 4-6 tabs of Betaine HCL with my one meal a day
Back in the day I used to add on a lot of yogurt, milk and eggs but I'm taking a bit of a break from those to give my gut a rest and go full elimination diet with a more "strict" carnivore approach for a while. I'll re-integrate them eventually though I don't recommend dairy products like milk, yogurt and carbier cheeses if you're not very active/athletic; you won't be overweight but you won't be as lean if you're not (difference between effortless 10-13% and 13-16% body fat). I've recently cut out salt as I've noticed it started causing me to retain water and bloat in certain areas and made me abnormally thirsty. A lot of people who eat this way eventually notice they do better if they cut out salt despite needing it initially due to all the water and electrolyte loss from giving up carbs.

My lifting routine is basically upper-lower splits. One day of stuff like farmer's walks, bench-presses, pull-ups, chin-ups, dips, dumbbell arm exercises, calisthenic core exercises, barbell spins for the forearms and I'm out. Another day where I do deadlifts, weighted wall-sitting, squats, calf-raises and leg-extensions and I'm out. Nowadays I've been mixing it up a bit and just working whatever muscle groups I want on any given day just so long as I work them all at the end of a 3 day interval. One day gym, one day rest, one day gym, one day rest and so on. But I'm not as consistent as I'd like; sometimes the rest days turn into 2-4 or a week or more. Demanding Master's program but it's getting chiller now.
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Your diet is very nice. I have a similar diet but includes a lot of eggs, dairy and obscene amounts of leafy greens such as spinach.

My exercise routine doesn’t include a lot of cardio. I do a version of HIIT that is less intense to train my heart. I’m always in a good mood, almost never get sick, and sleep very well. I avoid lots of cardio because of cortisol spikes.
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بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Your diet is very nice. I have a similar diet but includes a lot of eggs, dairy and obscene amounts of leafy greens such as spinach.

My exercise routine doesn’t include a lot of cardio. I do a version of HIIT that is less intense to train my heart. I’m always in a good mood, almost never get sick, and sleep very well. I avoid lots of cardio because of cortisol spikes.

I'd lay off the leafy greens like spinach, walaalkay. Oxalates are no joke:

Even some vegan doctors recommend limiting things like kale and spinach. That's stuff's also probably inhibiting how much calcium and iron you absorb from your animal foods like meat and dairy. I'd be very careful long-term especially if you're having them in obscene amounts as you say but otherwise your diet sounds superb and keep it up.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
@Shimbiris whats ur pr’s looking right now. I need to fix My diet cause my bulking for during winter has ended. :damn: how many times in a day do you eats and what’s your weight right now ?

look into turkerestone for supplements its been helping me with my gains Wallahi and energy .
Been going to the gym infrequently lately whilst being more strict with my diet:

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Quite lean but not remotely at the strength and size I used to have years ago when I was in my early to near mid 20s but gonna slowly work my back there. It's very effortless being this lean when you eat just animal fat and protein. The vascularity's pretty wild, though. I used to be that way years ago but it's just funny how I'm like that even when I'm not really getting a pump from lifting. Just mildly straining myself or just being normal a lot of the time has my arms looking like that.

My diet is basically:
  • Fatty, bony, gelatinous cuts of red meats
  • Similar cuts of chicken where I compensate for its leanness by covering it generously in butter before oven roasting it
  • Things like Salmon and Liver occasionally like once a week or once every 2 weeks
  • Water
  • Vit. D3 (5K IUs once a day)
  • 10-12 grams of Taurine a day (yes, I have prior digestive issues I've been trying to heal)
  • 4-6 tabs of Betaine HCL with my one meal a day
Back in the day I used to add on a lot of yogurt, milk and eggs but I'm taking a bit of a break from those to give my gut a rest and go full elimination diet with a more "strict" carnivore approach for a while. I'll re-integrate them eventually though I don't recommend dairy products like milk, yogurt and carbier cheeses if you're not very active/athletic; you won't be overweight but you won't be as lean if you're not (difference between effortless 10-13% and 13-16% body fat). I've recently cut out salt as I've noticed it started causing me to retain water and bloat in certain areas and made me abnormally thirsty. A lot of people who eat this way eventually notice they do better if they cut out salt despite needing it initially due to all the water and electrolyte loss from giving up carbs.

My lifting routine is basically upper-lower splits. One day of stuff like farmer's walks, bench-presses, pull-ups, chin-ups, dips, dumbbell arm exercises, calisthenic core exercises, barbell spins for the forearms and I'm out. Another day where I do deadlifts, weighted wall-sitting, squats, calf-raises and leg-extensions and I'm out. Nowadays I've been mixing it up a bit and just working whatever muscle groups I want on any given day just so long as I work them all at the end of a 3 day interval. One day gym, one day rest, one day gym, one day rest and so on. But I'm not as consistent as I'd like; sometimes the rest days turn into 2-4 or a week or more. Demanding Master's program but it's getting chiller now.
I always want to maintain an athlete's performance-based body. There is a trade-off with becoming too big. I wanted to be strong, healthy, fit, physically peak in function and decent size without losing movement, and that only comes with training toward an athlete's performance level. Many of my friends are large and I don't seek to be big and bulky. Mass removes agility. The sweet spot is the best. Not there yet, although you probably can't be perfect since the body is not static through time.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
@Shimbiris whats ur pr’s looking right now. I need to fix My diet cause my bulking for during winter has ended. :damn: how many times in a day do you eats and what’s your weight right now ?

look into turkerestone for supplements its been helping me with my gains Wallahi and energy .

Nothing impressive. I'm weaker than I was in my early 20s. But I'm really taking my time with training this time around. Really pacing myself and focused on getting the form right and not injuring myself over any ego lifting. My goal is to get to stats like this more or less:

Bench-press: 200-250lbs
Deadlifts: 300-400lbs
Squat: 300-400lb
Pullups, Chinups, Dips: 5-10 reps while 45-55lb weighted
Dumbbell lifts: 40-45lb range

Still figuring out where I'd want my T-bar rows and Farmer's walks but they'll be comparable in strength to the bench-press or deadlift in the end, I reckon. I was born with clubfoot and have a bad leg so that's why the lower-body lifts don't seem very ambitious, if you're wondering.

I always want to maintain an athlete's performance-based body. There is a trade-off with becoming too big. I wanted to be strong, healthy, fit, physically peak in function and decent size without losing movement, and that only comes with training toward an athlete's performance level. Many of my friends are large and I don't seek to be big and bulky. Mass removes agility. The sweet spot is the best. Not there yet, although you probably can't be perfect since the body is not static through time.

Yous a gymnast in spirit, walaal. I have a similar mentality. Those folks are "jacked" looking and very aesthetic BUT also extremely flexible, in control of their bodies and functional for everyday strength and life. Give me that over some monstrosity who's likely pinning and can barely move any day.
Been going to the gym infrequently lately whilst being more strict with my diet:

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Quite lean but not remotely at the strength and size I used to have years ago when I was in my early to near mid 20s but gonna slowly work my back there. It's very effortless being this lean when you eat just animal fat and protein. The vascularity's pretty wild, though. I used to be that way years ago but it's just funny how I'm like that even when I'm not really getting a pump from lifting. Just mildly straining myself or just being normal a lot of the time has my arms looking like that.

My diet is basically:
  • Fatty, bony, gelatinous cuts of red meats
  • Similar cuts of chicken where I compensate for its leanness by covering it generously in butter before oven roasting it
  • Things like Salmon and Liver occasionally like once a week or once every 2 weeks
  • Water
  • Vit. D3 (5K IUs once a day)
  • 10-12 grams of Taurine a day (yes, I have prior digestive issues I've been trying to heal)
  • 4-6 tabs of Betaine HCL with my one meal a day
Back in the day I used to add on a lot of yogurt, milk and eggs but I'm taking a bit of a break from those to give my gut a rest and go full elimination diet with a more "strict" carnivore approach for a while. I'll re-integrate them eventually though I don't recommend dairy products like milk, yogurt and carbier cheeses if you're not very active/athletic; you won't be overweight but you won't be as lean if you're not (difference between effortless 10-13% and 13-16% body fat). I've recently cut out salt as I've noticed it started causing me to retain water and bloat in certain areas and made me abnormally thirsty. A lot of people who eat this way eventually notice they do better if they cut out salt despite needing it initially due to all the water and electrolyte loss from giving up carbs.

My lifting routine is basically upper-lower splits. One day of stuff like farmer's walks, bench-presses, pull-ups, chin-ups, dips, dumbbell arm exercises, calisthenic core exercises, barbell spins for the forearms and I'm out. Another day where I do deadlifts, weighted wall-sitting, squats, calf-raises and leg-extensions and I'm out. Nowadays I've been mixing it up a bit and just working whatever muscle groups I want on any given day just so long as I work them all at the end of a 3 day interval. One day gym, one day rest, one day gym, one day rest and so on. But I'm not as consistent as I'd like; sometimes the rest days turn into 2-4 or a week or more. Demanding Master's program but it's getting chiller now.
You should get into MMA with those limbs you could reach and knock out alot.
I might take my ass to gym later. There is free gym in my basement and i don't utilities it fully. Got supplements and creatine like 2 months ago.

After ramadan i was eating 2-3 time a day and lost some weight, so i don't have do cardio.

There is hope for us skinny abdis :lolbron:


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