Half Italian Somalis hold press conference

Even if Somali clans were of foreign lineage (which we don't), those lineages are what facilitated the land of Somalis that we Somali men have the right to inherit by the historical creed of patriarchal manhood today, alhamdulillah. Without those men, none of us would have land, be grateful instead of asking if children with foreign men have the same rights as the men that descend from those men who expanded our lands. No woman ever took up a sword to expand that land so no woman, ever, can sit among men and demand the rights of men to shoehorn foreign-based kids. I understand you have no sense of loyalty but there is a limit. Don't spit in the legacy of Somalis just to validate children with foreign fathers.

But even better none have a foreign origin, all our paternal lineages are thousands of years long.

I want the best for all kids; each kid should get the rights they deserve from their fathers. If my father was Japanese, I would go to Tokyo or wherever and inherit his lands there, citizenship or whatever, and not take things through my mother like a naag.

This is the type of discussion that happens when real men are not in your presence to teach you a common sense of the world and some wisdom. Thankfully, Somali women in real life are not this clueless because they show utmost loyalty and know their men are the ones who uphold the integrity of the land, as it has always been and always will be.

For all the penis envy women that take everything they have for granted, no woman has ever picked up the weapon to expand those lands so no woman ever can speak on who will inherit it. The only thing that validates you in this discussion is your father, and thank Allah for placing you among the noble Somalis.

I'm not racist or some ethnic supremacist and not against any gender marrying out, but there are lines of integrity. Marry whoever you want but like Islamic inheritance and responsibility, the father of your children is the one who will have to give the children what they deserve. You have no right to come here and dictate how your presence as a Somali woman is equal to the lineage of a Somali man, because that is unIslamic, and we Somalis don't deal with backward discourse.

Ask yourself, why do you think Somalis are ethnically homogenous in such large swaths of land relative to a very small population? It's testosterone, violence, struggle, and sacrifice. No one has the right to dishonor that.

Again, I have absolutely nothing against mixed people and they could arguably get some type of special conditional citizenship in Somaliland if they fit the conditions, but the angle you are playing is unacceptable and the audacity that it is automatically given is also ridiculous.
That's right brother I have researched all the Islamic opinions of sheikhs and scholars, all of which prevent him from being related to anyone other than his father, even if it is for nationality or official papers, so he must be related to his father
I don't want to make an impression that I hate mixed people. I'm not with discourse about racialist ethnic pureness breeding as superior whatsoever and don't believe in shaming people for marrying other Muslims outside their ethnic group. That's un-Islamic.

I'm a pretty chill guy and reasonably open-minded within the confines of what is allowed. Several people in my family are mixed. Do I love them less or think they deserve less? No.
Even if Somali clans were of foreign lineage (which we don't), those lineages are what facilitated the land of Somalis that we Somali men have the right to inherit by the historical creed of patriarchal manhood today, alhamdulillah. Without those men, none of us would have land, be grateful instead of asking if children with foreign men have the same rights as the men that descend from those men who expanded our lands. No woman ever took up a sword to expand that land so no woman, ever, can sit among men and demand the rights of men to shoehorn foreign-based kids. I understand you have no sense of loyalty but there is a limit. Don't spit in the legacy of Somalis just to validate children with foreign fathers.

But even better none have a foreign origin, all our paternal lineages are thousands of years long.

I want the best for all kids; each kid should get the rights they deserve from their fathers. If my father was Japanese, I would go to Tokyo or wherever and inherit his lands there, citizenship or whatever, and not take things through my mother like a naag.

This is the type of discussion that happens when real men are not in your presence to teach you a common sense of the world and some wisdom. Thankfully, Somali women in real life are not this clueless because they show utmost loyalty and know their men are the ones who uphold the integrity of the land, as it has always been and always will be.

For all the penis envy women that take everything they have for granted, no woman has ever picked up the weapon to expand those lands so no woman ever can speak on who will inherit it. The only thing that validates you in this discussion is your father, and thank Allah for placing you among the noble Somalis.

I'm not racist or some ethnic supremacist and not against any gender marrying out, but there are lines of integrity. Marry whoever you want but like Islamic inheritance and responsibility, the father of your children is the one who will have to give the children what they deserve. You have no right to come here and dictate how your presence as a Somali woman is equal to the lineage of a Somali man, because that is unIslamic, and we Somalis don't deal with backward discourse.

Ask yourself, why do you think Somalis are ethnically homogenous in such large swaths of land relative to a very small population? It's testosterone, violence, struggle, and sacrifice. No one has the right to dishonor that.

Again, I have absolutely nothing against mixed people and they could arguably get some type of special conditional citizenship in Somaliland if they fit the conditions, but the angle you are playing is unacceptable and the audacity that it is automatically given is also ridiculous.

Women may not have been in the battlefields, but we were the ones birthing the men you brag about, and nurturing them. Women were the ones that were cooking, cleaning, and probably tending to the wounded. Not to mention, how much manual labour Somali women did and still do, from building the aqal and looking after the livestock. You think Somali men would survive and thrive, in a world, without Somali women?

Like it or lump it, the children of Somali women are in Somalia, in large numbers and we will continue bringing our children, no matter who the father is, and they WILL have Somali nationality.

You can beat your chest all you want and scream about being a man, but you will never change history and you can't stop the future.
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Im gonna ignore the misogyny in your little speech but ya fair point, only someone with a somali father can be somali. I never disagreed with you on that. The point of contention was the origin of the clans which you agree were somali originally so do I. I don’t know why we are fighting we are on the same team cuz

Don't ignore his misogyny sis. His offensive attitude towards women probably comes from the fact that he is a Somali man, a laangaab in the world, from a failed nation. So, what does he do, to feel good about himself? He tries to punch down on Somali women and try to put us in 'our place'. Acting as if Somali women had nothing to do with all the land that Somalis gained. As if all societies aren't comprised of MEN + WOMEN. As if Somali men did anything that didn't require a woman's extreme sacrifice.

Funniest of all, all a Somali woman has to do, is bring her foreign husband to Somalia, after 6 years, he gets a passport and he can personally pass on his new nationality to the half-Somali kids. :mjlol:


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Don't ignore his misogyny sis. His offensive attitude towards women probably comes from the fact that he is a Somali man, a laangaab in the world, from a failed nation. So, what does he do, to feel good about himself? He tries to punch down on Somali women and try to put us in 'our place'. Acting as if Somali women had nothing to do with all the land that Somalis gained. As if all societies aren't comprised of a MAN + WOMAN. As if Somali men did anything that didn't require a woman's extreme sacrifice.

Funniest of all, all a Somali woman has to do, is bring her foreign husband to Somalia, after 6 years, he gets a passport and he can personally pass on his new nationality to the half-Somali kids. :mjlol:
Srs tho can I actually :whoo:I thought kids of ajnabi dads are not allowed citizenship
Srs tho can I actually :whoo:I thought kids of ajnabi dads are not allowed citizenship

Sis, the Somali constitution allegedly allows foreigners to gain Somali citizenship if they've lived in Somalia for a number of years. This means, that the foreign husbands of Somali women, don't need their wife to get a passport. It will be just like a few centuries ago, when foreign men, married Somali women and birthed entire new Somali clans.

So, enjoy your foreign husbands, ladies, and fret not, the Somali constitution is here to meet your needs.


Case in point, Sam of Somalia, living the good life in Mogadishu, he has a Somali wife of course.



لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Sis, the Somali constitution allegedly allows foreigners to gain Somali citizenship if they've lived in Somalia for a number of years. This means, that the foreign husbands of Somali women, don't need their wife to get a passport. It will be just like a few centuries ago, when foreign men, married Somali women and birthed entire new Somali clans.

So, enjoy your foreign husbands, ladies, and fret not, the Somali constitution is here to meet your needs.


Case in point, Sam of Somalia, living the good life in Mogadishu.

Yessss finesse the system sis. I am starting a whole arab qabiil:hemad: @Wonyluvr can bring her kurdish ting too
Yessss finesse the system sis. I am starting a whole arab qabiil:hemad: @Wonyluvr can bring her kurdish ting too

The audacity to insult Somali women and act as if we didn't contribute to all the wins they claim. In real life, most of the nice things foreigners have to say about Somalis, are about Somali women. They should pray to Allah day and night, in gratitude, that Somali women mostly choose to stay loyal. Because all it would take is a few anti-Somali male campaigns (based on facts), to kick-start a foreign marriage movement that would threaten the entire ethnic Somali group's demographics.

Then, we'd see them change their tune real fast, and learn to put some respect on our names.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
The audacity to insult Somali women and act as if we didn't contribute to all the wins they claim. In real life, most of the nice things foreigners have to say about Somalis, are about Somali women. They should pray to Allah day and night, that Somali women mostly choose to stay loyal. Because all it would take is a few anti-Somali male campaigns (based on facts), to kick-start a foreign marriage movement that would threaten the entire ethnic Somali group's demographics.

Then, we'd see them change their tune real fast, and learn to put some respect on our names.
We are catching strays everywhere, slowly losing hope in everything somali. twitter is a scary place
Women may not have been in the battlefields, but we were the ones birthing the men you brag about, and nurturing them. Women were the ones that were cooking, cleaning, and probably tending to the wounded. Not to mention, how much manual labour Somali women did and still do, from building the aqal and looking after the livestock. You think Somali men would survive and thrive, in a world, without Somali women?

Like it or lump it, the children of Somali women are in Somalia, in large numbers and we will continue bringing our children, no matter who the father is, and they WILL have Somali nationality.

You can beat your chest all you want and scream about being a man, but you will never change history and you can't stop the future.
Thank you. I genuinely appreciate what women did, and still do. I truly do. It's just not the topic or a valid rebuttal to the undeniable truths I laid, since I argued from the point of principals. I even made sure I had no issue with Somali women marrying whoever they Islamically wanted and that on special conditions those children could arguably get some citizenship status. I am being very reasonable.

I hope you heal from whatever is eating at you. Even though you are quick to show malice, I don't. I try to find ways to see the good sides of you despite you making it harder, walaal. If you keep trying to taint my character for whatever impulsive reason you need to satisfy, I will just ignore you. It's not worth it for me.

On the matter of beating chests, well, you truly lack the sense of what kind of man I am. I don't need to show anything to women. People in real life know me and I get respect and deal with things very respectfully and no one crosses me, a reputation I gained when I was younger. I'm not one of those internet kids that are goofy, no offense to them. Don't do that.

No women have ever called me misogynist, sexist, or any of these school-girl tropes. As a character who tries to be well-rounded, let me admit that I get along with people in general, the opposite gender is quite attracted to me because I am the kind of man they see good traits in. Your negative characterizations do not apply.
Women may not have been in the battlefields, but we were the ones birthing the men you brag about, and nurturing them. Women were the ones that were cooking, cleaning, and probably tending to the wounded. Not to mention, how much manual labour Somali women did and still do, from building the aqal and looking after the livestock. You think Somali men would survive and thrive, in a world, without Somali women?
Sis, we Somali women are replaceable baby factories whom they overwork like donkeys you see.
Like it or lump it, the children of Somali women are in Somalia, in large numbers and we will continue bringing our children, no matter who the father is, and they WILL have Somali nationality.

You can beat your chest all you want and scream about being a man, but you will never change history and you can't stop the future.
That really was a paragraph of his that was waffle upon waffle of all that men have done whilst acting like Somali women also haven’t contributed anything. Who birthed them for starters? Who worked alongside them? The life of a nomadic wife wasn’t one of sunshine and roses and they too worked. Most historical accounts I’ve read always talked about the hard work of Somali women with some accounts saying that they worked sometimes even harder than their male counterparts.

Whilst I have no issues with the fact that kids are what their fathers are in terms of lineage and tribe, those paragraphs of his was incredibly misogynistic. Completely dismissed the contributions of women and laughably goes on about how it’s men who uphold the integrity of our land, but if we were to point out that as of now we have no integrity and how we’re the most poorest of nations filled with corruption because of our men, we’re the bad guys.

Had to be the most chest beating post ever and it’s funny since we’re a war torn nation with many of us living in the West ☠️

