Half Italian Somalis hold press conference


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه

I read your post, and that's what I based my accurate response on. Why backtrack? Here it is:

Here you are, acting as if Somali women did nothing, just sat there looking cute whilst Somali men did everything.

Again, dismissing the contribution of women, and trying to relegate us to a lower-rank.

Again, demeaning women.


The same thing as before, demeaning and denigrating women and their value in society.
I have to go back home and ‘corrupt’ the minds of the women back home with feminism.
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لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
You'll really say anything, except defend the stance you took earlier.
Gacan ba ku tagay sis
messing mockingjay part 2 GIF
Walahi, reading some of the comments on this this forum, you would think Somalia was a the first homosexual nation on earth, that figured out how to make children without women.

Ma la mooda dad aan dumar dhalin, dumar guursan?


Somali women didn't do anything right?

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If we had a history of women staying at home and only tending to infants and the like, it would somewhat be understandable but even then the biggest contribution of a woman above any labour is indeed the birthing of a new generation. Conquering and the like wouldn’t even be possible without women birthing these soldiers.

But as for Somalis, nomadic women did a lot. To such an extent that these foreigners that came to Somalia even said that Somali women outworked their lords as they put it:


This isn’t the first time I’ve come across such a sentiment before. Hence, If our female ancestors worked incredibly hard, why are we excluded from the table? Were they simply work mules that simply worked harder than than their ‘overlords’ or was there an understanding that the land belonged to all Somalis including the women?

Even now back home, if you go to the market places or the side of the roads, you see a Somali woman out in the sun all day selling stuff to put food on the take for her 6 kids but still we’re spoken to like Somali women are and were pampered women who’ve never worked hard labour.

Forget Somalia, when you look at agricultural societies in poor countries, women make up more than 60% of the labour and produces and in:

‘In South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, 60% of women work in agriculture.’

Also more than half of the food we eat are produced by women!

When women are producing a lot of the food we eat, birthing kids and using intense labour and in the case of a nomadic wife, what she used to do is illustrated above, how can men think that we should only be grateful to them?
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If we had a history of women staying at home and only tending to infants and the like, it would somewhat be understandable but even though the biggest contribution of a woman above any labour indeed the birthing of a new generation. Conquering and the like wouldn’t even be possible without women birthing these soldiers.

But as for Somalis, nomadic women did a lot. To such an extent that these foreigners that came to Somalia even said that Somali women outworked their lords as they put it:

View attachment 322050

This isn’t the first time I’ve come across such a sentiment before. Hence, If our female ancestors worked incredibly hard, why are we excluded from the table?

Even now back home, if you go to the market places or the side of the roads, you see a Somali woman out in the sun all day selling stuff to put food on the take for h6 kids but still we’re spoken to like Somali women are pampered women who’ve never worked hard labour.

Forget Somalia, when you look at agricultural societies, women make up nearly 50% of the labour and produces and in:

‘In South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, 60% of women work in agriculture.’

Also more than half of the food we eat are produced by women!
View attachment 322051

Facts, I even saw a study that said most small businesses are operated by mothers.

Look at this;

I said everything I was supposed to, and the individual I spoke to saw sense. That is all that matters. I'm not here to convince you if you are here to portray me maliciously and have a dishonest tirade. I'm not about that.

I mean seriously, do you have a thing for me or something? Is that it? I'm flattered but I would like for you to be sweeter and less trifling.

I merely responded to your post and then quoted your own comments at you. Instead of responding to those comments, defending or even abandoning your stance, you are trying to sexually harass me. Ilaahay ha ku caafiyo.
I merely responded to your post and then quoted your own comments at you. Instead of responding to those comments, defending or even abandoning your stance, you are trying to sexually harass me. Ilaahay ha ku caafiyo.
You're lying and it is there for everyone to read. Never went back on anything and even reaffirmed everything for you to digest. Some people will never see the truth even when written down several times. It's pathetic and childish.

I'm sexually harassing you now? You're seriously disturbed and have no boundaries with how you character-assassinate people - truly evil. Feminism has rotted your brain. I'm going to ignore you now before you peddle further with your weirdo Karen situation. I suspect it because you quoted me on all those lies. Often women trifling like you end up being the ones who are interested. Not the wavelength I'm on though.:mjlol:
You're lying and it is there for everyone to read. Never went back on anything and even reaffirmed everything for you to digest. Some people will never see the truth even when written down several times. It's pathetic and childish.

I'm sexually harassing you now? You're seriously disturbed and have no boundaries with how you character-assassinate people - truly evil. Feminism has rotted your brain. I'm going to ignore you now before you peddle further with your weirdo Karen situation. I suspect it because you quoted me on all those lies. Often women trifling like you end up being the ones who are interested. Not the wavelength I'm on though.:mjlol:

Anyone with eyes can read your posts and see what you did in this thread. I'm a married woman, and even if I was single, and you were the last male on earth, I would rather chew glass and crawl across a bed of lava before I came near you. What on earth makes you think that you are attracting women on here? You are truly repellant.
Facts, I even saw a study that said most small businesses are operated by mothers.

Look at this;

Can you imagine, 64% are providing for their children and in the case of a nomadic wife she’s working alongside her husband tending to the goats and other animals with historical sources even going as far as saying they worked harder then their husbands. Where is the gratefulness for these women whom we descend from

Ladies, don’t ever let these men gaslight you. I can’t believe that women have been working the lands for centuries and now we’re told we have penis envy for wanting basic citizenship for children of Somali mothers. If we’re ungrateful, what are they?

Even Arab countries that have this rule are beginning to revise this and every year children of foreign dads are getting more rights. At the end of the day, none of us believe that these kids are fully Somali or have a Somali lineage. But my point is, national identity isn’t lineage based since we have different ethnic minorities, hence if we can include them, we can find ways to allow those kids to have some sort of citizenship even if it means the kids have to be raised in Somalia ect.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Can you imagine, 64% are providing for their children and in the case of a nomadic wife she’s working alongside her husband tending to the goats and other animals.

Ladies, don’t ever let these men gaslight you. I can’t believe that women have been working the lands for centuries and now we’re told we have penis envy for wanting basic citizenship for children of Somali mothers. If we’re ungrateful, what are they?
Somali men only have the courage and strength to attack women. Not to do anything to serve and protect their country. Notice all them here are typing away from a foreign country☕️
Anyone with eyes can read your posts and see what you did in this thread. I'm a married woman, and even if I was single, and you were the last male on earth, I would rather chew glass and crawl across a bed of lava before I came near you. What on earth makes you think that you are attracting women on here? You are truly repellant.
I don't need to attract women on a damn forum, what kind of ish is that?:ftw9nwa: You're corny for taking that seriously. It tells me how socially inept you are on a daily basis.

Real life is enough for me and nothing is lacking there with women showing mad interest.

I have never initiated a DM on one woman on this forum but I have gotten many doing that to me, by the way. It does not mean ish to me but tells me even my non-flirtatious texts somehow attract the shordies for no reason so again, you're lying, not a repellant when I even try to not do my business when no woman can even see how good-looking I am. :dead:

You try so many times but fail in each one.:mjlol:
Somali men only have the courage and strength to attack women. Not to do anything to serve and protect their country. Notice all them here are typing away from a foreign country☕️
Tbh this discussion is fruitless. None of us want a Somali passport atm and we’re all fully Somali. Let’s work towards building a nation that’s worth it first.

Even us women who are married to Somalis and wouldn’t consider foreign men don’t even care if our kids get a Somali passport at the moment ☠️. That’s the saddest reality when it comes to this debate.

I do hope the situation changes though because for all of these talks of gratefulness and integrity, there isn’t much to be happy about when it comes to the tragic state of affairs.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I noticed that African Pastoralists tend to be very gated regarding their origins. Only a minority of Somali groups have origins that tend to deviate from the majority.

However, the discussion isn't on lineage. It's merely about the right to citizenship (a new concept). There are not many mixed-raced Somalis, so they represent no existential threat. Nor will they result in the erasure of fully ethnic Somalis. According to the 1960 constitution, these half-Italians would have a right to citizenship far more than, for example, a contemporary mixed-race Somali born abroad. Albeit I don't want to get into a discussion about different degrees or classes of citizenship as that goes beyond this discussion.

Given Somalia's current predicament, they are likely not interested in staking a claim to it. Remember that people are often opportunistic and only want to use their Somali card when the nation is doing better economically. That even extends to full Somalis. A segment of them tends to de-emphasize their roots out of fear of being stereotyped. These lots have low ethnic or national pride as they attach that to Somalia's predicament. The funny thing is this has little to do with whether these people marry out. You can find prideful people who out-marry and self-hating Somalis who marry within, and the reverse applies.

Also, the argument about Somali Bantus is interesting. However, if we were being purists, half-Somalis are generally genetically more Somali than them. They may have more Somali blood than Cadcads, too.
Not at all, because one person is lying, and the other is sending reality checks. Everything I wrote is verified, hers just lies, you know, like loser deviants do. :dead:
I’m not going to lie. But your constant talks of being handsome and thinking she’s flirting with you was too funny. It’s clear to see you’re a confident lad ☠️😂

All of this is very entertaining tbh.

